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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mikeohope

  1. Company I work for specifically tells company car drivers not to buy the premium rated fuel. It would make no odds to them as the fuel reclaim rate is fixed anyway.
  2. no just renewed two policies with Tesco and I am still insured Third Party on any other vehicle with the owners permission
  3. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FORD-GALAXY-SHARAN-I...1QQcmdZViewItem Check the above ebay item
  4. usually says "extra load" or "reinforced" try this website http://www.mytyres.co.uk/start.html it has a tyre selector on it where you can select reinforced as a criteria.
  5. Well at least you gave it a bloody good go which is more than a lot of peeps would do.
  6. Yes but its under warranty so actually would be a loss. As I say you think they'd know.
  7. Surely Ford should know if was down to that or not.
  8. Halfords do one that heats and cools as well.
  9. I personally wouldn't use either of them. Their prices are usaually sky high, try to find and independent dealer but then your lease company probably won't let you beacuse they'll be on some sort of rebate I expect. On my last Car Kwik fit quoted over
  10. and Hertz is owned by Ford
  11. what do you mean by commercially rated. Mine was an ex lease vehicle, previously owned by Hertz and they put Firestones on it which are fine.
  12. yeah but there are others who make the first size you quoted. doesn't have to be Bridgestone does it. I generally try to keep both fronts the same but not too worried if the rears are different manufacturers as long as they are reinforced.
  13. Why do you want to change 5 if you only need 3?
  14. OK we need a roll call on this. There are two things we need to know. Who can commit to help organise? Who can commit to take part?
  15. Hi, can you let me know what he piece of kit is please? and where I could get a hold of it? Thanks Mike
  16. Yes its has the 3.5mm socket
  17. Its a Dell Axim but I think they would be much the same
  18. Thanks Wolfie, brilliant tip, that should do it. That thread also has the other thing I was after which is the instructions to get the panel off. Basically my car was supplied with few duff bits inside. Got the supplying dealer (not a Ford one) to stump up, in cash, for everything to be done by a Ford Dealer on the basis that he had described the car as A1 and it is only 1 year old. My local Ford Dealers suggested bits like this could not be had unless you bought the entire panel and started quoting figures of over
  19. Brilliant pic, I can see the bit I want to deal with which is the load cover restraining clip. looks like its restraine by two nuts on a nylon post but I bet ford won't sell that as a spare. Thanks for the tip on TIS will have a look.
  20. Here is a question for any auto electricians out there. I have a PDA based Sat NAv system but was thinking of changing to a Tom Tom or Garmin unit. Does anybody know if it would be possible to take a feed from the audio out socket on the sat nav and plumb it in to the auto mute cabling on a handsfree car kit so that the voice directions muted the radio and came out from the vehicle speakers? Any tips would be welcome. THanks
  21. Anyone have the instructions for how to remove this panel? (Picture copied from another topic)
  22. It is v important to make sure front wheels are balanced both on the inner and outer rims. Had wobble problem with mine after new front tyres but was resolved when a proper tyre fitter (not a kwik fit monkey) balanced them up. He told me on the bigger MPV's it is critical that they are balanced on both sides, at least on thre front anyway.
  23. Depends what the idea is. I work in procurement and have often had to use the generous/charitable nature of big companies to raise funds for all sorts of events and functions but you never get anything for nothing. They usually want something out of it such as publicity,advertising,inside lane on potential business opportunities etc etc. So depends on the idea.
  24. My post is an aid to anybody who is querying their mpg. I have no problem with the figures I have returned I think its pretty good!! Mike
  25. When I first joined this forum I noticed a few posts asking about fuel consumption. I have just taken my 55 plate (20K miles) Galaxy 1.9Tdi Auto on a weeks holiday and thought I would track the MPG using the on board computer and compare against actual findings (using measured refuelling against actual miles). The car was running on fumes before I left so it was fuelled to the brim on departure. The computer gave me the following readings during the week. Motorway journey to and from holiday destination average 46mpg Driving around country lanes as low as about 22mpg Combined fast A roads and country lanes average 37mpg Really slow roads, single track lanes about 18mpg I refulled once to the brim whilst away and that got me through the week and home with plenty to spare. Topping up again at home I reckon I have achieved the following Fuel Used 90 Litres / 19.8 Gallons Total Miles Travelled 821 therefore overall consumption equals 821/19.8 = 41mpg The computer in the car said 39mpg so I don't reckon thats bad. Maybe this will help anybody who has a query with consumption. The key point to note is that 500 of these miles were motorway miles so that probably helped keep the average up quite a lot.
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