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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mikeohope

  1. Hi Gregers, yeah I just saw another post not 10 below mine with eactly the same problem. Dohhhhh!!
  2. Hi all, First post for a while. Has anybody else had this problem. Just came back from a spin in my MKII 1.9tdi and during the drive the ventilation was blowing very hot air even though the dial was set to cold. Fiddling with the dial ultimately re set it but it seemed very odd to me. I don't know what happens behind the dials and unless I start pulling it apart I am unlikley to find out. Has anyone any ideas how this could happen please? Ta
  3. Just a point, I had to have mine done with clip on weights on the outside as well a sstick on weights on the inside. The fitter who did it told me that the stick on ones don't always get it spot on and the Galaxy is a bit subject to whhel wobble. Make sure the track is right as well. Its amazing how easily it goes out of plumb.
  4. Make sure the wheels are balanced inside and out. Very important. When mine were balanced on the outside only I had judder but as soon as I got the insides balanced as well it was solved.
  5. Its paying for the money pissed away on the farce in Iraq
  6. I seem to have to re sign in every 7 days. It must be something to do with how the site is set up. I belong to a couple of other forums that use the same interface and never have to re sign in with them. Mind you for some sites its no bad thing as at least it makes sure that the right person is actually logging in and not some unauthorised "guest"
  7. "onthe front a pilliar trims are a small cover/insert which says air bag, aonyone know what is behind this? is it the screw that holds the trim in place ?" Thats all it was on mine, airbag was aboe the headlining.
  8. France, Italy, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland all have tolls plus their rfl is high too
  9. The reason this protest never ot going was because everyone is out smoking up their credit cards doing their Xmas shopping. That proves that fuel prices are not really everyones top priority as if it was they would be compromising our ability to buy for Xmas. No filling stations around here showed any sign of trouble at all. I filled up on Friday in case their was a problem but wished I hadn't now.
  10. Hello Maz, OK I can be a bit confrontational and I'm not aiming at anyone in particular certainly not you. To me you seem to be a very just and valid case for being a Gal driver and its a shame that you had to give a car that was of so much use and need to you believe me I sympathise perhaps more than others having been closer to similar situations than most would know. Its just that these days there are so many people who want everything without having the means to buy it and just don't consider what the ultimate implications of it all are. I also blame the banks because they really don't consider who they lend to either. For instance; People who want a foreign holiday to keep up with the neighbours and don't have the readies so they just put it on the Credit Card. Somehow they don't think that they have to pay it back. People who want designer clothes but not the income to support it so it goes on the Credit Card. People who want that tiny bit bigger house or car so they stretch the loan a bit further without thinking "what happens if the interest rate goes up?" Its just not sensible is it? Why have we lost the ability to simply live within our means? Same goes for Cars, yes I have a Gal, to be honest its a bit of luxury, I only have 3 kids and they could all get in a Ford Escort estate given the mileage we do. In fact most of the time it sits on the drive doing nothing as we found its as quick to walk most of the journeys it would otherwise do. I drive 100 miles a day minimum with jsut me in the car, but doing it in a 7 seater would be overkill so I got a smaller car for me. Its still bigger than I need so I don't really complain about the cost of running it. But I am beginning to review whether its sensible to have the cars we do and in the New Year I am make some drastic changes to fit my income better. So of to the Bentley dealer I will go (not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Thats all Mike
  11. Yes your right, perceptions need to change, but does that guy really need a Passat, it could just be his choice, suppose he is a single guy with no family, couldn't he just only need a Fiesta? If that were the case his decision to drive a Passat would no doubt be a lifestyle choice. I just think there are loads of people driving types and styles of cars that they don't need to. I had an X Trail for a while. Its economy and CO2 were better than many cars but I still got loads of stick so I do understand that. I just think we need to ge things in perpesctive when we compain about fuel. I am not really sure that mile for mile (km for km) our costs are that much higher than the rest of europe. OH yes I know you could compare us to the USA, but what do they care about sustainability. They will only sign agreements that are non binding so whats the point of signing them? Its digressing a lot I know but look at the financial problems the country now has because greedy people borrowed more than they could afford without doing their sums to consider what would happen if the interest rate changed. Its the same with running a car. You shouldn't buy it if you can't afford to run it. Simple economics. And we need to accept that. If you want to choose to run a car like the ones we drive and don't have the readies then may be we have to economise on something else. Its the old saying about having cake and eating it. All I am saying is have a look at our lifestyles. Do we really need 2.8 ltr Auto Gals (or even 1.8di manuals). Some times you have to trim your cloth to suit. Sorry, hard facts of life, it affects the Passat driver as much as the rest. Mike.
  12. Well they certainly don't have my support. They keep comparing the price in the UK to the price in Europe but they also keep forgetting one vital point. In europe you have to pay to use motorways (granted not Germany) in addition to your annual RFL and the fuel prices are not that much cheaper anyway. I'll check it next week when I am over there for a few days. Simple solution, all those driving gas guzzlers who don't need one get another car. If you can't afford to run it don't drive it!! There is no god given right to drive you know. We all need to change our ways anyway I am serioulsy thinking of ditching the Gal. Reason? Before we got it we really thought we needed it but on reflection I reckon it only gets used between 3-5% of its time for anything over and above what we could ship about in a Ford Focus or smaller. What we really need to do is change the way we use our vehicles. Whats the point of driving a 7 seater all year if you only need it when you go on holiday. I am not saying that fits everybody but I bet a lot of people would read that and think the same thing. I bet most of these MPV's spend the most of the week travelling round the country with one person in them. Is that rational use of a vehicle? I'd be up for buying a car from an organisation that let me swop it twop or three times a year for a bigger vehicle when I needed it and saving a heap of money in fuel costs at the same time. What do you reckon?
  13. This is exactly what happened on our 55 Plate 1.9Tdi. The dealer ran a diagnostic which showed of all things a faulty multiplug in the front passenger door. Once they changed that the problem went away. I was absolutely amazed.
  14. Here is a pic of the bit in question.
  15. Heres a good one. We recently experienced a sever power drop in our car (Gal Mk2 1.9Tdi Auto) and booked it in to the local dealer for a check. They put it on diagnostics and found a faulty multiplug in the front passenger door (which also explained the dodgy window and central door locking). The service agent said that the multiplug in question also had some connections that could affect the turbo. They changed it and guess what problem went away. All on warranty as well.
  16. Thanks Kev, but no its not quite the same. Its the bit behind the grille I am trying to get and ilustration of. It has a vertical section with a hole in it that guides the bonnet release button out through the grill. I will probably have to take a photo and email it to the dealer. Cheers anyway. Mike
  17. Hi All, Does anybody have an exploded diagram of a MK2 bumper that they can post up here? The plastic trim that sits behind the grill and effectively joins the bumber to the top reinforcer has broken at the exact point where it guides the bonnet release button to pop through the grille. Its difficult trying to explain to a dealer who thinks that beceasu it is associated to bonnet release it must be the cable!! Thanks in advance. Mike
  18. What about the foreign trucks that do not put blind spot mirrors on the right hand side of their trucks. I drive around 100 miles on the M25 every day and hardly a day goes by when I don't see an incident involving a foreign truck that has side swiped some poor soul in a small car due to its inability to see what is down alongside it.
  19. Would love to see the insurance co's wriggle out of any claims stating the car was not legal at the the time due to no beam converters. Not worth the hassle for a measly
  20. Now if he had parked on a yellow line no doubt they would throw the book at him!!!!!!!! because its easy pickings This country is beginning to p*s* me off big time.
  21. If you can live with a 6 month old one in a choice of specs and trims immediate availability try this guy. http://www.silverdalecc.com/SearchResults....&ClearSQL=1
  22. but make sure if you take it to kwik fit that somebody who knows what they are doing does the alignment ie not a first day probationer!!!!! It is also critical that they "lock" the steering wheel in central before adjusting anything othewise you can find you have aligned the wheels with a misaligned steering wheel. Don't forget that road camber and load can also affect the position of the steering wheel
  23. I can tell you with insider knowledge that this is entirey misconstrued and purely an attempt by the media to drum up anti olympic furore. There is no definition over the Olympic opening ceremony yet.
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