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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by billywizzo

  1. My MK1 had a dis-bonded windscreen which was causing the passenger side foot well to flood, Only found out what it was when i pushed on the windscreen for support and it moved, new windscreen and problem solved. Not saying that is your problem but worth checking out.
  2. My MK1 had water leaking into the passenger foot well, after lots of looking i found it to be the windscreen had dis-bonded and water was getting in that way. It was only that i put my hand on the windscreen for support and noticed it moved at the top corner, new windscreen and problem solved, for me anyway, but worth a look.
  3. If it making grinding noises then i think you will need to replace the mechanism. It is quite straight forward once you get the door trim off. I bought the whole mechanism minus the motor which i swapped over. I also replaced the door trim clips as i pulled the trim off but it should slide up when loose. Sorry i cannot remember where i got it from but i do remember it was not that expensive at the time. Bill
  4. So you still don't know what is causing the lack of power especially up hills. I am getting a garage do the top mounts and shocks but not till the kids are back at school. Will have a good look around the engine for anything obvious next week once the other half returns from a weekend away with the galaxy. I didn't have any fault codes when i checked today but my maf desired was 270 and actual was 396 at idle. At 2000rpm it was 235/23,. everything else looked ok. When i get time next week i will try and record more data and hopefully get to the problem.
  5. I will need to look into the lack of power another time, one of the front shock mounts has started to make a horrible noise when turning the steering wheel so need to sort that out first. Then will move onto the lack of power. Always something to do on a Galaxy. Bill
  6. Ok will try the maf. Cheers
  7. My car seems to do the same. "noticed a few times recently, when warmed up, especially on the longer journeys, it seems to be lacking power ... pulling away takes forever & can't "thrash it" on acceloration & when visiting family sunday, i decided to come back via the motorway, after about 5 minutes, on the hill going up to the junction, it has a 40mph limit, which i was doing in 4th, but suddenly felt like it hit a proverbial wall & had no more power, even dropping down to 3rd, & full throttle, i could only make 30mph. no smoke out back like last time & once on the motorway (although it took the whole of the slip road to get up to 60mph), it went fine, apart from the hills, where it struggled to keep to 70 ... it acts more like a fully loaded naturally aspirated ldv 400." Mine is doing exactly that. When pulling away it seems to take ages to get up to speed (70), but once up to speed seems fine. It is not limp mode as no error codes and will not get above 50 in limp mode. Only recently started doing this. Anyone got any ideas what is causing it and how to fix it. Bill
  8. Common failure is the pipe that goes from the compressor and runs into the r/h wing with the divers side fill port on it. They split on the bend near the compressor. I did a repair on mine and seems to be holding pressure, only time will tell. The pipe is about £200 so i decided to try and repair it first. Bill
  9. typical glow plug failure. There will be lots of posts about how to change it. I would recommend that you spend the money and get the newer plug with the wires attached ( bit trickier to fit as requires dewiring and rewiring the plug) and change the gauze the plug goes in to. Bill
  10. Seems to be working as light has not come on again. now just got to get the radio working as it has stopped working on fm, am/lw and cd work and my old radio from the galaxy works but is too big to fit.
  11. yea they are. seems to have sorted itself after 2 days of use. After work last night no light when i drove home and then no light when it was driven to and from work by my wife today. Just hoping it was cold/damp after being sat outside for 23 days and after a few journeys it has dried out.
  12. Hi Been away for a few weeks on holiday and when i returned and started the car the orange engine light stayed on. Stopped and restarted the engine but it stayed on. Took it for a drive and the light started to flicker and dim then went out. Came on/off a few times then stayed off. When you first start the car it is on and flickering (not flashing) then after driving for a bit it flickers then dims then goes out. Not sure where to start so wondered if anyone has any ideas where to begin. Not got any software to read focus fault codes but i do have vagcom for my galaxy. Bill
  13. I have a Bluetooth rear view mirror i got off eBay. It works ok although the mirror is a bit on the dark side but not a real problem. It just clips over the existing mirror and is recharged inside the house with a mains adapter, seems to last ages on a charge. Also have a visor Bluetooth kit i bought from Carphone wharehouse in my other car. It also works ok but stops the sun visor folding up all the way but we live with it. Bill
  14. Hi Are you sure it is the pump and not just the pulley/electromagnet. I am sure you can get the pulley and electromagnet for the aircon pump as a separate part as I did for my old 2.0l galaxy when the pulley seized. Bit of a pain to replace but it can be done. Bill
  15. hi Try swapping the sensor with another to see if the fault moves with the sensor. If not look at the wires in to the plug as they can snap. Also look on ebay for sensors. Bill
  16. My old MK1 had a rattling that turned out to be the air-con pulley failing. After a while it seized snapping the belt. It was only once it seized that I worked out what it was as I could not turn the pulley. I know you don't think it is a pulley but you need to take the belt off to check them. Bill
  17. Hi The ticking noise is normal as it is the fuel pump for the heater. I would look at the pump on the engine bulkhead behind the fuel filter. It should run when the engine is turned on and stop a few minutes after the car is turned off. Just turn on the ignition and you should hear/feel it running. If not then you need to fix/replace it as it helps pump the water round the aux heater. If you have vagcom then you can use it to see the temps the heater is running at to see if it is working ok. Hope that helps. Bill
  18. 90 is normal temp for the galaxy. Mine usually takes about 10 mins to get to that temp. Wait till it is really cold and then you will notice a bit of a wait for it to reach running temp. Bill
  19. Take a look at the rear r/h window. This is the ariel and sometimes it can come unplugged. Mine had the same problem and it was the plug to the window/ariel had become undone. Bill
  20. I have a 2002 1.9 galaxy and the temp sensor is at the back of engine and a bit of a pain to get to. Do a search and I am sure you will find out exactly where it is. Bill
  21. You will probably need to reset it with vagcom as it is probably locked out. Bill
  22. Hi.I have just bought a glow plug from VW dealer for my D5W-Z auxillary heater on my Galaxy.It has exactly the same number on it as the VW part in your post.Would you know if its likely to be the correct part as the attached wires are confusing me a bit. I understand that the existing partv in the heater has a threaded top and no fixed wires.Cheers. You need to remove the existing wires from the main multi plug and then install the wires on the new plug in their place. I did it over a year ago but cannot remember which wires go into which hole in the plug. A search might find a post that says.
  23. Think you are wrong about the plug. The one with the wires is a new modified one that is supposed to last longer. It will fit but like chrispb123456 posted, you need to remove the old plug and wires and install the new plug and fit the wires into the main multi plug in the heater. That is what I did last year and it works fine.
  24. I would suggest changing the thermostat first. It is probably stuck open. Bill
  25. Hi Don't know about park brake but would try new pads. As for the horn buttons, you can get new ones. I had to replace them on my old MK1 and I got them from fords. I cant remember how I changed them but it was not hard to do. Bill
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