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Everything posted by Jeff115

  1. Picked up on this @Honest John following diesel run-in... "After that, no limit, but make sure you continue to hit 4,500rpm through the gears several times a week. The benefit of this is it helps to self clean the injectors, it blows any accumulated soot out of the exhaust system and it helps to free off the piston rings, making the engine more efficient and less likely to use engine oil." :lol: Used to drive bikes and liked to redline however seems 'cruel' to a tdi... :lol: Anybody practise this? J
  2. RW, I have'nt noticed the 'clicking noise' but I'll investigate further. I found part of the 'old string' from Apr'03 and refs. to two parameters i.e. outside temp < 5 degrees and coolant temp. < 85 degrees for the aux. heater to switch on. Did you find that the reason that your aux. heater was staying on was due to a faulty thermostat (assuming that it should go off when engine block reaches normal operating temp. as mine does)? am intrigued about the combustion and exhaust method of this unit (esp. when it's part of a quite high-tech vehicle) Later, J.
  3. you'll find the spec's here... http://www.carzone.ie/newcars/index.cfm?fu...chnical&uid=502
  4. ...apologies for my absence, RW, I'm based about 25 miles north of Dublin and the aux heater is kicking in most mornings now; on Saturday it started at about 11:30am, I'd say the temp. was easily 12-15 degrees. Can anyone explain the basic workings of this unit? Am concerned about the wicked fumes coming from it. J
  5. Thanks a lot, I'm glad to know that the noise is normal... I'm going to try the tyres @ F=38 & R=36 to avoid the road noise which is a bit of a pain. Later, Jeff.
  6. Hi all, Have our 115 tdi Gal for a couple of months with no probs. however have a few queries that ye may be able to clear up. With the onset of cold mornings have experience a 'turbine-like' noise emanating from a unit underneath the second row passanger side seat area. Noise is like a jet enjine winding up, can be heard over the diesel idle and when ignition cut then winds down. Assuming that this unit is the auxilliary heater? (and not the nitrous injector :angry: ) should I be hearing it or suspect that it has taken a knock? Also have been following some threads re tyre pressures etc. - have got set of Dunlop 2020E's - has anyone found right pressure to suit handling, comfort and eliminate road noise? Jeff.
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