Posting your own Questions If you have a technical question which search fails to answer then feel free to post it in trainee member help - if it becomes a useful thread it will end up being moved to the relevant section. Viewing Images You will not be able to see images in threads yet either - if you click on 'options' on the top right of a topic and select 'download topic', html, open - you will be able to see the images (if they are JPG not BMP format). What car do you have It is essential that if you want a question answered you will need to let folk have as much information as possible, once you reach member status you can edit your signature and put your car details there (among other things), this saves retyping them each time. If you want the information there beforehand post in 'Trainee member help' and request a moderator add them to your signature. FAQ The faq is pinned at the top of the technical section here along with a useful links post