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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jwilliams

  1. Does anyone know where to get an original head unit that is MP3 compatible? None on ebay I keep checking but they seem rare. Can anyone confirm that it will work with my ford multichanger? If so the changer would hold almost 5 GB of music!!
  2. Not so much of a problem I suppose just got to keep a finger on the switch. Better than winding the window manually I guess
  3. I have got an intermittent problem with my windows not doing the one touch thing. Was passenger side last week and drivers yesterday. Seems to be OK after switching ignition off then on again. Any ideas??
  4. 1. Julian 2. Romsey, Hampshire 3. Galaxy 115 TDi Zetec in Silver 4. One month 5. Yes 6. Me
  5. Do you get all the functions on the free stuff? Thought it was limited unless you use their cable instead of an ebay cheapie. Is that correct or are they having us on? Do you know if earlier versions work with the cheap cables?
  6. Thanks I will check that out, I have not noticed one on the dash, but may not be looking properly ( maybe my specs need a clean)
  7. I have noticed that when I switch on the front for lamp the illuminated symbol changes from green to orange but when I switch on the rear one the symbol remains green. The lights on the tailgate do come on so I assume it is the bulb in the switch. Is this easy to change and access? :D
  8. Mine went off the first week I had it, no one near the car, found a spider making itself at home. Evicted spider and no more false alarms since.
  9. It does not only apply to the galaxy my ford escort was as bad. You still had 10 litres in when the needle had passed red! Better that telling you you have more than you think. It must be a ford thing.
  10. On the first tank of fuel I wanted to find out what mileage I could get to a tank. After 550 miles the warning light and alarm sounded so I filled up and could only squeeze 55 litres in. That leaves another 15 in the tank! Must admit I would not want to run out so fill up as soon as the alarm sounds, to avoid the hassle of having to prime the diesel pump.
  11. Reel is in the roof. Belt snaps into clips on either side of the middle seat.
  12. In general, I think you may be right... However, the Fortuna tyre rates highly on tyretest.com (via mytyres.co.uk), this is what compelled me to experiment with them at the low price. Their overall rating is better than the Dunlops and almost as good as the Nokians which are now
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