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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jwilliams

  1. Is it just the centre caps? There are often sets on ebay
  2. Wow lucky you what sort of budget are you working with the spruce it up? A HID upgrade would sort your lights GSMGuy had some http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...27&hl=hid's
  3. Could not agree more El dingo That's why I got mine from a dealer and have had a new cam belt, CD autochanger and new replacement vents. I know I could have got a cheaper deal by looking for a private sale, supermarket or auction but feel I have done the right thing as it turned out.
  4. Martin Front of CD is 188mm wide and 99mm high
  5. The 6000 RDS for the galaxy is the same as the others apart from the square frame part blends it into the dash properly. What was fitted to your MK1? I have just got one off ebay myself to replace the 5000 RDS tape and will be fitting it tonight I can measure its dimentions before it goes in if you need me to.
  6. I think you are right about alloy being porous which allows the air out. I always thought it was due to the lacquer being damaged. Are there any problems associated with the puncture repair stuff being in the tyre?
  7. Skimming the head will increase the compression ratio so should increase power instead!! I am guessing you are not comparing like for like. Do you know someone with the same car as you to compare it against?
  8. Got a Silver one which seems popular where I am. Taxi's tend to be blue around this way
  9. Thanks guys yes ns one just want to change the bulbs. Where do you get TIS from? Think it may be worth getting a copy
  10. Ordered from Autobulbs direct
  11. There is another 433 fob on ebay who states it is for thr galaxy and sharan. There is no pic so have emailed him to ask if it is the flip sort and if he can guarantee it will work with the galaxy. I will let you know what he says
  12. from my experience if you diagnose the fault they will just ignore you and fit something else instead! went through a hego valve and idle speed control valve on my escort before they said "its your throttle position sensor sir" which I had asked them to check first of all.
  13. How far have you got with the 433? Car does not seem to recieve from remote when doing the " While holding the LOCK button down, press the UNLOCK button three times on the remote transmitter then release both buttons simultaneously." Am not getting the 5 flashes from the door LED I have been playing with the remote part and the non remote key as I have not got the blank cut until I get the remote part to work. If I manage to code it does anyone know where to get thid type of key cut? Are normal key cutting places able (I doubt it)?
  14. Cant help with the removal of the bumper or panel but have you thought of using a silicone lube? You can get one at the DIY stores in the plumbing section as they use it to put toilet pan pipes bends into the soil pipes. It is quite thin like a light oil but is very slippery A thicker alternative is silicone grease which can be obtained at a dive shop as we divers use it to stop the salt water getting at knife blades etc
  15. You must mean the curved banana type for the MKI I am guessing MKII have flat blades
  16. How do you get to the near side fog lamp on the MkII? Book says dealer job as you have to remove another component. I am sure some of you clever lot have done it and would rather not risk a trip to the dealer :lol:
  17. Getting ready for winter so new wiper blades as existing ones are smearing. Need a set of aerotwin blades. Halfords told me dealer only!!! even though they have them in smaller sizes. Is there anywhere else as the dealer wants
  18. Idel speed control valve. Had the same on a 1.8 zetec engine in my escort
  19. How did you replace the passenger side fog? Do you have to remove the washer bottle or something? I agree removing headlamp was very easy especially if you loosen the bolts holding the grill so that it can flex easier
  20. Thanks for the pic. I worked it out for myself as I wanted to get them changed before going away for the bank holiday. Much easier than using the silly hatches (my wife thought I was self harming with all the scratches on my hands and forearms)
  21. I can confirm that the 434MHz remote does not work. Has anyone tried the audi 3 button ones as they are 433.92?
  22. Thought I had to get it cut to program it. How do you progam without it being cut?
  23. Got one off ebay. Been away on hols so have not got it cut yet but will report back if it works or not. Only paid
  24. If anyone has a 6000 RDS head unit spare I would be interested in buying one. I have looked on ebay and lots of them about but not many of the style to fit.
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