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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by lydanial

  1. hi all nice forum hopefully you can advise me. i have just purchased a 01 x plate galaxy tdi.. no handbook!! do previous owners feed them to there many children on long journeys? ok, 1, the parking sensors are tempermental.. i press the button and the light inside flashes and it beeps at me, quite high pitch not the gentle parking sensor beep!, this is usually the case when they are not working, however i dont notice if its a solid light when they are working but i would assume so... suggestions please. 2,how powerful is the aircon unit? on my last car when i hit A/C it blasted my face till icicles fell of it, this car feels cold but if i set the climate to lo and the fan on full i wouldnt say its going to cool the whole car down on a hot day, and its definately not blowing strong into my face or the floor.. again answers on a postcard. 3, when i start the car there is a warning light on the dash, it looks exactly the sames as the 'lights' icon but with an exclamation mark in it, this goes off after touching the brake??? whats that light for please? 4, stereo.. when i turn the stereo up to above 20, ALL the speakers on the left side of the car turn loudly crackly and distorted... more answers please? 5, passenger side electric window switch doesnt seem to work, i can open it on the drivers side but if i even touch the pasenger side one it just shoots straight up, i am assuming a dodgy button/switch? finally more of a question rather than a problem, someone told me that these things eat front wheel bearings?? i notice if i am corning quite hard there is significant noiselike a whooshing but i am undecided on if this is a wheel bearing or just good old road noise... any one else get some loud road noise?? thanks for all your help to this complete newbie..
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