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Everything posted by lydanial

  1. Ah sorry, i am literally 'spamming' all the motoring forums that i am a member of. i didnt search for the topic, so i apologise. anyway at least i showed a lot more details of costs and things for everyone to understand.
  2. I had a few replies on another board about this being a good idea (and i mean only a few) so thought i would add some futher information that i discovered/wrote there.. i will basically quote the whole thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i actually sent this email out 19th january to over 500 people over several emails as i think it is completely wrong!! Its a long rant but please continue reading as it has some good stuff i discovered. the only people it is going to benefit in anyway is the little old granny who uses her car to travel 20 miles per week back and forth to tesco.. or is it really. the highest rate is going to be @
  3. For those of you that have read this or seen it elsewhere i apologise.. Anyway heres the original email. This is not a chain letter but a petition against those in Downing Street stealing yet more money out of us, not to mention keeping tabs on us too. There are now more than 500,000 signatures and Daily Telegraph reports that some Labour back-benchers have actually taken note! Please take the time to sign and pass it on - it only takes a minute or two. The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean your having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it. The tracking device will cost about
  4. ok was the turbo and all is fixed. angel tuning did my remap and before the failure i hard a rolling road of 157bhp, (i was promised 40-50bhp so was happy, especially as the 115ps is not actually 115bhp) i may go back and get it checked again at a later date to see if a nice new full boost turbo is giving it more increase, but first i am taking my new turbo steady for a little while as i want to make sure every thing else is ok before thrashing the ass outta it.
  5. oh right so the jet engine noise shouldnt be present anyway until its nicely fired up?
  6. the engine temp will get to normal if i turn off the heaters and drive or leave it standing for quite a while. when i turn on the heaters the engine temp drops, i believe this is due to the heaters taking what heat the engine is making thus dropping the temp, if the heater booster was working properly then it would boost the engine temp meaning that when the heaters are switched on that any heat took from the engine to power the heaters is replaced by the water circulating through the booster heater.. (correct me please if i have this messed up)
  7. i have ordered a new glow plug (well i figure if i am going to take it out and try and clean the system i may as well change the plug. i will have a closer look underneath tomorrow and see what i can see. can someone just clrify the order of ignition. is it. 1 ticking noise as fuel is pumped in. 2 firing up and smoke 3 jet engine noise i ask this as i cant seem to hear a ticking noise, it doesnt seem to fire up all the time (only very rarely) and i get NO jet noise at all. so i want to go through a process of elimination, ie if it should start ticking and then fire up then i may be able to go to the pump as this obviously isnt injetting the fuel stopping stage 2 and 3 from starting.. finally, i know where the aux heater is but can anyone point me in the right direction of the pump and anything else i should look at.. i just briefly looked under the car using a torch but couldnt see any wires leading to the unit so dont know where to go back to to find bits. thanks again and may you all stay warm in your tdi's. ADDED, it doesnt seem to want to fire up at all now, and i made a mistake in my earlier post, i mentioned that when i put on the heating that the aux heater would go out, this wasnt the case it seemed to just go out by itself after about 10-30 seconds. ok answers on a post card to... no forget that it will get lost in the mail.. quick reply here!
  8. dont worry i am reading many many posts on this.. my problem is not taking it out and cleaning it.. the problem is whats wrong?? could it be just the glow plug.. but then shouldnt the jet engine noise still be present? is it starving of fuel causing cut out? if it needs to get burning properly first before the jet engine noise then surely that points to a plug but why would it fire up a little bit then go out? also not sure if i can hear a ticking noise or not.. i am really confused now!!
  9. PROBLEM GOT WORSE! OK now things are really upsetting me.. If i start the car the heater seems to fire up.. smoke comes out and all seems ok (ish) when i turn on the heating full blast it goes out!! no more smoke and the pipes are cold. also when this happens the car WILL NOT get up to temperature, it hovers around 70 on a run and drops to about 55 when the car is static. if i turn off all heaters in the car and drive it gets up to temperature no problem.. so the heater unit isnt working. but it does fire up!! so glow plug ok or tempermental?? (next bit might help with more information) also i read posts about hearing a jet engine sound.. i cant hear this .. the only sound i get similar to this is when i put the rear heating on full.. but that just seems to be the rear blower and not the heater unit. so it looks like the heater unti has packed in?? can it be stripped down and sorted out? please please help i am still recovering from a
  10. please dont flame me for posting here.. i did a search on this and read post after post after post.. and now my brain is completely scrammbled, more so than when i started!! anyway, start the car.. smokes whitish smoke from the back and stinks.. jet engine sound.. heater gets warm, engine temp goes up to normal... everyones happy. heres the problem.. today i drove 9 miles to the supermarket.. cars warm, engines up to temp.. good, pulled up into a space and theres a lot of white smoke coming from the back, quick look under and yep its coming from the little pipe on the booster... its done this on a few occasions now. ok questions should it still smoke after a run or should it just be steam, as seen in several posts. i have to ask as it seems a bit excessive!! is it doing this as its not burning all the fuel leaving unburnt smokey fuel /bad smell meaning new glow plug needed. where can i get the uprated plug i've read about (if its needed) should i just leave the thing alone and stuff the guys following me because it is working and im at least warm! ps car was off the road for a month having a new turbo and i have not had it back long, probably only done 100 miles since return (if that), could it be a problem of it being stood so long.
  11. about what rpm's should the turbo kick in? i have had a new turbo fitted and all is running well.. ok so i had to change the exhaust too as there was a sump full of oil in it and that caught fire on a short run. i have only given it a short test drive and not put the boost on too much as i want to get the new turbo bedded in. also i am having a full engine diagnosis first to make sure nothing else is wrong. anyway i am sure before the turbo went that it would cut in at about 1500 rpm, but now its definately higher than that. where does your turbo come in??
  12. i have been told now by many many people that the remap will have not contributed to this at all.. anyway its now in the garage and they seem to think its the turbo although 1 guy did mention that it could be a timing issue.. anyway it ticks over peachy!! now futher to answers..someone mentioned earlier different smokes, the smoke coming out is definately white.. and lots.. with a hint of parafin (unburnt fuel). with the bonnet up we cannot hear a single turbo type noise.. whirling, whooshing.. rattling (oh hang on it shouldnt really rattle).. nope not one noise. the garage is pushing towards turbo failure but it doesnt show up as a turbo failure on there scanner machine. would it?? anyway keep your answers coming!!
  13. it is coming from the back...cut not out the exhaust so could it be that its over filling that heater thing at the back and just coming out of anywhere it can (think i read about a second exhaust system bit??). as for the re-map.. yes i raved about the performance and the fuel economy but as for bits going wrong i couldnt say anything about that as i didnt know.. so if its caused a turbo problem due to this then i guess its just badd luck. however my father ran a full 50 bhp remap on his vw for over 130,000 miles without a single problem, so i cant see a remap being a major contribution. anyway i was speaking to a mechanic friend and hes told me to check water level and oil level so on my way now.. chat later :-)
  14. yes i had a remap.. my main concern is that i never floor the car and have only done 2000 miles since the remap.. this is a second family car used only when i have to. also the smoke seems to be whitish..ish but then again it is dark out so cant really tell. whitish smoke could be a sign of burning oil-the oil seals may have gone in the turbo :D but the smoke seems to be coming from the back of the car..??? ? ;) could it be a mixture of.. now let me see if i get this right.. booster heater AND turbo failure?.. i am currently searching the crap outta these forums and see that you get smoke with the heater booster.. but i dont see a connection between this and loss of power??
  15. yes i had a remap.. my main concern is that i never floor the car and have only done 2000 miles since the remap.. this is a second family car used only when i have to. also the smoke seems to be whitish..ish but then again it is dark out so cant really tell.
  16. OK driving back today, heating on and just got my first ever warning for 4degrees temp :-). i turn a right hand junction and start accelerating, suddenly theres quite a loud rattling noise which stops after about 5 seconds and whoosh everyone behind is lost in a cloud of smoke.. a big cloud of smoke and theres no power.. no power at all.. only enough to push the old gal up to about 50-60 mpg.. !! as i was close to home i completed the journey down some back roads and when i got back home i gently revved the engine and quickly jumped out to have a look.. no smoke from the front but instead seems to be coming from the rear.. out the bumper, up the boot hatch.. into the cabinm.. everywhere! now the other day when i started the old gal i noticed there was no smoke from the exhaust and no presure. i booked it into the garage and was supposed to be there tomorrow getting this checked. anyway any suggestions as to whats gone a popper.. it seems like the turbo as when i was revving it outside the house i couldnt hear the turbo whirling BUT this doesnt seem to explain all the smoke at the back end. help help.. and please help a little more :-)
  17. ive emailed for exactly the same bits and heard nothing.. funny that on a new listing things have gone, ALL parking sensors? also yep i agree side airbags look a lillte deflated.
  18. if the cc was on auto then the fans would be cutting in and out as per the cc operation demands and as you suggest they would cause the drop in engine temp, the rapid fluctuations in temp would more likely be the fans controlling the temp and not the rapid operation of the stat if it was the fan then surely it would be a slow decrease then increase then slow decrease as it cooled??
  19. 1400 wow thats low.. i reckon they probably bought it after owning something with real low centre of gravity and then just over pushed it not realising the damn thing will fall over :(
  20. nah its the lowered sleeker version designed for little people!! guess its true though all that anti roll technology and someone has still put it over... well done that aggresive driver!!
  21. ok thanks... so your avi has changed again.. nope dont like it.. also why does it say 'warn' and 0% under my name??
  22. on the mark 1 and 2 can someone let me know if the parking sensors and electric window switches (passenger or back not the drivers console) are the same.. just the little black switch not the entire housing.
  23. there is a mark 2 2005 galaxy getting broke for spares on ebay currently.. get your orders in quick!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FOR-GALAXY-2005-TDI-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  24. yeah but it is the weekend :lol: also why have you changed your avi?? it made me squint and really work my eyes hard...
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