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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

broom broom

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Everything posted by broom broom

  1. the alarm on the sharan has started going off after being locked doesn't happen straight away or all the time were having to leave it unlocked on the driveway to stop it from happening anyone got any suggestions?
  2. I have 4 kids and i have been using a coupe for the last 3 years and i had been looking for say the last year into getting one but prices were just too high for me, but i spotted this one for
  3. ah hello gregers!! well it's been 3 years since i've owned a shalaxy so am back to learning again well today we had the front cat pipe off to weld it as it was blowing there and it's been welded before badly so ground it down and rewelded it but it's still blowing all be it not as bad so ordered a new one still feeling sluggish not really looked into that as yet but will do on the add it said something about the distributer so maybe something to do with that not checked the drivers door lock yet but will do when i sort out the more pressing things gave it a good clean on the inside today as it was a bit manky and it's not in too bad nick inside but the trim is a bit scratched in places and a small tear on drivers seat other than that am happy!
  4. central locking works ok from the passenger door the drivers lock i think is faulty as for the gears it crunches when going into third gear
  5. hello all been a while but today i picked up a very cheap sharan needs lots doing so i will need your help! first of it crunches when going into third gear, won't lock or unlock from drivers door and it feels a bit sluggish all help appreciated :wacko: oh btw it's a 1997 2.0 sharan
  6. i have 3 headrests blue in colour that came out of a 02 plate sharan
  7. it's been a really wet summer and it's gone all that dark wintry way i just can't seem to get out of bed this weather :rolleyes:
  8. :rolleyes: well said both of you
  9. thanks Maz ..... whats the interval for the 2.3 cambelt/timing chain/belt?
  10. thanks Maz ;) i'll have a look
  11. hello again does the forum have a buyers guide at all i've seen a Gal i want but been so long i forget what i need to look out for! it's a 1998 2.3 ghiaX
  12. yeah they are quick i just love the look of them ;) seen a gal today though it was too cheap so was asking what was wrong he said theres nothing really wrong but it has a water pump problem :s
  13. thanks bleeno :D i love the puma and i've just had her resprayed and she's lookin lovely so she has to stay ;)
  14. hi all been a good while since i was last here and am looking to return to the fold :D decided it's time to get another 7 seater as we just seem to be in need of it alot recently so been looking for a run about 7 seater nothing special cause it's not gonna be an everyday car just something to use when needed (love my puma too much to part with it!) fingers crossed am back soon :rolleyes:
  15. steering erack was leaking but not the problem turns out was the knuckle on the steering colum which has to be replaced total 400 quid nice thought i got a bargain not!!
  16. Hi all need a bit of help ...... I have a 99 T plate ford Ka that has suddenly developed a steering problem the steering seems to be ok at times then suddenly it goes heavy like it's resisting which is worse when steering to the right then to the left the problem isn't there constantly but is there alot i checked the steering fluid level which was a little low but not very it's been topped up and hasn't moved since but still got the problem any idea's??? from the recipts with the car it had a new steering rack in 2002 due to a leak is this something thats probably going to need replacing again??
  17. my local esso is
  18. local petrol station in my home town is
  19. i am child who's father was killed by drink driving my dad probably thought nothing of getting behind the wheel but it's been 20 years since he died and i can honestly say it still hurts (god i have tears!) i can't tollerate drink driving i hate it i can't see an excuse for it when you've had a few you probably don't think anything bad can happen but it can my dad over took another car and was hit head on by another car the car burst into flames and he died instanly luckly the other driver wasn't seriously hurt and the only fatality was my dad i know it wasn't my fault but i somehow in that child like way feel partly responsible for what happend as he was bring me a jacket because i'd went out without one am sure if he'd have known what the repecutions would have been he wouldn't have done it but he did and i and my family will live with it till the end of our days zero tollerance is the only way forward but sad to say i don't think it will stop some people from getting behind the wheel after drinking
  20. it has a subframe yeah and it's a manual if the clutch has been replaced it wasn't by me and i've owned it since last november but i've had the problem that long too am planning on stripping the whole front end down so i'll start with the shocker and the cv gator and see where that takes me i can't take the car off the road it's just not convient am really thinking of just taking it to a fraud dealer and seeing what they say it's the bloody cost though it's christmas and am skint!
  21. lol double damn it is then have to that the kids for them cause before them i was a almost boobs I've always wondered what it is men like about them i mean to me there just ........ well there! suppose i'd be lost without them though they do get things done lol
  22. i had the tyres changes 2 days ago because the tyre on the bad side was balding on the outside thats a brand new tyre on the bad side the wear you see on the shock i rubbed that cause there was a dent on it but i checked the other side and it is the same i've tried loads of garages and am still not getting an answer for the problem it's not been in an accident that am aware of but am thinking i should do an HPI check on it see what that comes up with there is nothing recorded on the logbook but thats not to say it's never had a bump ;) mum0f4 you can answer for me any time you speak better jibber jabber than i do :wub:
  23. i am also but it's a slow process lol
  24. Hello everyone I need help with my beloved puma :wub: The problem i have is the n/s wheel is rubbing off the inner arch when the steering wheel is turned full lock to the right it only does it on the n/s and only when the wheel it turned to the right I've had many people look at it and no one seems to be able to pin point an exact cause of why it does it they've said it was the drop link it was replaced and it still did it then the wishbone and it still does it the springs been replaced in the last year too and there is no sign of damage to it Now the tracking is out slightly on the car but only very slightly took it to have it done a couple of days ago and they told me there was no point doing it till i had this problem sorted out am told i need a new shocker which shall be in place tomorrow but am not convinced a worn shocker is causing this problem so am open to suggestions as to what could be causing this please someone help me am at the end of my tether with this! oh p.s the wheel has caused so much damage to the wheel arch it's wearing a hole in my air con pipe!
  25. It's just not my day ;) Right it then!
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