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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by teresa

  1. maz its jase what you mean u and teresa in action with ffoc lads hope ur not leading her astray ???? :(
  2. have any of you ever driven a kia? my dad has one what a pile of poo i only drove it once never again
  3. awwwwwww come to gaydon Ivor there should be at least 2 of us there 3 if i ever get my ticket (hint hint maz) :( :D
  4. Hpe took him about 4 hrs altogether Ivor we cheated and used smooth hammerite :( he rubbed them down with a wire brush used thinners to clean them washed them down with soappy water let them dry then painted it on should look ok when hes done them all :D :D ( i will get the whip out later)
  5. as some of you know i wanted to start doing something to make my car look a bit more sporty so i have started to paint my calipers i have done 2 so far (well my fella has lol) here is the finished result on my 2 front wheels
  6. bet i know someone who wont complain at that :D
  7. my fella was on about starting a business like this a few yrs ago he wanted to open a workshop with lifts and everything he wouldnt be usiing it himself he was going to let people that needed the facilites use it for a small charge
  8. welcome to this site bassman if ur not crazy now you soon will be :D enjoy the site
  9. Cat C refers to an insurance write off. There are four levels of damage A-D. Cat D = minor and Cat A = vitually impossible to repair. The car has been involved in an accident and deemed un-economical to repair by the insurance company. The owner then buys back the car off the insurance company and repairs it, re-registers it and sells it on. All Perfeclty legal. i think :(
  10. :lol: why not just buy her a new car would be cheeper :(
  11. i knew you said you were fed up of urs maz but aint that taking it a bit far tryin to flog it in that condidtion
  12. ive put a ban on santa this yr
  13. wow if mine ever got like that my fella would kill me.... only time i put anything in my boot is when i go camping :lol:
  14. yes maz u did good :D
  15. wow i like it looks a lot nicer than the mark11 wanna swap ur steering wheel for mine :lol: ;) oh and the centre console that would go nice with my instrument panel surround
  16. :) welcome chauf enjoy your stay B) and like nikpv says its a madhouse :ph34r: :21:
  17. yes just a few girls here (not sure but think we are here for the guys entertainment) :ph34r: welcome by the way mark
  18. oasis has 2 meanings as far as i can tell 1/a place in a desert where there is water and therefore plants and trees and sometimes a village or town 2/ a calm, pleasant place in the middle of somewhere busy and unpleasant and its also the name of a pop group :blink: :blink: :lol:
  19. just seen loads of robins round knypersley pool (near where i live)
  20. anadin for your own sake make sure she doesnt drive her galaxy it might brake down outside the bank :( :blink: :D
  21. i agree with bagpuss ......... if we visit there country we have to abide by their rules ........... why cant they do what we expect of them here my fella has also just bought up a good point the government were quick enough to tell our kids to stop wearing hoodies why cant they do the same to muslims and their niqab i know this is a slight deviation but my fella is also a carp fisherman muslims have been seen round the waters here catching the carp to eat... :angry: :D send em home
  22. i think mums next car will be one thats guaranteed not to break down :lol:
  23. yeah but using ur clutch while car is stationary but still running is gonna cause the clutch to wear out quicker (from the naked one)
  24. sound like early stages of the clutch going
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