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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by teresa

  1. tell me about it i offered mine to a garage just to see how much he would offer cheeky git offered me
  2. yep unfortunatley i decided to move god knows when its gonna happen got another 2 viewings on my house this week and the 3rd party involved is going to view theirs next weekend one wants to move asap which will mean 6 weeks time and other wants to move july so fingers crossed
  3. well im still here... but not on as much due to trying to find a house exchange and trying to sell me gal before i do eventually move
  4. hi guys just been told about this on another site and been told to inform mods and owners of other sites Be careful of any1 called..................... bum_tn007@hotmail.com If he emails you don't open it. He's sending out requests to join your group & requests for you to join his "group". Tell every one on your list because if somebody on your list adds them you get him on your list. He will have access to your IP computer address. So please tell all the group owners/mods you know, cuz I don't want to see ya'll getting screwed over. so thought id pass it on
  5. valentines day cant remember last time i had anything .... i always used to buy though when my hubby was alive and went work at 4 am.....he would wake up to find a red rose in his car and a littler teddy but aint bothered for 3 yrs lol and my fella now he dont believe in wasting money lol so im taking after him
  6. mk 1 with holes in headrests mine are not holey....... mine are solid
  7. ohhhh i got the pink screen yippeeeeeee well its a bit red as well but looks good
  8. wow very artistic maz you ought to be proud of them :10:
  9. wowwwwww just downloaded the firefox and toolbar never seen me internet run so quick im shocked :10: hehehehe
  10. just been to congleton to do shopping its raining..... come back home only 3 mile journey everywhere is white and coming down thick
  11. well its started to snow heavy here now drive has become covered again in last 20 mins (thought we had had all we were gonna get this morning)
  12. well here are some pics of here .....kids are having fun with sledges on the park even though hardley any has fallen oh well least they are having fun
  13. most of schools around here within walkin distance are shut ..my daughter went mad cus hers is still open hahahaha its about 1 miles from the house day without kids yipee
  14. woke up at 6.30 this ,morning no snow woke up at 7.30 and yep its snowing
  15. well its not snowing in sunny stoke ...... :( just bloody freezin
  16. http://www.snapfiles.com/freeware/ is good for all different sorts of freeware catagories
  17. oh maz u didnt give her directions did you???? :(
  18. sorry guys nothing to do with cars but:- as you all know i may be moving but the person i will be exchanging with will be going to Partington in Manchester.... does anyone on here know what the area is like because she had mixed views while around there yesterday ..... come on help and be truthful thanks teresa
  19. why is there a maximum amount of plays per day ??????
  20. ok been to fords today checked the vin comes up as glx he had a look at my gal checked everything over said yes si interior after an hr there looks like we have found out what has happened yes my car has all the si refinements and yes it is registered as a glx it looks like it was registered as a glx because of the year it was registered si.s were 98 mine was october 99 looks like it was left for a yr without being registered ....so have i got a rare car lol
  21. teresa


    its given out that another 15 cm will fall down that end tonight gregers.... hope theres none down there in 2 weeks time
  22. well im going into pick up my speaker covers tomorrow so i will get them to check i know i have spoken to the dvla before and they said it could of been a typing error but i would have to pay to get it checked out and changed over
  23. is there anyway i can check this without having to pay????
  24. well went to get some new speaker covers for my gal today the nice bloke behind counter typed in registration and said oh yes its grey you need .... am i missing something my speaker covers are blue i told him this he said no its coming up on screen that your car is a glx and its colour is laguna blue with grey interior i had to take him to my car and show him as he was arguing for about 10 mins that his computer was right. He then said oh thats an si i said wow clever he even checked the vin number to make sure it was the same as what the dvla had for it it was.... he has now ordered the right colour for me at
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