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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. well im there
  2. Im sorry :lol: i never started it!!!! so if its kept in the mans wallet..that explains why only we women can find it! :lol: you want me to change my avatar then?
  3. thanks reefer. :lol:
  4. Like the flashing breast lights!! :lol:
  5. your shop Martin???
  6. do you just pour it on??or do you use it with a cloth?
  7. :) as do we neil...only put in enough to make the pump dissapear!!cost of diesel is horrendous.
  8. Sigh....we bought it at andrews in lincoln...gave it a good looking over and we didnt see any probs with it...had it 3 years now and most of the probs started appearing about a year ago...just out of warrenty!!(as always). Though i must say that our probs dont seem to be as bad as others...we dont have an indoor swimming pool or our own smoke machine!!most i think is cosmetic and little things.. well..any one hear of a mk2 bumper and front panel going, let me know. :)
  9. you on about the one that looks like a petrol pump???we get that and a beep and a message that says "please refuel"!
  10. Id see what the local garage say and would charge...you know ford..if they dont know then just replace!!
  11. i suppose it could be by the ear depending on where the legs are!! :)
  12. it wont clip in place..the other wiper does not move when wiggled..but this wiper just slides in and out of the hook so all you see is a hook!!if that black clip is supposed to stay in the hook then the clip is broke and i need a new one as today when it was raining the black thing slipped out of the metal hook.
  13. :( yes i did bigj...hubby aint found it yet tho! :D :) :D :D
  14. Ahh..so the bit that keeps sliding out of the hook bit isnt supposed to??
  15. ;) :o doa preemptied me on the others!
  16. umm.....clip??????? ;)
  17. Now i wonder where that bloke wants to put his drill??? ;) :o
  18. have clit. ;)
  20. Right...freel a prat now...the blade was not even fixed onto the arm properly..you know the hook bit on the arm where you clip the blade in????well the blade just keeps slipping out of that hook bit where the other blade is firmly fixed in place. there is no noticable juddering when the blades are upright.
  21. right..i think ive got to the bottom of the wipers (only think mind). as you are sat in the car..the left blade is only half touching the windscreen..the bottom half of the blade is really dragging on the screen while the top half of it is not even touching the screen..there is about a 1-2 cm gap!.it looks like the arm itself is bent..it is straight..if you get what im saying.the right arm is fine.the whole wiper is touching the screen. hmm....is the left supposed toi be like this or is it supposed to be flush???guess i know the answer to thaqt. can the arm be bent back into place with out breaking it?or will i need to buy a new arm??the juddering is caused by the fact that the bottom half of the left blade is really being pushed against the screen..i think this may be why both arms are juddering because of the pressure on the one arm. hmm..got me???lost myself i think! the left arm is straight even though i think it should be curved!.
  22. not good.hope u get sum where with the garage.keep a copy of every thing and give them a time limit to reply. trading standards should have given you a ref number aswell.
  23. any one????
  24. true bigj...when i sell on ebay..i give 7 days for returns.5 days is not long for expensive equipment,but you have to read the terms and conditions of sale and research as to what you need to fit things if they are going to be fitted. ive just bought a dvd player for the car from ebay..i spent a fair few hours finding out what i would need if anything to get it fixed in the car.i read feed back..i check return policies..when im going to spend a lot of money..i look into it carefully..that way you dont get caught out.
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