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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. cool..party at yours then!
  2. dont mention clingfilm fer gawds sake :rolleyes:
  3. :D good one hun. but you wish you had a swedish gal eh steve :D :D
  4. plug away hun...me and t had sooooooooooooooooooooo much fun when we attended in 2006, ..we camped the sat night. was bloomin ace, but bloody cold!
  5. its only on start up when cold.. i am assumeing it is white, as it looks it when billowing past the window..will check in the morning. shes a 1996 N reg MKI GLX TDi i did check the oil filler cap the other day, no white cr@p on it at all.
  6. Out of the frying pan..into the fire :rolleyes: welcome Mark, glad to have you aboard. Hopefully this motley crew will get them selves organised and we will see you in september. :D ive posted my probs...so come on..tell me what you think :D
  7. symptoms.. smoke on start up, every time,white smoke.and def from exhaust. sounds like a bag of ball bearings on acid on start up from cold.once warm shes ok but still sounds rough but metallic noise gone. one of the belts is jumping i think...tensioner maybe? its not the cambelt..the other one, cant think of the name of it, sorry,will take a pic tomorrow.Fan belt? when cold, glow plug light takes a few seconds to go out and she doesnt like starting, but she does on first time, just have to hold the key a couple of seconds or so longer than norm. Im going to try recording the sounds she makes on start up from cold tomorrow. not sure if i will be able to upload, but will try. injectors need a clean maybe? is it a job i can do myself? i cant have the car off road, if she is , kids dont get to school. any ideas? help please? not quite sure where to start with this baby, as the engine is kind of a mystery to me right now!
  8. gawd....he will be tagged and tracked, same as vicky!! that was a bugger when they got lost.LOL.
  9. Just ordered 4 tickets.... remember, children under 16 dont need a ticket. last time was ace, and i intend to go again. Thanks for the Link Teresa.!! Garibaldi, you going again with octavia? if you do, i will super glue camerons feet into his shoes!!.LOL.
  10. ooo..you going again hun?
  11. Once again we have been invited to the FFOC national day. We attended their first ever one in 2006, byt sadly did not attend in 2007 It would be really good if we could attend this year. I am going to accept the invitation on behalf of this club. If you wouyld like to attend, then please post your name on this thread. It would be good if we could get all 3 different MKs of the galaxy at the show, and the bamma and shazz. All makes/models of cars of members who are in this club are welcome. Please guys, lets try and make this one. FFOC NATIONAL Day 2008 Invite Dear Club Name: Ford Galxy Owners Club Please would you be kind enough to inform your events representative of our National Day event that we, the Ford Focus Owners Club will be hosting again this year. The club would like to invite you to join us on our 3rd National Day which will be held on Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th September 2008. It will be hosted at billing Aquadrome. Last years 2007 event was our second FFOC National Day event. We had over 500 cars attend which made it a very successful show. This year, yet again we are hoping to make it bigger and better! We are going to increase both the attending clubs and trade stands and also we MAY have extra attractions available for all the family on the day. Last year saw many of our members and members from other clubs arrive on the Friday and Saturday to make a weekend of it. This will be a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other around the BBQ and to also take advantage of the facilities Billing has to offer us. Not only that, but we will be arranging a penalty shootout style competition for all to take part in on the Saturday. All types of vehicles are welcome and we have been allocated quite a lot of space for the event so the more of your members who attend the bigger and the better this show will become! Entrance on Sunday only (no camping) will be
  12. Hmm..i have the fuel pump issue with mine, and mines an N reg diesel... mind, mine sounds like a bag of spanners with a ton of ball bearings thrown in for good measure at the mo...only when cold though...but she rattles better than a thousand rattlesnakes, and the smoke first thing in the morn is a heck of a smokescreen....
  13. yee gads mary!! its been 5 days now that ive been able to pass the clingfilm in tesco without dissolving into giggles and wondering what exactly you were doing with an industrial sized roll of the stuff and how on earth it featured in bedroom gym :ph34r: ;)
  14. Tomorrows job.... :ph34r:
  15. ahh..who is your son on VVOC?? im a member on there also.lol welcome martin, we are indeed a friendly bunch, and will help out where we can, there are thousands of posts /topics on this ere forum, so if we dont know, then im sure a post somewhere will answer any questions that you may have.... .... apart from what lies at the end of the rainbow...or why do ford build a car that looks like a sooooooooped up hearse....or why do they build a car that they dont know how to fix!!.. :ph34r: anyhooooooooooooooo...welcome.
  16. well, the drivers door card was loose, so today..my job was to secure it. So off i trot to ford to get some yellow clips, i was shocked at the cost!! 40p each..hell, nearly had to sell my arse on the street corner, but i managed to scrape together the 2 quid i needed out my pennies jar to get 5. anyhow...i take door card off... then i attached the new clips where clips were missing or broken.5 was the magic number..ace i thought!! so put door card back on.Couldnt get the blooming thing on! mistake number one.Spot it? So off the door card comes..i manage to break two clips..i was not amused by this point and stomped my feet and shouted mans testicles a few times! Back on it went. Mistake number two, bearing in mind that id been at it for an hour, my hands had taken numerous hits with a flat bladed screwdriver in previous steps and i was by this time muttering solidly under my breath, mans testicles and making love hell. phot is cr@p as i was fumeing with myself. Sooooooooooooooo.....i have more door clips on order, so when they arrive, then i will replace the speaker! So there you have it, my fiasco of the day!
  17. wanna see the message i got after i raided a guy??.. people are soooooooooooo polite!! Thank you for the attack, shame as I have been given an invite by your alliance boss to join, never mind, you've just shown me that MI5 is not the alliance to join because you never talk to each other and don't care who you attack, so please tell your boss that I thank him for the invite but as alliance's go..... SHOVE IT!!.. ooo..the bounty was only 4800 wheat! my reply to him... # Thank you for your message, sorry but i checked my forum and saw no mention that you have been invited. And to be honest, going by the message you have sent me, diplomacy is not your strongest point, and diplomacy is needed in this game. By the way, where would you like me to shove it?? regards it surely is war!! ;)
  18. mmm..The Galaxy Mob??...lol. think it was mumble that first started it....ive been playing about 3 months now i think?? kinda lose track when playing it. You in an alliance yet? get yer embassey up and start your own.lol.
  19. peasants...nah..... now i do like some teuton!! your scouts fed my horses ;)
  20. since a few of us on here play the game, thought id start a thread on it.. soooooooo...who plays it?
  21. actually, i do believe it is illegal if you kill it and then pick it up..person behind can get it though..so trick is..have two of yer out on the prowl .;)
  22. well, if he aint playing ball...tell him you wont play with his till he lets you use his laptop :lol:
  23. oooo eck...sounds familiar :lol: this happened to me. mine went and took out a lot....inc hard drive, some of it was lost, Had to get a new pc.
  24. some good convos there Nik!I like the bit where KJ was preventing 3 kids trying to take their computer apart.LOL..sounds like mine when i ever have to go into a garage, mind..usually mine are trying to get into the engine bay area to ask whats up with all the cars there.LOL.
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