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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. You lot are sooooooooooooooooooooooo cheeky!! :D :D Tug job monthly......Penthouse..(now we know what resides in your bedside drawer adrianf :D :D :lol: ) As you say Teresa..famous at last! Wooooooooohooooooooooo!! :D :D Publicity for this place is great.....brilliant!! I'm impressed. :D
  2. Had mail back..are RF/Xtra Load.
  3. Cheeky beggers. :D :lol: ...fingers crossed will be ok for tomoz... :D
  4. thanks guys maz xx
  5. sorry guys. not been well....just a quick gander before i go back to bed. :(
  6. My girly daughter.....she is a proper little girly and loves to dress up as princesses....
  7. All the Money munchers.. Youngest daughter... eldest.. Hmm...Had to edit a couple of them...first time at editing so they look pretty crud. :wacko: But they are corkers of pics...They all looked good and had a whale of a time.:D
  8. All my tyres are a 97 load rating with either a W or H speed rating.
  9. Liverpool won???oooohhhhhhh no wonder hubby is in a good mood. :) ....time to ask for painted callipers again..you never know!!..might just say yes and not realise what i asked if im sneaky enough. :) :D
  10. Ok..before Nik or H says it....please put your car details in your sig please..makes it easier when you have a prob as that is where we all look to see what you have :) :) Welcome to the madhouse.Please leave all sharp objects at the desk upon entering this abode. :D :D
  11. will post mine once ive reinstalled my camera...for sum reason its thrown a driver!..worked ok the other day, now wants me to install it again....will do it tomoz as two youngest arent well at the mo.
  12. WEll since it was fine when it went in, and wasnt when it came out..i wouldnt pay a ruddy thing!..i would get them to foot the bill rather than claim on warrenty.As they have done something which has caused this by the sounds of it..Spanner in the works maybe???
  13. I have no idea,,i saw it in a ghia MKIII..but when i went back it wasnt there so i asked the guy if they did it and he said no. They had a diff Gal in the showroom...first one i saw was blue, second was silver...i know what i saw and where i saw it..i just cant prove it and the guy said they dont do it anymore so who knows.... :P
  14. Damn..thought this had died! Ok...The new Galaxy i saw(new shape)was a 56 reg and had the integrated child seat in it....BUT..the new 06 (new shape)..doesnt have them in.They dont do them anymore....soooooooooooooooooooo..i was kinda wrong. :P :D :P :D ..Guess i owe you both a couple o drinks. :D :D
  15. headless..whereabouts you located, i used to live in Eastham. :P .
  16. Nice one Hairy, was just about to do that.!..Saved me a job.. :D
  17. I think i would have to put the cost of the tyres on ebay against the cost from my local tyre place who sells them for 49 quid each.fitted. I think once you have added on postage and cost of fitting, i think id only be saving a couple of quid so at the end of the day i may be better off getting them from my local tyre place. Hmmmmmmm.......
  18. IIRC...It needs re-gassing.
  19. Had a reply. Hi, I am at home now so I only have the data from the wholesaler to go by and that does not show the tyre as XL or RF , the fact that the load rating is 97 does not mean it has to be XL or RF , Falken also do a 97 V in this size and I know that is not reinforced. I will find out for sure tomorrow when I am at work and let you know, if these are RF or XL then they are a very good buy at this price. Regards, Edwin
  20. If they are 97 rated as the seller states in the listing, they must be extra-load - they are certainly higher than the minimum 94 required for the Galaxy. If they aren't 97 rated, then his listing is very misleading. ;) Mine is 97 rated and states heavy load/reinforced on it. I shall ask him to double check, coz if they are..i will get a pair! Have mailed him again ..will see if he replies and let you know. ;)
  21. :o :o ;) ;) ;) ;) well..least i'll be able to join the smokers next week! :D Will get me hosp app out the way first. ;)
  22. Sorry..had a tab today..... ;) will wait till after the 13th November.Be better then i think. ;) ..well..depends.... ;)
  23. Tip for search..if you are searching for oil or MAF....please remember to put a full stop after the word..like oil. MAF. Then it will search for you. ;)
  24. got a point there...........anyway..the more the merrier!!
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