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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. wasnt he doing 100 in a 30??..and yes, she was 7 months pregnant IIRC,,,,
  2. they should either pay up or get out..i left home when i was 17!!..a year after leaving school.. Stop feeding em..doing their washing etc......i think you have to sit em down and explain the situation..the drop in income..the increased costs of them living there and not contributing...if they dont want to contribute then tell them that you cant afford to subsidise them anymore......
  3. wooohooo...yup..LMAO.
  4. is it??,,blimey..how would i set that up then?
  5. I was paying 250 quid a month when i was earning 800 a month when i first left school, so that seems a fair figure to me..gotta learn the value of money and that food etc needs paying for!..plus it will help them to learn to budget for the future.
  6. I guess one of the reasons i want to stay with tiscali..is that id have to change my email addy with everyone..gawd.....soooo much hassle!
  7. Oh my..hed only had it a week aswell..what a waste..a crying shame..that driver should be shot at dawn.....id covet it and pamper it..that pooooor Bugatti......stooopid driver!!
  8. Id need a ruddy bank loan if i went on dial up the amount of time i spend connected to the net.lmao.
  9. A break???....gawd.....be like going cold turkey!!... ;)
  10. I have been informed by Tiscali that it will take up to 20 days but more likely 10 days to transfer my broadband account to the new house!!...how can i get around this?...i have today activated the phone line in the new property so it should be up and running in 24 hours....i cant go 10/20 days with no internet!!..(yes i know...sad i am).....sooooo...without having to cancel this end now ..how can i get the other end up and running without having to wait till the end of march to get back to you lot once ive moved??....Ive thought about going with another provider, but apart from not being able to understand the person i speak to about my bb account..i am quite happy with Tiscali.....sooo....how can i do it?
  11. you can stay and watch the mot being done..i did wen mine went for its mot at the end of feb.i asked him to show me anything that was wrong, which he did.
  12. YUp...i think its a sound idea.....as i know madbaz is into pc's..steve67 into installs in the car...you into your stuff.....sooo..yup..bloody good idea.
  13. sounds like a good idea...as steve67 runs his own business aswell.......quite a few peeps on here do.
  14. D'oh//scrap that..i forgot till i looked in your profile.. :lol:
  15. What business have you set up madbaz??
  16. Just a thought..maybe the ecu needs resetting???..disconnecting the battery for a bit to clear it??..like i had to with my oil level warning??
  17. http://tdiclub.com/TDIFAQ/TDiFAQ-8.html#8) Scroll down a bit to "e"
  18. When mine was flat...there was a little hose that became disconnected at the back of where you put the oil in...umm...will try and find the pic. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...10538&st=40 might not be that though. look at post 63 aswell..better pics... if its no difference....then maybe it wasnt the MAF at fault...maybe something has come adrift...........as stated before..maybe a vacuum pipe/hose.....worth just having a gander at all the pipes/hopes
  19. Will it???...Hmmm..........lol
  20. Nice one faz..think i might give mine a ring today then.....as ive put off taking mine to court as moving in just over a week.
  21. Anything that is against the AUPs.
  22. Means youve been a good boy..wen you been a naughty boy..the number will increase..only each member can see their own..everyone has one.
  23. Cheers wolfie...... :lol: :lol:
  24. Sweeze me..but wot you cant see is the bairn i was feeding!! :( :lol: :lol: (God i look awful.)
  25. Ummm..links?? if it is the site im thinking of..have a browse thru all the diff petitions..some of them are ace.lol.
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