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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. LMAO....gawd...tell em the truth...in a very plain and simple way.....My son when he discovered that if he twanged it it would stand up thought it was a great game till he walked in doing it when i had my mother round one day. Bless em...... part of growing up!!...just wait till he wakes up with ermmm...well...you know.lol. My 9 yr old daughter knows all about the birds and the bees and i think its best if you just try and be very calm about it..the times i laughed when my son would thread a whole packet of polos on his and wrap it around a pencil and let go and it wouldnt move..lmao.. bless..those were pre circumcision days. Because of the problems my son had, we had to address the problems of it popping up after his op before it had healed. Sooo...once youve stopped laughing, go and have a little chat with the poor lad..LMAO.
  2. Now that be telling.. :angry2: :D :D
  3. Is it me..or is there more tyre showing on the left than the right?
  4. You know Brad, a thank you helps every now and then..even if the info posted is not what you were after, we search for you..we look for you and it gets thrown back at us.well, this little gal aint searching no more for you.Thanks cost nothing. By the way..5 miles to warm the cabin sounds bloody good to me. Hope you get the help you need from other members.
  5. did you look at the download pdf file...im trying my hardest here ..i am searching the ruddy internet.
  6. Right, now ive found this........pg_pi_0021_en_web.pdf
  7. How will the cooling system in your car work well if not for the water pump? It is one of the vital components in removing heat from your engine and keep your engine temperature in a manageable level. The water pump is a centrifugal pump driven by a belt connected to the crankshaft of the engine. It circulates coolant form the radiator, through the engine, and back to the radiator. The water pump has a shaft with a pulley on one end and a pump rotor on the other end. When the pulley is spun by a belt, the rotor starts to circulate the coolant. Car water pumps have an inlet near the center so the coolant returning from the radiator hits the pump vanes. The pump vanes fling the coolant to the outside of the water pump, where it enters the engine. Auto water pumps have various designs for different purposes. Most include a rotating impeller, which transmits the coolant through the engine block. As for most rear-wheel drive cars, the fan is installed on the end of the water pump shaft. These car water pumps usually have a spring-loaded seal to prevent water leakage around the pump shaft. Some water pumps are fitted with pre-packed ball bearings sealed at each end so lubrication won't be necessary. It is a must to have a fully-functioning water pump to avoid overheating and engine wear and tear engine. The circulating capability of an auto water pump will certainly cool your engine down at a manageable temperature.
  8. Oho..hold on there..swearing is nay allowed on this forum, consider your post edited!! We on this forum do our best to help those who need it, we have and are trying to help you and im glad that you have found some bits useful. FYI..my aux hasnt worked in months but i still get hot air out of the vents and the car heats up just a bit slower than normal.No great loss.New glow plug is all that i need and i will get around to doing it one day. Some peeps differ on this forum as to what causes what problem, and not all problems are solved immediately, some of the more knowledgeable members only come on every few weeks...seatkid knows his stuff and has been around a long time.As has wolfie and many others.Some like me havent been here that long and are still learning..it all takes time unless you have bottomless pockets and nip to Frauds. Try useing the search again, you never knw what may come up..instead of searching just technical, search the whole forum. Have a look at this site if you need to know how a part works and havent recieved the answer you require on here.. howstuffworks.
  9. If you want instant heat..plug a hairdryer in..far as im aware, you aint gonna get instant heat in a few mins.Failing that..use a hot water bottle and wear thermals.Another suggestion...eat loadsa beans the night before and have yerself a nice warm gasseous interior.will keep yer rear warm aswell. Unless..you on about the engine heating up....do what my dad used to do years ago....wrap it up warm with some nice cosey blankets. You are asking the impossible of a galaxy!!..instant heat??..i know no one who has it.From cold an engine etc has to heat up...so it will take time to get hot air, besides, the aux dont kick in unless 10c or less.
  10. Ang on..hasnt car tax not long gone up?..robbing buggers what next..be taxing the air that we breath next.
  11. Ooops..welcome by the way...lol.
  12. Cant help with the rest but id go for parking sensors every time.....Im lost when mine pack in.LOL.
  13. YUp..or a really long extension lead for the puter.
  14. Well wolfie..i think i know what one of your phobias is.....coming to a meet!!its that or running into me. :o :o :huh:
  15. "Stand by for broadcast" O......k...... then peeps.., quite a few of us are having a moan across all sections of the place so im bumping this thread up and pinning it so you can all post your moans on here rather than technical etc...If you post a moan/rant/gripe/, anywhere other than here then it will be moved to here. Thankooooooo...... "End of Broadcast."
  16. Umm..there is a rant thread.. :huh:
  17. Ummm..nope..i didnt read any review on the film..i never do read reviews on films as i make my own mind up as to what a film is like when ive watched it....I liked the planes and the aerobatics..no careo if they computer animated...
  18. Bugger..you asked me!!..thought it was other ivor asking me..oops..!!
  19. Nooo.....the moral implications of useing artificial intelligence capable of learning in aplace of war as no doubt it will happen one day....i really did enjoy the film..ive seen worse!!..i once stayed up till stoopid time in the morning watching a really bad film as i just had to see if it ever did have a plot...now that was a waste of time. Artificial intelligence capable of learning is with us but it makes you think what will they learn from us?....gawd i think too much sometimes.lmao.
  20. Gotta disagree on stealth..i've just watched it and i liked it..music was good aswell.Makes you think....
  21. OK..in the past 24 hours being a lazy bugger with nothing much to do..(on strike).. I have watched:... Jarhead.....I found this funny in places and a bit of a naff ending...But hard hitting all the same in places. Flightplan....Bit odd but one of those you have to watch to see if the ending is any good, must say that i thought it was the flight marshall all along.sean Bean played a bit of a wimpy pilot i must say..not the sort of role i would have thought he might have played. X-Men 3....Thought it was brilliant ... hell of an ending not what i expected at all...Thought Vinnie was funny in it and some of the chracters could have played a bigger part in it like the one who had wings....Good film. Just about to watch Stealth to see how that is.Then ive got Man on Fire to watch and also Pirates of the Carab dead mans chest.Dodgeball is another.Hey....got nowt else to do..lmao. Had all these films for ages just never got around to watching them, So im watching em all now.
  22. well..i have the correct link this time..but hesitant to post it as im prob wrong again....so wont..LOL.
  23. I stand corrected then...Was only trying to help.
  24. Hope this helps.... Its a very good site and is what i use if i need to know how something works on my car.. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/cooling-system4.htm
  25. Wish i hadnt looked at that link.. :lol: B)
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