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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by gazza007

  1. Took a quick Pic of this Gal yesterday at my local shops. I've seen it before but thought I'd snap with my phone.
  2. Had a ring round some Seat Garages for a price. Some of them don't have a clue. Anyway price is
  3. Nothing wrong with my chopper, I always make sure they take it the right way!!! Anyway it was an Ecostar EC-130 Jet Turbine Heli. Expensive but worth every penny.
  4. Its about 4000ft deep at this point, flew in by chopper. Loved Las Vegas Must return one day, hopefully soon...
  5. Grand Canyon Last October
  6. Roscoff last September
  7. Just put a 16" Bosch Super + on the back, works a treat
  8. I'll try & get a price on the part. I presume they must all be similar. Cheers
  9. i wish i had the confidence to do mine!!!
  10. Have you sorted yet. Did you do it yourself? Mine is still gurgling. Must get it sorted.
  11. If you drive off with the handbrake on you get a warning, could there be a fault with that system. Not sure how it works?
  12. You can get the Miller's XFE PD 505.01 from this guy he does mail order. WOODCOTE AUTOMOTIVE LTD 1 THE OLD SHIPPON HOLLY HOUSE EST. MIDDLEWICH RD CRANAGE CHESHIRE CW 10 9LT 01606 836 637
  13. Yes the plugs at the back, I found that the one at the right hand side (looking from the back) was my culprit. Has a little lever on it to remove. :) Removal instructions
  14. Try removing unit & plugs give the connections a clean & re-connect in the first instance. I've had the odd fault like this in the past & cured the problem. You will probably have to remove the radio & cubby hole too. Face plate over A/C controls has 4x torx screws behind. regards Gaz
  15. Collector/Dryer unit prone to leaks due to corrosion, quite a common fault on early Mk2's & not easy to spot. Took about 6 months to fix mine after changing everything else, even an independant failed to spot it. I'm sure a service bulleten was issued on this one. Good luck keep pushing!!!
  16. It the 'Time of Year'. Moisture seems to be a real pain with the low sun after a shower & with temp below 5 the AC can't help. I'm going to check the pollen filter as not been changed for a while, it may be a little damp. I printed off your excellent pictures last year Seatkid for filter removal.
  17. I hate situations like this morning. You get misting up but it is too cold for AC to help with the de-misting, the Diesel takes a while to warm so you have to wait a little. I feel sorry for my sister, their Gal's Turbo has gone & they're due a bill for
  18. Hi Mee, Welcome on board. I find that temp controls can be a bit iffy & don't always respond immediately when turned, especially air flow direction. On a couple of occasions the unit has stopped working apart from the fan speed so I've had to reset the unit by unplugging it at the rear. Temp controls AC will not feel that cold this time of year & will not work when temp is 5c or less. Best waiting till spring then do some tests with thermometer etc. If you do a search 30 days older you will find that AC has the biggest number of threads. The vent system on this car is not the best.
  19. Thanks, somehow I missed it in the search :unsure:
  20. Recently the buzz I get from the auxillary waterpump after turning off the engine has sounded a bit weak & intermittent with the odd gurgle sound. I suspect it is on its way out or it may have another problem. How critical is this part & is it easy to fix change. Not exactly sure where it is. Car is running OK with no temp problems Any advice appreciated.
  21. Always used Conti CH90's managed about 27k off last fronts, good grip & low noise.
  22. Welcome 1310 See here Unfortunately it seems that some of the very useful older postings & pics prior to January have gone. Gaz
  23. This time of year can be a real pain for fogging WS. I find if the car has been stood in the afternoon & you get a shower then bright sun it can be a real pain. Problem is that AC doesn't kick-in went temp below 5C. I find using a good quality window cleaner helps. As suggested switch off AC just before completing your journey & I would double check the rear washer feed under the plastic trim on pass side, you may have a slight leak + air drawn for the re-circ is on that side.
  24. Does the air direction change to screen etc... when you move the dial?? Have a look at this Controls
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