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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by gazza007

  1. Not according to the info chart supplied by SEAT which I will try & find. I was also told by a techie that the system works harder the warmer it is outside to compensate for the higher interior temps
  2. One of my older posts output temp & testing guide
  3. Is the unit back-lit when lights on?
  4. Car delivered back this evening from SEAT Hobin at Preston. Master Clutch Cylinder replaced Anti-roll bar link replaced oil change inspection
  5. SEAT Dealer just been on. Master Cylinder has failed on clutch.
  6. Thanks for replies, on it's way now. Garage where it is going are very competent & will advise before they start anything. Will report back later
  7. Pulled off the drive this morning & noticed clutch bite was very low. After getting into first was unable to change up & pedal had sunk & wouldn't return fully to top. Decided to limp to my parents in first gear as they are near by down the road. Had to switch off engine to get out of gear. Brit rescue say they will take to garage for me. My favoured & trusted one is near Preston about 50 miles away but they say it is Ok as I'm not at home address. Called garage to warn them. Looking expensive even if it is just the hydraulics that have failed but have no choice as beyond DIY and prefer to get 2 year warranty on fix from SEAT as I have no plans to change the car for a good while yet. Only done 74K but noticed on a few other posts that a few have been going in the 70K+ mileage range. Funnily enough been noticing a knocking recently not sure if connected but I suspect a drop link could have gone. No doubt garage will confirm that too. First Major fail, bugger!!!!
  8. Glad to have helped... :D
  9. Your very welcome. Let me know how you get on. :D
  10. Help is at hand Heater controls
  11. Go for it.... there has been just as many VW & SEAT owners that have made this site worthwhile. Maybe worth setting up a new site for the new Gal too
  12. The bloke at wiperbaldes.co.uk told me that Bosch will be doing an Aeroblade that will fit the older arms in the near future.
  13. It runs all the time the engine is running & for a couple of minutes afterwards.
  14. Alhambra Jeff!!!! Gal can be a pain in *** sometimes but I love her. Aux seemed to staying on this morning too. Cheers :ph34r:
  15. Well, all done now inc pollen filter. To be honest a work colleague did it who's done all my other bits over the years. He couldn't believe that the pollen filter was in a such a stupid position, backs of his hands all scraped. Nice quiet buzz after shutdown. Will be interesting to see if aux heater runs a little longer now. Anyway he said it took him 1.30 & only wanted
  16. Hmmm interesting, What tyres did you have before? I have that tyre size & car was originally supplied with Conti CH90's reinforced, since then I have always used this type & have been very pleased. I pay about
  17. Could be the controls themselves, Mine don't always respond first time especially on direction control
  18. Your welcome, BJ Mine's going on this week along with the pollen filter. Will report back Gaz :D
  19. I'm about to do mine along with run-on pump. Got a Mann filter for
  20. Have it in my hand as we speak!!!! :ph34r: Jeff, any idea's why Aux heater is cutting off early, seems to cycle? Gaz
  21. Cheers to both of you, It's good when forum members work together like this to help each other out. This is how it should work & used to when I first joined. I'm one of the older members(Not age!!!) There has been some silliness recently which has driven valued contributors away. Anyway Hope I can fit it..... Gaz :lol:
  22. Don't I get any thanks!!!!
  23. Get on to Ford Cust Services. I had 9 months of trouble with mine. Eventually SEAT got another dealer to fix even though it went out of warranty. You have to be persistant. If you don't ask you don't get!!! Good luck
  24. Managed to source one from Local Bosch distributors in Stockport. Andrew Page Bosch part number is 0392 020 073 matches VW number.
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