I hope someone out there can help me with this problem. I took our Galaxy (2000, TDi 110bhp) out for a spin to test it at high speeds for the first time (we will be driving through Germany at the end of July with our 7 & 5 yr olds and 4 month old baby, so we want to get to our destination as quickly as possible!!). The car stormed effortlessly to 70 mph in 5 th gear, but then I noticed it ran out of ooomph at 80 mph (at 3000 rpm), I had to floor the accelerator (until it hit the rubber stop on the floor) to get it up to 90 mph and it was very unresponsive. Not what I would have expected from an engine that's only done 52,000 miles. I've been following the MAF sensor story in the technical section and decided to venture under the bonnet, hoping there might be a loose connecter or something equally simple to fix. I think I found the sensor (attached to the big black pipe heading rearwards from the air filter box) the connecter seemed firmly attached so I followed the cable back and found a branch about 2" back from the sensor. This branch (a black/yellow and a brown wire inside a heat-proof sheath) was hanging loose behind the engine cover, it ended in a black plastic connecter with 2 terminals, it was burnt and carbonised. Should this cable be connected to anything or is it there for an accessory to plug into? Also if I unclip the connector going to the MAF sensor and drive the car to see if it makes a difference (if the sensor is bust then it should n't) will this damage the engine? Or is this lack of high speed performance due to something else? The car has a full Ford service history (for what that's worth). I'd like to be armed with some knowledge before I take it back to the independent dealer who sold me the car. Thanks, Max.