Surely the only swap you would do would be front to back same side ( wouldn't expect any difference in wear between left and right ). Good point about the spare...although they are going out of fashion !
Insert the Key but do not turn it on Press and hold the Mileage Meter Reset Button. While holding the reset button, start your car and continue to hold the button. Within 10 seconds, the display should change to "test" on the LCD readout.and the needles will do a full sweeping. Release the Button By pressing the button you can now cycle through 17 different modes 1.Shows a Gauge Sweep 2. Shows all 8's on the LCD (LCD TEST) 3. Illuminates all the bulbs on the dash 4. Displays hexadecimal value for ROM level 5. Displays the hexadecimal value for EE level 6. Shows DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) 7. Digital Speedometer - MPH 8. Digital Speedometer - KPH 9. N/A 10. Digital tachometer 11.Fuel volume 12. Engine coolant temperature 13. Battery voltage 14. ABS fail 15. Electronic brake distribution (EBD) failure 16. Illumination 17. Crank Sense All will go back to normal once ignition is switched back off ONE ASSUMES THIS ONLY WORKS ON FORDS NOT VW's p.s. Just send the 99p in the post..... :angry2:
Were these the SP2020's they have a reputation for not lasting very well, basically crap soft rubber. A decent pair of budget tyres should last at least 30,000 miles, I have gotten 50,000 out of several different types.
First thought would be Fuse 22 but if as you say this is ok then maybe Relay 4 I think this also controls the rear blower but may just be poor or burnt out contacts. Not 100% on this p.s. can you put your model and year into your signature...I am guessing you have a MK1 ?
Couldn't agree more Pet.... The way ex-servicemen are treated in this country is a disgrace... Drives me mad when I see these namby pamby do-gooders criticising them.
VAT will go to the government. It is complicated but basically a company will pay VAT on its puchases and charge VAT on its sales. If the Sales are larger than the Purchases ( one would think this would be the normal condition ) then this difference is payable to the government. Try here VAT for more info.
This is a sneaky one.....technically theft rather than tax.. If there are any bank or savings accounts which have not been activated for fifteen years then Labour are proposing to take the money for their own use..! And another example..... Average cost of a flight to New York 1997....
Too much fuel getting to the heater......most likely cause is fuel metering pump which is likely to have been the original fault anyway. However I am not 100% sure if this is separate or integral part of the heater unit.