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Everything posted by steve67car

  1. sorry been very busy so not been on site the kit is an amped iso to iso that has an intellegent sense to pick up the input and there fore cuts out the head unit and then plays what ever audio you send through it be it sat nav voice control mp3 player portable dvd the uses are endless they are
  2. nav tv in cardiff used to be the only place to be able to get the tv on the move they have now discontinued this lead i have one left and am in the process of trying to get it copied and at
  3. does the sat nav have a 3.5 jack plug socket on it for head phones ? if so i know ove a bit of kit that can sort it for you mate regards steve
  4. dealer talking out his arse trying to scare you none of the oversized ford radios have an amp none ever made able to take them i know done at least a thousand over sized ford radio swops regards steve
  5. yes it can there is a loom that was available but has been discontinued :o i have one left with i am tring to duplicate ;) will post my findings very shortly :o if it can be replicated :o
  6. piece of cake that is pull down the carpet under the glove box it will expose 3 grommets take your pick pop one out feed your cable through the grommet replace the grommet with the cable passed through into engine bay lean in to engine bay pull cable up to battery fit a fuse (most important that is ) route cable to rear of car under the trim (taping it to trim with gaffer tape will just not do ,you aint in a corsa/clio/nova now :) ) power up the unit back to engine bay place cable to the battery and insert fuse into its holder 2 things to bear in mind 1) keep eath as short as possible 2) if you have abs try to route cable away from pump good luck
  7. as it is a ford thousand series radio they have a habit of shitting their tuner pack is repairable i charge about 60_70 pounds to repair but as i am in northampton a little to far i guess easy way to test it out is - pull out the radio get another aerial plug it on the back of the radio and see what you get if still nothing then the tuner pack has died hope this helps regards steve :)
  8. i thought the aspen was the enter level model with unpainted bumpers on earlier models also most the electrics on the shalaxy range is under the seats or dash also never heard of two storage pockets as the aux heater is behind the rear left panel regards steve
  9. dependant on when the car has been driven e.g around town (also dependent on foot wear aswell ) about 60-75 tho ;) motorway driving 300-400 thou (less gear changing :o also if an auto ask your self whats a clutch pedel doing there :) regards steve
  10. do as dave says and you will be ok iirc the air bag is in the roof not the post but all i did was pull out the door rubber run up the gap and then across the top of the trim and then under the head lining best of luck oh and one more thing...................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bang
  11. the format is what ever the map makers use it is more of a mapping system than programs (not a techno geek so not sure) and yes what ever is on the front of the command ten system is mercs name for the travel pilot system by blupunkt regards steve :lol:
  12. the petrol gal is water heated and there fore normally have a switch on the dash and some have roof control above passangers head inline with the b piller regards steve :ph34r:
  13. yes you can if blupunkt do a disc with it on as your system is a blupunkt travel pilot system and unlike the tom tom system you have a disc be it dvd or cd rom based were as the tom tom is sd card based regards steve
  14. welcome to the mad house resident nutter ;) is away at the moment for about 10 days ( peace for us :o ) so which side you on hopton or hemsby regards steve
  15. ask them are you a door the paradise one will say yes the door to hell will say no ;)
  16. only 178miles each way last count 700+miles and still going strong lol
  17. pissing myself lol
  18. i earnt 60 aweek when i left school and gave my mum 30 of it but got half of it back midweek so never skint until i got a car cortina 6 years old
  19. its all there behind the stereo also the light lens just pops out regards steve
  20. our local chips away guy is fantasic did a scratch on my old galaxy perfect and did loads on my mates c70 volvo again great also has ties with a local body shop so can get body shop stuff done as well with out it costing the earth. only problem is his name tony blair :lol:
  21. i will top that at 225 and sell it back to you for 250 oh and some for fitting lol :lol:
  22. mk 1 seats and mk2 seats are fixed the same so inter changeable also i have an51 plate shaza and will be dropping the headlining soon and will photo it so anyone can see how the newer mk2 is fitted with it regards steve
  23. if the argue work out the total house hold bills inc morgage/rent split it 4 ways and offer them that as the other option and i am sure they will except your first offer lol ;)
  24. as above that is what i does so wanted to be first again but seriously i do car audio multimedia and the likes so if you need any thing i will always do as close to cost as i can to all active members if you know what you want then email me on in-ka_northampton@hotmail.co.uk or 07758587003 this mobile is a special one for just you guys or the normal one is 07788627766 remember drive safe keep two hands on the wheel and if you aint got one get a car kit now it aint worth the points or the increased insurance that will follow an undue care and attention fine so on that note call me the worst i can say is no regards steve ;)
  25. to be honest i thought it was quicker today when i logged on but i did not think to much of it ,but my reason for the post was can youy prune the membership down in the archives i noticed when i searched for some one how many members register and view a couple of posts and are never seen or heard of again regards steve :lol:
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