Hi. My 99 Ghia TDI has an oddity with the central locking - from either key in lock, or remote, the NS rear door locks only if the locking is cycled twice. First time the lock whirrs 4 times and stops still unlocked. Repeat the process, the lock whirrs 4 times but is locked. I wonder if anybody can help me narrow this down please? I'm thinking switches in lock itself, wiring in door gaiter, lock ecu. On my even older Galaxy the control unit was under the passenger seat (bad news for the water, but easy to test). Any hints gratefully received ... oh and could somebody tell me if the lock control is still separate or now part of the main ecu please. Probably not relevant, but the remote unlock function doesn't always work though lock is reliable (new batteries, and light on remote flashes so I don't think it's the remote). Sometimes using the lock (even though the car is still locked) followed by unlock works... Hope this isn't covered anywhere obvious on the forum...