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Everything posted by cyborg

  1. check your wires in all tailgates and doors sounds like there sorting .
  2. change the crank sensor and relay 30 to be sure. Mind you, a hammer does fix most faults !
  3. vagcom will help reset on clocks dash
  4. hi, before you throw money at a battery try , disconnecting battery then measure volts Then reconnect earth and connect a voltmeter between the battery + and red lead (inline) Then see what your battery drian is...........if its more than 50 milliamp than your original reading chances are you have an electrical problem start unpluging fuses open sut doors etc to find drian.
  5. Hi, check your wires behind your rubber gaitors in the tail and all doors ;)
  6. check all the coils are ok a missfire causes a colleration (timming) problem with autobox. If the bonnet is badly fitted on the vr6 24v rain water goes down coils and shortens there life. most problems are easily deduced using vagcom do a forum search & buy a lead.
  7. hi, check you coil's are firing on all cylinders and check if mass air sensor is actually connected.
  8. Click here for how to.......... or just buy a vr6 24v 204bhp galaxy ;) http://www.fiestaturbo.com/tech/zetec-turbo/
  9. Funny enough I once bought a galaxy were they had removed the led for abs in the clocks . Its easy to solder one on or just get some new clocks .The wheel sensors probabley ok check the relector ring sometimes they break.
  10. Checking your wires under rubber sleve in your tailgate & all doors is also a good place to look.
  11. hi marti, Welcome to the forum,Low power can be number of things you can connect your car to vagcom a diagnostic program thats costs peanuts 'use the the search forum function' there's lots on here about it. For now ensure keys are not in ignition, then disconnect the mass air sensor. This is so the car uses the default fuel map,then take for a spin & see if there's an improvement......
  12. Do you think if you paid the extra they wouldn't be bent... ^the sills.
  13. hi there, Follow the steering rack inside car to the carpet and fold back carpet there's a bolt under the carpet, make sure you've undone this !
  14. Did you change the Timing Chain Tensioner Bolt ? its possible it not holding pressure thus not keeping tension on the chain I say this when you drive faster the pressure increases making problem go away. On the flooding coils I solved mine by adjusting the bonnet back a bit and since haven't had a problem.
  15. The copper links on chain are used to align the mark on the crank timing gear and the mark on camshaft wheel to obtain correct timing there are no other marks for this
  16. When you wound back the caliper, you mentioned that you had trouble removing screw back tool.Sounds like you have overtightened the mechanical internal pistion screw on the caliper.The handbrake function is designed to be a mechanical safety net should you pop a leak on brakes. Brake failure happen to me once on an old mondeo was i grateful for a handbrake ,I wouldn't like to try it in a 2 ton galaxy with family on board . Your best bet is replace caliper .or remove piston and correct but you would still need a brake rebuild kit........ because its also likely the piston is corroded anyway .so replace there's some things you need to spend money on this is one of them . Safe motoring
  17. I have the same problem but when I look at the diagnostics it said it was speed sensor A. It that one that is in the gearbox or is it on the road wheels? I dont think that the problwm in with the gauges but I could be wrong! any experts out there? lots of red herring's here ......check your wires in doors and tailgates & on battery
  18. sounds like an earth wire the starter itself .If the car has no under tray the water splashes on it causing it to become weak over a few days.
  19. Hi welcome to forum , please see this F.A.Q http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?/topic/10371-galaxy-door-boot-wiring-inspection-repair/page__p__82231#entry82231 also check wires in tail gate of course repairs can be made with out so much dis-assembly .If you find you need to solider a wire, leave little more wire stripped before you heat shrink .it will give a little more flex and not make future weak point .
  20. both problems sounds like a crank sensor ,the coil light doubles as engine management .
  21. Hi Simon, sounds like you have lots of red herrings going on. I would go back to all doors and tail gate and double check wires haven't twisted together or cracked causing a short to ground .
  22. relays Top 128 Headlights 169 heated rear windowscreen 53 Wiper system Bottom 72 Rear wash wipe 30 Power to ecu digifant relay 18 Power distribution 99. Front wash wipe 36 Door buzzer ~ Hazards 53 Horn 167 Fuel pump If you take a photo of 2nd layer I will list them for you however most electrical faults are under tailgate and door rubbers hope that helps.
  23. Hi there, Sounds like you have a parasitic drain , You can test by checking the voltage drop across the fuses or you could save time and check wires behind tail gate rubbers and all door rubbers,Its very common for the wires to fray and connect to each other. broken wires will easily discharge a weak battery in a night & especily if you do lots of short journeys not giving the battery time to charge.
  24. hello & welcome have a look here in faq section at relay 30 http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?/topic/8810-relay-30-replacement/page__st__30
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