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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by delboyt

  1. this any good ?? http://www.tinleytech.co.uk/lpgsys.html http://www.gallileus.info/search/history/parts/21233
  2. look into the price of a stand i done a cycle one yrs ago for the firm i work for it's bloody expensive 2k won't get you much of a stand unless it's like a car boot sort of fair.
  3. rodney IS a plonker .. lol did you know a pub in bristol has it's front door made of human skin the pub is called the hatchet from the slavery day's
  4. i got a 1997 glx without the alarm & remote function & it does it try it out & you will findout as i have been told that if you got central locking all car doe's it ?? don't quote me on that though
  5. i read on here some time back that if the ecu gets wet then you remove it & put it into your airing cupbard where it's really warm & leave it there for a day or so & it usually works again maybe handy to know for the future or a new one will cost about
  6. hi bigdaddy thank's for the info on the tax class i'll let peeps know when i get my tax reminder
  7. hi big daddy i got a 2.0 petrol galaxy reg 1997 what will i be paying m8 ? i got to tax her the end of next month
  8. thank's mum glad to see someone know's what i'm getting at it's not all me at fault & i did apologies earlier as others can verify but vr6galaxy took the pee again. i will let this drop but i wanted you to see what has caused this. it's not 50/50 this one cheers again mum
  9. here is another of the post's vr6galaxy put up against my post this is why i lost my rag with the ...... well you know :- vr6galaxy Posted: Mar 4 2006, 20:24:29 Report PostQuote Post Advanced Member *** Group: Members Posts: 2412 Member No.: 2435 Joined: 11/12/2004 Vehicle Type: or we have the snoopdog translation.............. takes `bout 20 mins remove 3 screws tizzle holds tha biznulk heezee plate in remove tha battery shiled tizzle pull tha bizzle heezee pizzle away. remove tha baller fizzle tha drives side there is a clip this end you need ta press & pull tha rappa you do not need ta remove bottles or wipa motors m8 when fitt'n tha new poser makes sure you locate tha filta into tha slots on tha carria use a torch ta look at it it's really simple ta do. tha bulk heezee J-to-tha-izzust slides bizzle into place as does tha battery protector. yo yawl wit it dawg laugh.gif
  10. here is what started this :- QUOTE (delboyt @ Mar 4 2006, 20:05:33) takes about 20 mins remove 3 screws that holds the bulk head plate in remove the battery shield then pull the bulk head plate away. remove the filter from the drivers side there is a clip this end you need to press & pull the filter you do not need to remove bottles or wiper motors m8 when fitting the new filter make sure you locate the filter into the slots on the carrier use a torch to look at it it's really simple to do. the bulk head just slides back into place as does the battery protector. i hope this helps you this is the piss take from vr6galaxy I passed this post through a translator that allows you to speak like a 12yr old texting on it's mobile............. TAEKS ABOUT 20 MINS RAMOVE 3 SCRAWS TAHT HOLDS TEH BULK HAAD PLAET IN RAMOV3 DA BATARY SHIELD THEN PUL TEH BULK HEAD PLAT AWAY REMOVE!1!1!111 OMG WTF LOL TEH FILT3R FROM TEH DRIEVS THEIR IS A CLIP THIS END U NED 2 PRES & PUL TEH U DO NOT NED 2 RAMOV3 BOTL3S OR WIEPR MO2RS M8 WHEN FITNG TEH NU FILT3R MAEK SURA U LOCAET TH3 FILTAR IN2 DA SLOTS ON DA CAREIR USA A 2RCH 2 LOK AT IT ITS RILLY SIMPLE 2 DA1!!1!11! OMG WTF BULK H3AD JUST SLIEDS BAK IN2 PLAEC AS DO3S DA BATERY PROTEC2R I1!11!!1 LOL HOPE THIS HALPS U funnily enough I understand it better laugh.gif
  11. ok guys apologies to vr6 let's call a truce lifes too short
  12. i did email vr6 with the post he put up if you read it it was to get some sort of reply from him & was done a a joke as the last part i put lol that means lots of larfs lol. i did chat to him on the chat forum aswell about what's been happening to my post's i put up to try to help people out like you guys have done for me. all i ask of him is to stop replying to any posts i put up & re write them at take the micky out of the way i write them. i'm trying to help people but he's doing it all the time. i don't mind a larf like anyone but enough is enough. i did say to him on the chat forum to call a truce but he called me some choice words. i never meant to offend anyone but i would like a bit of slack from him i know i'll not be a mod on here neith would i want to be as i'm a mod on some other forums & don't have time for this one aswell lol. anyhow keep the ifo rolling in for the newbies if you don't want me on this site just say & i'll gladly go & leave you to your own devices.
  13. greg i don't really care about polls if i would win or not don't care if i'm liked or not either never has botherd me but i was asked why i removed my post so i replied
  14. i done a reply to the original question that was fine as it gave the info that vr6 put up after but he worded it better & put down my post that's why i removed it & will not post here again due to him but i will reply with private messages instead. vr6galaxy has got this thing about slagging peoples post reply it seems i hope this clears things m8
  15. removed my info on the matter above due to vr6 taking the piss yet again i may not bother with helping any one out in the futuer as it's not worth being hassled by vr6 the f-ing twat. can someone like a moderator have a word with him
  16. well done mum another good driver on our roads my missus is a damn good as most women are in big cars it's the one's in little fiesta's you got to watch out for now mum happy motoring & get ur mate's in the gal & take em all out for a drive & a drink you got to have soft drink's of coarse as you the DRIVER!!
  17. you asked for a price earlier for the broken grill do as said phone your dealer & ask that way you will know !!
  18. pollen filter about
  19. thinking the same thing john this forum is getting out of hand now
  20. well said jase oh i have the CAPS on & forget sometimes what's the big deal about them no one mean's anything by having them ON WE REALLY NEED TO KEEP TO THE SUBJECT POSTED IF PEEPS WANT TO MESS AROUND & HAVE A TOPIC ON TALKING CRAP THEN POST YOUR OWN topic OOPS CAPS ON LOL
  21. vr6 why not just try to help people not take the piss. i tried so i am not the bestest spellinger in du wold lol i did try to help the guy out if people like you take the piss from peoples post's then i'm not surprised there only a few people giving help & advice all the time looks like the same 5 or 6 people why not have a break & help out
  22. lol do you understand this vr6 F**K OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. get the aux belt changed sometimes called the fan belt about
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