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Everything posted by buford_t_justice

  1. The warranty last for 3years from the point of vehicle registration so it sounds likely yours (for a 52 REG) is either just about to end or has already done so. Servicing is required to be completed by either Ford or a VAT registered garage in accordance with manufacturers requirements using OEM parts. HTH. PS: If it's covered over 40kmiles make sure the cambelt has been changed.
  2. I'm going to give it a go on one tank and see how I get on. Fingers crossed!! :)
  3. Select Module 9 (Central Electronics) and add 8 to the software code.
  4. Did you calculate this MPG yourself or use the computer display?? Reason why I ask is I have one of those tuning boxes and although the increase in low down torque is great the increase in actual MPG for me is non-existent. (and I don't drive the car any harder) The trip computer reported on average an extra 10MPG but this was because of the tricks the tuning box was playing on the ECU.
  5. Has anybody been following this thread on the Honest John website?? http://www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?f=2&t=33064 If true this would be some improvement !!
  6. Have you completed the cambelt change on your TDi yet? If so, how difficult was it and how long did it take? Thanks.
  7. Your right you would have to stick to the manufacturers service schedules to qualify for warranty work. I bought my Gal last July and have it serviced at an independent garage to keep costs down. Still got another years warranty to run yet so but all I do is think of the cost as the cost to maintain the warranty for the next year instead of
  8. Couldn't you have had this replaced under warranty given your Gal is pretty new??
  9. In the last year I've only ever left my Gal standing still for a week on two occassions and both times I suffered hurrendous steering wheel wobble when braking at speeds <30mph. It took about two weeks of normal usage to shake it off!! I still don't know what caused it. There was no corrosion on the discs and no grinding noises could be heard.
  10. Also could you tell me how much the following would be: (1) sideskirts (2) front spoiler (3) suspension kit - for TDi (4) roof spoiler (5) Gear knob - Art.-Nr.: W 5 000 301 Thanks.
  11. is this for both the mk1 and mk2 ?? what about this skc??? :(
  12. Isn't the next step to obtain a 7-digit SKC (Security Key Code) from the dealer and then use VAG-COM to program it in?? The MAJOR problem now being that the dealers can't tell you what the code is anymore because they receive the code encrypted direct from VW and even they don't know what it is!! I hope I'm wrong though because this is why I've not bothered picking up a new key from EBAY and getting it cut and then using my VAG-COM to set it up.
  13. is this thread suitable.......? http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=4524
  14. From what I remember the whine on my old man's Granada 2.8 Auto was coming from the rear diff! Those auto boxes were indestructible! So too was the engine! Great cars.
  15. On the central locking module, press adaption (10) on channel 3 and set bit to 1=on to lock car at 15km/h. To unlock the car at removal of ignition key change channel 4 to 1=on.
  16. Do you reckon it would be possible to use the VAG-COM cable and a laptop (plus other necessary software) to perform an ECU Remap?? It would be great to use our existing equipment to take a backup of the factory map and upload another one!!
  17. I've been trying to figure out how to remove the instrument cluster without removing the entire front dash! (MKII Diesel) I know there are two screws on its base that secure the cluster but just don't know how to get to them. Can anybody help?
  18. MrT, When autolocking has been enabled they don't unlock again when you've slowed down. I have them enabled on my VW Bora which I did using VAG-COM. Unable to do it on the Galaxy though.
  19. Your brave attempting a cambelt change on your own! :) What you will need for the rest depends on what you have had done to it so far and your mileage. If you don't know the history of it then I'd definately change the oil, oil filter, air filter and pollen filter. As for the fuel filter well that's a personal choice. I realise that other people on this forum would change this at the normal intervals but personally I don't bother. If it ain't broke don't fix it! I'm convinced this fuel filter renewal is just some big con by the manufacturers to increase the servicing costs (and looks a fiddly job too!). I've driven my last 4 cars covering 100,000 miles each and never changed a fuel filter once and I don't see anything changing. The oil you will need is Ford Formula SD.
  20. I bought mine from this RossTech : http://www.ross-tech.com/Merchant2/merchan...ory_Code=VAGCOM You download the software from their website and install on a laptop.
  21. If you log into the "09.Central Elec" module and goto to Adaptation, what does your Channel 10 say?? Mine says alarm horn "installed" with a value of "0". Values 3 or 4 change the installed say "UK". It's not the best time to set the car alarm off just now (Sunday before 10am) so was just wondering if any of you VAG-COMmers out their have tried changing this setting? I'm guessing it will change the sound of the alarm. Also have a look at Channel 14. Something about the windows and the rear lock but I don't what it is supposed to do but is currently "deactivated. Any comments greatly appreciated. Also has anybody else found any other new settings we can tweak????
  22. Looking at the link from VR6Galaxy to a website called "UltraLEDs", they supply a bulb which also has LEDs pointing out towards the side. www.ultraleds.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=44&products_id=680&osCsid=2354b040165e4cf6e356fc1e7803b217 Was it these LED's MrT that you tried or if not do you think they would solve your original problem?? Also did you try LED's for your indicators? If so did you have any problems with the rate of flashing? Thanks.
  23. Has anybody else tried these LED replacement bulbs? It's just that I've read a few comments elsewhere that the low current drain of an LED bulb compared to that of a standard bulbs triggers the "bulb blown" feature inside the car. Also when used as replacements for the indicators, for the same reason as above, they then flash at twice the normal rate.
  24. Does anybody know if you can get LED rear light clusters for the MK2 Galaxy??
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