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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Audiman

  1. I had a similar problem with my Audi A4 - it kept going into limp mode. Switching off the car and restarting it - it began working temporarily. I had it tested on VAGCOM - no fault found. I changed the vacuum pipes, MAF sensor, N75 valve - none of these made any difference. Unfortunately I suspect it was sticky vanes. I never got it fixed because it cost me too much so far. I got rid of it and got a Galaxy.........unfortunately this has the same Variable Vane Turbo system. So far this hasn't failed YET! There is a generic problem on all VW, Audi and SEAT - the whole Variable Vane Turbo mechanism + sensors are prone to failure.
  2. Thanks again Nikpv. You're correct the back discs don't need bearing removing....phew, that'II make my life a great deal easier. Before I read your reply - I went to Halfords and checked the Haynes manual for MK1 (I assumed it's the same for MK2) - no need to remove bearings. Doublechecked with engineer at the Fraud garage - He confirmed no need to remove bearings.........Whoppeeeee! My Gals going to Ford on Thursday to get the Timing belt done...........STILL GOING TO GET A BIG BILL ANYWAY. Thanks for your help
  3. Thanks Nikpv, To change rear pads, this is straight forward. I want to change my rear discs - what I really want to find out "do I need to press the bearings into the hubs/disc housing etc"
  4. Does anyone know whether I need to 'press in' the wheel bearing if I were to replace my rear discs? I have a 2003 Zetec TDI. The Fraud garage want
  5. I just purchased a 2003 Zetec TDI on Friday - BLACK FRIDAY for me, I checked everything mechanically except switches,door locks,air conditioning etc! Unfortunately after parting with the cash, i found a whole host of things not working Air Conditioning This is my main concern - When I press the air con button, it lights up on fan speed 1 and 2 (no fan blowing) - If I increase the speed to 3,4,5 etc the air con light goes out (fan is now blowing) I don't think the air con is working correctly, should the light go out when I increase the fan speed? Remote Central Locking Remote control not working at all. The drivers lock is broken. The car only locks via the boot Radio Not working No power on the radio - fuses checked in the fusebox and back of the radio all okay. Reverse sensors not working. I've read up on this - I need to hear clicking on the sensor when selecting reverse. Spare wheel was in the car, I wondered why? Then I found out that the wire that holding spare wheel have snapped!!!!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....!!!! Please can someone help with least the air con.
  6. I've recently purchased my Galaxy (2004 tdi) which came with Dunlop tyres - previously I had a Audi A4 tdi which had Dunlops as well. I had changed tyres types between Pirelli, Bridgestone and Dunlops on the Audi for the last 6 years. I got around 18,000 - 20,000 miles on the Dunlops and found these to be the most hardwaring. Don't forget that front tyres take a bashing with transmitting power & power steering.
  7. Have you checked the central locking relay and fuses. Also the the drivers door physically lock.
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