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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Audiman

  1. Actually I bought the car from a dealer - I didn't bother to go back, he was in Coventry and I was in Leicester. Anyway this is what I've fixed myself so far. Air Conditioning This is my main concern - When I press the air con button, it lights up on fan speed 1 and 2 (no fan blowing) - If I increase the speed to 3,4,5 etc the air con light goes out (fan is now blowing) I don't think the air con is working correctly, should the light go out when I increase the fan speed? [b]ANS: I replaced the Resistor pack, cost about
  2. So whats the answer? do I get a new fob or send it to Fraud. I don't really want spend money at Fraud again. I've already had the batteries changed at fraud and it worked okay for a week. Now it work 1 in 30 times. Could the fob it is worn out Any ideas.
  3. Thanks NinjaKev - I'II buy a new fob and see if that works. Just wondering what I need to do to get it synchronised. 1) remove PATS chip and put it into the new fob 2) reprogramme - the usual unlock 3 times etc etc.
  4. I've come back from Cheddar - It rained and rained - should have stayed in with the cold beer as suggested. Still having intermittient fault with locking/unlocking the doors using the remote. The remote flashes when pressed - I don't think it loses synch or has a weak battery. Any ideas anyone ?
  5. Correct the PATS chip had fallen out when I dismantled the battery. It took me ages to figure it out. I almost threw the chip away thinking the kids broke one of their toys. Can you imagine a small piece of plastic caused so much trouble. Pushed back into key and whoosh.....it started, I almost wanted to cry with joy. Well I'm off to camping now....Bristol Ballon festival here we come!!!! Still have an issue with the remote though - sometimes I need to press it 5 or 6 times before it open/close.
  6. I've got a 2003 Zetec tdi. 5 weeks ago I took it to Fraud to get the remote key working. I'd tried all the usual key coding procedures etc. 1) unlock 3 times within 5 sec 2) remove key 3) hold down lock button and press unlock 3 times. 4) release unlock and lock buttons. None of this worked. Fraud fixed the fault and said that the battery was flat on my key - minus
  7. Hey .. well done - thats not bad for a S reg. I've got to book mine in next week, my gal is a 2003 TDI Zetec. It's the first MOT I'm doing on this car - Is there anything I need to check for ?
  8. I wouldn't pay for reprogramming the key, relay, immobiliser etc etc. These young lads at Fraud don't know what the're doing - you're going to end up paying for all their "swaps" to try and fix the fault. When they diagnose the fault only pay for that item ...... you may have to call in the Fraud squad.
  9. Mistryman, You should know better...... Fraud is full of 17 year olds who don't know their head from their toes. Audi and VW are no better - These days it's all about maximising profit.
  10. Try changing the nearside bulb - you need to take the damn battery out. Try topping the brake fluid - need a damn pipe to pour it through. Makes you wonder if this car was designed by a 12 year old on a Sunday night!........I'd like to get hold of his b*llocks and squeeze the hell out of them!
  11. Mumof4 - I see you posted stuff almost at midnight. I suggest you put the kiddies to bed and you get some sleep yourself!.....maybe some warm Holicks will help.
  12. I do feel for you Kev. My Galaxy is also the worst car I ever owned. Every month one thing or the breaks or stops working. I'm just greasing the whole bloody car, anything that moved - i've greased it! I'm getting awful mileage at the moment - 34miles per gallon in town. I get about 45miles per gallon on the motorway. I'm off to Wales tomorrow - lets see what breaks!
  13. I got a MK2 TDI 2003 - A month ago I took the old Gal. for a service at Fraud. The damn mechanic couldn't take the oil filter off. He said that he bust his tool trying to take my filter off - the filter was stuck on to the housing bracket- he recommended to get a new housing and filter holder. I'm no rocket scientist but I didn't want to pay an extra
  14. I thought cam belts were done every 60,000 miles ?
  15. Now, Now - lets keep it clean - moderator will throw you both off! Wot about and electric pump - you never know when you might need it
  16. Now that's a good idea MK2VR6........Surgical Gloves...... I'II buy some from Wilkis and put it next to the spare wheel - in a muddy country lane, how else are you going to get your hands clean!
  17. Well Mumof4 - I'm quite impressed you've got enough stuff in gal for a car boot sale!
  18. It's quite easy to do, I took some pics and will post it. It's a rubbish design, electrical capacity on setting 1 & 2 cannot take the load and burn out. Incidently the resistor pack gets very hot - make sure you let car cool down for a while, before touching it.
  19. Thanks chaps, I was a bit scared of breaking something by pulling and prising etc. Managed to get it out okay. There is a knack to it - next time it'll take me 10mins. You just got to know what to pull and unclip. I tested the new resistor pack before putting in - could believe how hot the resistor pack gets - nearly de-skinned me. I'm not surprised this damn thing always fails. All 4 heater fan speed actually work ok. (The air conditioning smells like fungus though - my next project) Anyhow I took some photos and I'll post it up later.
  20. Does anyone know how to remove the heater resistor pack (I'm not sure what I need to take out to get to it) I suspect it's located behind the glovebox next to the heater ? I'm not sure how to remove the glovebox - I've tried removing the felt under the glovebox. there's two screws but something is still holding the felt in place. Can someone help ?
  21. Resistor pack for internal fan blown. This is a common fault on the galaxy - cost
  22. Back of the lock barrel, there's a paddle that actually sits in the central locking mechanism. It's quite common for the paddle to break off. Just take off the door handle by undoing a screw on the side of the door. Pull the handle out and you'll see it straight away. Test the motor mechanism by using a screwdriver in the slot (central locking mech). Should be an easy job.
  23. Saturbo, Any luck with your replacement Resistor pack - I'm interested to know as I have the same issue ?????
  24. Saturbo - got some info for you. The Resistor pack is behind the lower glovebox. If you do a search in google and input "galaxy resistor pack" - there's lots of info. there.
  25. I've got exactly the same problem. Blower not working in postion I and II, position III and IV working okay + air con light on in postion I and II, but goes off in III and IV. I've all the fused which are okay, like yourself (I have a MK2 Galaxy 115 Zetec 2003). I was a bit scared taking it Fraud, thinking it may be a major electrical problem. If the fault is due to a resistor pack - how easy would it be to change and what would it cost ?
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