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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Mary

  1. I think your mad Bleeno. (But then it takes one to know one.) Mumof4 - It is definetly the giraffe that I find so cute - so don't panic Mary :lol:
  2. Charged up battery went back on car this morning and the alarm hasn't went off all day!!!! Thank you NikpV :lol: I think the problem has been fixed. Mary :D
  3. Aye Aye fae a fellow Scotlandshire resident. Its good to have this forum and some of the advise is pretty helpful to!! Have fun and don't you love Bleeno's giraffe?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mary :lol:
  4. Hi and welcome. Don't you just love Bleeno's girrafe? I think it is sooooooooooooooooooo cute. I read his posts just to see it again!! Mary :lol:
  5. Thank you for that. I think you are probably correct in what you say. The battery thats in it, going by the date, is the original. Also when we bought it we spent a lot of time with the doors open and the radio on whilst cleaning it etc before it goes on the road. It didn't do it until it had been home a couple of days so we had run the battery down a bit by then and it hasn't been out for a run to charge up. (Still waiting for the private plate to turn up) Will put it on charge tonight and see how it goes if thats a sucess I will get a new battery. Mary :wacko:
  6. I tried the lozenges but it made my throat feel like it was closing up and I paniced cos I couldn't breathe. That was in january. Then tried the patches and they make me come out in a rash. So very naughty me is still smoking. I will have to try again.... make up my mind on a date then go cold turkey. God help all those who are near me. Good on anyone who can beat the damned things.
  7. Hi. I asked at VW (parts) and they said that as long as it is not dead locked it will not go off but I am affraid mine still is!!!! Next time I am in I think I will grab hold of a mechanic and see what he has to say. There must be some way of shutting it off you would think. A pair of socks and duct tape works for the kids but not very effective with the Sharan!! Will add post once I have asked. Mary :angry2:
  8. Well Done!!!! Cross your fingers my other car, a 3 door Sierra Cosworth is due its MOT in April. An old baby now but still a huge buzz to drive!!
  9. :lol: Thank goodness I can do the pads etc on my own if thats what a garage charges!!!
  10. Hello to you from me and welcome to the forum Mary
  11. Hi, I just got original VW back pads for my Sharan and they were
  12. A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down. A lady cashier walked up to him and said " Your barracks door is open" Not being a phrase that Men normally use he went on his way with a puzzled look on his face. When he was about finished shopping a man said to him " Your fly is open" He zipped up and finished his shopping. At the checkout he intentionally got into the line where the lady was that told him that his Barracks door was open. He was planning to have a little fun with her, so when he reached the checkout he said to her "When you saw my barracks door open, did you see a mannie there standing to attention?" The lady (Naturally smarter than the man) thought for a moment then said "No, no I didn't. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on a couple of old duffel bags." :unsure:
  13. I attach a picture of the perfect man for you all to see............ Oh sorry I forgot there isn't one ........... is there? :wacko:
  14. Hi I have a VW Sharran and the connector for it is below dash behind the ashtray. Don't know if the galaxy is the same though. Hope that was of some help. Mary :wacko:
  15. Hi there and welcome I only recently joined but they seem to be a good crowd on here!!!!! I also live in Scotland and my Father has a VW Sharan with wheelchair access. So any questions I can ask him. I don't know where in Scotland you are and its a pretty big place up here but I live a few heather clumps west of Aberdeen!! Welcome again and look forward to your posts. Mary :)
  16. Gosh ........ so many talented people!! Did I say talented? lol. Well polite anyway. I must get my thinking cap on and compose you all another poem!! Thanks for the replies I look forward to getting to know you all. By the way I do love the girrafe!!
  17. Thanks for the reply and another idea. I have searched everywhere and can't find a way to switch it off. I have to go to VW next week to pick up a seal so will ask them. I have checked wiring etc and no problems found so far. A real head scratcher. My hubby suggested a Gallon of petrol and a match.............Men!!!!!!!!!! How could he think of doing that to my little baby? Mind you it did give me an idea on how to get him out of bed in a morning!! :(
  18. A wife gets undressed and turns to her husband and says " What turns you on most...my pretty face or my sexy body?" Husband looks his wife up and down and says "Your sence of humour!"
  19. There was a young man from Dunglass Who's balls were made out of brass In the cold frosty weather They both clanged together And the sparks flew out of his arse :D
  20. Very Good!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another mad person like me!!! Thanks for the giggle
  21. Good Day to you all. I have a 1998 TDi VW Sharan recently aquired for a knock down price. It was rather rough inside but a really good clean has transformed it from an animal enclosure to a car again!!!!!!!! I have just ordered up my new private reg and I am expecting it to go on the road in march. There is only one problem with it so far.........the alarm......... but I am hoping that I get pointers to that problem. I look forward to everyones comments etc. I have thick skin and a VGSOH. So fire away!! Mary has a silver sharan She thought she'd bought a corker But alas the alarm goes off So now she feels a plonker....... :rolleyes:
  22. Have looked under the front seat. :rolleyes: There is no wet and no ecu/alarm/central locking module there, only an earth wire attached under passenger seat nothing else and a fuse for something under drivers seat. Where o where has my module gone?!!!!!!!!! :D Lucky our nearest neighbours are 1/2 mile away at least the only ones disturbed by the alarm is us!!!!! :D
  23. ..........................thanks for that I will investigate. Hold this page......................... I am so happy to be a member if everyone else is mad to I will feel right at home!! :D :rolleyes:
  24. Hi ........ I only joined yesterday and am so far very impressed with the site as a whole. However I do have a problem with my recently required VW Sharan (1998 model) I have trolled through the other topics but no-one seems to have had the problem that I have. SO here goes......... Upon locking my Sharan in approximately 1/2 hour the alarm goes off, but not always. I have noticed on one occasion that the inside lights were on when alarm was going off. I don't know if its a problem with the alarm or whether the lights go on and trigger the alarm. Can anyone shed some light on the subject for me please? Thank you.................. Mary :rolleyes:
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