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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by redneck01246

  1. hi topbloke part no 1015843 about
  2. the red and black wire runs into it and if you un plug it blower stops so i wondered if it is this that is faulty rather than resister pack?
  3. what does 114 do?
  4. hi tried search engine before posting topic but no joy wire that overheats is red with black tracer which goes to a relay or resistor marked 114 is that what i am looking for or is it the red zippo lighter sized pack which is held to fan housing whith torx screw?
  5. hi and thanks,any kind of description would be appreciated
  6. hi folks hope you have had a very merry christmas. recently bought a 1997 ghia x v6 gal when i bought it it had no front heater although rear worked fine checked fuses an front heater fuse 25amp was missing so replaced fuse fan kicked in and all appeared well. drove car for about 5 miles to relatives whose car it is switched engine off and saw a small plume of white smoke cheched fuses as that seemed to be the area where smoke came from and the fuse i replaced had melted not blown just melted the part that melts is not the live in from the car but the output to the motor,i have stripped the passenger side upper and lower glovebox no wiring seems to have overheated and the fan turn freely. any ideas thanks in advance redneck :rolleyes:
  7. :huh: sorry to hear that blatters i can't understand why they dont fit,as you know i tried them on my 2001 ghia and there was no clearance problems
  8. new or old shape?
  9. hi pm me reg and i will ask a mate at ford to run it on comp :lol:
  10. :rolleyes: hi everyone just had climate checked and re-gassed when tested, climate was running at 8 degs air con man said it had lost a little pressure or not been topped up properly did a leak test no problems so re-gassed and it is now running at 7 degs, but climate display is still flashing on startup.
  11. :) hi guys just changed climate controle displey as some of my digits had gone awol.when i turn ignition on now panel flashes but everything works fine,any ideas guys? B)
  12. hi the part is lefthand wing mirror cover for a mk3 fiesta :)
  13. hi just something to try,escorts suffer from same sort of probs,try locking and unlocking from passenger side and try ignition,sometimes door sensor fails and thinks door is still locked so wont read transponder. like i said something to try :(
  14. ogben did,nt mean to scaremonger, my reply was only what i had been told by tech as i have heard of sedona's being wrecked with fuel contamination and ex ford tech mentioning they have had problems with galaxy's being wrecked due to fuel contamination. :huh:
  15. :( you may be lucky, but i have been talking to a mechanic at kia (formally head service tech at fords) and asked him about premature fuel sytem failure on sedonas due to fuel contamination (
  16. hi part no 7307991 at about
  17. no i know someone who does :lol:
  18. hi latrine its a :D 115
  19. hi email me with your reg no and i will run it through microcat for you tony.redman51@btopenworld.com :D
  20. I had the same problem with my 2001 tdi but in reverse (would go up but not down) the single switch on the rear doors and passenger front are only 9 quid all in at ford so not so expensive to cure. hope this helps :rolleyes:
  21. :) did a grand job of cleaning and packing them :)
  22. you can get them on ebay for about nine quid(bought 2 sets)as some scrote nicked mine. :)
  23. hi ford do a kit for mk1 gal, kit contains both front fogs,both surrounds,switch,and relay, wiring already there.
  24. hi everyone been away from forum for a while (been busy) sold my 97 2.0 glx and bought a 2001 1.9 tdi ghia (very impressed) :D apart from dodgy interior door handles, anyway on with the question i bougt some off ebay and they are no where close to door handles (gave my to a friend with a vw polo)hope that answers your question
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