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Everything posted by redneck01246

  1. ive got vag com in chesterfield if you are ever around the area open to all
  2. mine will not communicate with the heater if you turn ignition on to run vag com as rossteck suggest but it will if i have engine running dont know if they are all like that redneck
  3. pretty sure they are 501's
  4. while i was checking a slight weep on rocker gasket(which it turned out was'nt leaking oil had collected in rubber bush and run down back of engine) i noticed this pipe off any ideas what it is connected to at the rear (re-connected at the top) just wandering if it has anything to do with occasional power loss?
  5. blue smoke on start up sounds like valve steme seals have hardened off did the engine management light go off?
  6. i will try again,started typing and site logged me out(so ignore other post) as i was saying i agree with el sounds like cv joint i have just changed one on a mates mk 1 only took about 40 mins jack car up,support on stands,remove wheel,get wife to apply brakes, remove securing bolt from centre of the hub,undo track rod,undo 2 allen bolts securing bottom ball joint to hub,swing assembly forwards and to the rear of car, cut old gaiter away, hold driveshaft and knock old cv joint off (i used rubber mallet)joint only held on by bolt removed earlier and internal c clip which joint slides over, clean and fitting is reverse as before (remember to repack with plenty of grease) :ph34r:
  7. still going strong :rolleyes:
  8. done a search but comes up with nothing.
  9. hi all just checked aircon temp on car showing 8 deg c at its coldest setting and 42 deg c at it hottest setting does anyone have any idea what the correct spec is as i cant find it anywhere. oh and i got car back from bodyshop about a fortnight ago after a few choice conversations with the insurers(well happy with standard of repair tho) thanks as always redneck :D
  10. mates had the same prob traced to a worn latch spring
  11. hi all back again tried coils off another car and still no joy any ideas anyone?
  12. hi all i just want to pick your brains mates gal 2.0 glx 1996 wil not start i have changed relay 30 the immobiliser recognises key engine turns over but does not fire (no spark) checked crankshaft position sensor within limits 200-450 ohms coil pack within tolerance only other thing is fuse 18 for fuel pump and ecm has only 4 volts to it brand new battery tonight as other was sh**ged head hurt now so maybe someone has a few ideas thanks in advance tony :lol:
  13. ebay it fetch a fortune :10: tv that plays miltiple discs
  14. slow speed (first gear) skidded and hit the van at a funny angle :ph34r:
  15. should see the berlingo van she hit -sill bent/rear panel dented/door peeled back gal took it well
  16. yes first accident she has had
  17. had about 3.5 inch first bit of snow and the other half has smashed front of car up. she is fine and there was no-one in other vehicle(worst thing is she was only 30 yards away from house) but hey ho life is life
  18. not to bad just a matter of measure-measure and measure again before you cut i was surprised on how well made the lining is(fibreglass backing then foam then material you see) used three stanly knife blade to cu a 180mmx160mm hole the screen is supported by the bracket that is in earlier pics(very sturdy) makes life easier if you have a hand (thanks to brother in law) :unsure: i wanted to remove complete headlining but could not get visor clips off
  19. ]just to update things fitted roof mounted screen and all the wiring installed, just got to source a splitter for other screens and heypresto most daunting job cutting the roof lining all the wiring was straight forward enough (time consuming) any questions just ask (head still spinning) ;)
  20. did you give car a chance to warm up before you took it for mot which is always a good idea (speaking from past experience) bro inlaws 2.8 failed and mates 2.0 failed initial test but after i ran them for ten miles up and down the local bypass both passed well within limits (test centre is only about 3 miles away) may not work but it is free to try :)
  21. will be taking pics of mine when work allows and have sorted a switching unit out.
  22. welcome ff i have fond memories of my 1987 granada 2.4 v6 ghia it was mint until escort driver decided to use me as a crash barrier in the rain- result engine dropped out of escort -drove granada home(boot floor creased so was written of by insurance
  23. done it :rolleyes:
  24. ive done two but only seems to be mark 1's (maybe age related) both units a spring had corroded and snapped no internal parts available so changed the catch on both cars no probs since :rolleyes:
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