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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Saif Rehman

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Everything posted by Saif Rehman

  1. What about the fuses?
  2. See what you mean Sparky. Googling "Ford Galaxy Forum" does state "that this site may harm your computer" I normally just use my 'history' to visit this site, not by Google. Gregers, any luck with getting a resonse from Glen?
  3. No problems at my end, using AVG Internet Security Suite 2012, Spybot Search & Destroy and Malwarebytes (latter two constantly monitoring sites and internet traffic, highly recommended) So strange that you are encountering these problems. Have you tries clearing your cookies? run a spyware program then do a full virus scan.
  4. Did some research and come to conclusion that you could possibly have a V6, i found this for you: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ford-Galaxy-Mk2-00-06-ALTERNATOR-V6-24v-/330752915848?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4d0268f988
  5. Ebay would be your best or local scrappies. I got mine from eBay and quite cheap even though i was desperate at the time, i managed to get one with the car off the road only for two days. P.S. Please add full vehicle description of your car so other members could possibly help out.
  6. My late brother's family has a mk3 on a 56 plate. Has been up and down the country between Scotland and me (West Yorkshire) like a yo-yo and has never missed a beat. The only thing that had to get done for the last MOT was a couple of tyres and 1 or 2 suspension components (bushes), but like i have said, wear and tear items. My nephew does get it serviced regularly, so yes, look after it and it should repay you back with years of trouble-free motoring.
  7. Goldgalaxy, gold writing, i take it the colour of your galaxy is gold? Well anyway, the first question you asked is the 64000 dollar question. Theoretically speaking, if an engine is looked after then they should be no reason why it shouldn't achieve 'spacecraft' mileage albeit changing wear and tear items. Second question, the engines fitted in the mk3's are Ford engines called 'Duratorq'. The 2.0 ltr producing either 130PS or 140PS. Clutch....depends on how you drive your car. Mine is a mk2, done 167k miles and still on the original clutch! Hope, i have cleared some of your queries, if not, drop us another post. P.S. Glad you like your mk3.
  8. Alright Stevie, Welcome to the forum mate. So you bought the last of the Mk2's? Excellent choice. My next car would be the same i.e. Mk2's but i may go for the 150bhp which are like hens teeth. Any problems, gives us a shout. P.S. I know you got a Mk2 but please add your vehicle details in your signature, just that it would make it easier for members to identify what car you got.
  9. As already said, the problem could be anything. If you have a laptop, then buy yourself a cheap cable from eBay, download the free software and do the scan as opposed to paying garages upto £50 just for the diagnostics. Once that is done, post your scan results here and i am sure someone will help you. Try this link for the cable: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280905235590?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  10. I'm at a loss..... why disable it if you wear the belt?
  11. Just think about the holiday you could have next year with an extra two grand plus to spend... :o Yeah, i could go abroad with the family instead of going back to 'sunny' Scotland!
  12. Sorry, i don't know about the petrol version. In my diesel, i use Comma Xtreme G30 which according to their website, is also suitable for your car.
  13. Please let us know more details of the car so we can advice accordingly. i.e.fuel/year/engine code etc etc
  14. There is a small inspection/access hatch in the wheel arch but you need tiny hands or loads of patience to get the bulb changed.
  15. Definitely not through the Channel Tunnel i.e. Eurotunnel - maybe on the ferry though.
  16. My late brother had the same problems a couple of years back and cost him £150 at the time, parts and labour. Probably looking at about £200 now as the amount of work required removing seats and carpets is quite time consuming. The link gregers gave you will give you an insight of what is wrong and a couple of members have attempted and suceeded in doing a diy job with cable ties. However, if you rely on your car or the family use it then i would sugest a proper garage job. No harm in peeling back the carpets and looking to see if it can be repaired by yourself though.
  17. Definitely need to do something very soon. The amount of cash wasted is unbelieveable. £6 odd a day, times that by 30 days a month = £180, then times that by 12 for ayear to give.............. I shudder to think. The worst thing is that i don't enjoy smoking, bloody force of habit and for far too long. So yes, the time has come, on holiday next week so shall try then. P.S. PM replied to friend.
  18. No need to aologise and no offence taken MadBaz, i'm not easily offended.
  19. Definitely won't, especially me being asian.................
  20. Best to check the wiring between main body and tailgate. Common problem with wires getting snapped due to useage.
  21. Yep, next course of action, these electronic cigarettes.
  22. eBay is your best bet. Just type in 'VAG COM Cable' in the search box and all will be revealed. for example, try this by GSF car parts: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280905235590?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  23. Tonight i popped into my local filling station for some cigarettes (yes i know! trying to give up) well anyway, i hear a commotion out on the forecourt. Turned out to be 3 eastern europeans all panicking and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They couldn't get their passat diesel started and were trying to push it off the forecourt so as a good soul i offered my biceps!. I eventually got a partial story that they had put £10 worth of petrol into a diesel car and were trying to start it. I told them to stop and fill the rest of the tank with diesel and it should be okay, did they take my advice? Did they hell, they push started the car, all jumped in and foot to the floor drove off in a cloud of black smoke. So, if anyone is trying to sell a dark blue VW passat on a 53 plate with starting problems in the West Yorkshire region, don't buy it!
  24. That web address is a german web address and not a uk. I suggest you clear your cookies, do a full scan and try again.
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