Hey guys, Well I had a 00 Mondeo 1.8tdi and it went forever until clutch went.So with 300,000 miles on the clock it was time to put her out to graze.So went and bought a 97 Galaxy which needed an engine.Got the engine done and while it was being done decided to get a new clutch in at the same time.Drove lovely with only minor faults (well it was sitting for 8-10 months beforehand).Anyway new clutch and guess what after less than 1000miles it seems that the new clutch has gone on me.Got a new hydraulic bearing done as well.I mean what is going on.Did I get a duff clutch or what.....???? There is one 1 thing......while looking for reversing light sensor on top of the gearbox I handnt got the gearbox properly supported and it dropped bout an inch.Would this have damaged the "clutch" in any way?