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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

me myself and I

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Everything posted by me myself and I

  1. Oh yeah and something else......If I may......... When starting and left to idle the temp gauge on the dash goes to normal and fan kicks in etc. etc. but when driving the temps drops right back to the white area as if the ram is bringing the temp down!!!!!!!!!!! Is this a normal Galaxy thing................
  2. Thanks Admin. Not that I have anything against Scots or English........ :ph34r: :ph34r:
  3. There was a very putrid/sweet smell coming from between gearbox and clutch but no visible signs of leaking from cylinder and resevoir doesnt seem to have dropped.Is it easy to strip down or an an absoulute pig.Had a quick search and sounds like a lot of messing
  4. Oh yeah I am not in Scotland but in Republic of Ireland but there was no options for that when registering Admin....???
  5. Hey guys, Well I had a 00 Mondeo 1.8tdi and it went forever until clutch went.So with 300,000 miles on the clock it was time to put her out to graze.So went and bought a 97 Galaxy which needed an engine.Got the engine done and while it was being done decided to get a new clutch in at the same time.Drove lovely with only minor faults (well it was sitting for 8-10 months beforehand).Anyway new clutch and guess what after less than 1000miles it seems that the new clutch has gone on me.Got a new hydraulic bearing done as well.I mean what is going on.Did I get a duff clutch or what.....???? There is one 1 thing......while looking for reversing light sensor on top of the gearbox I handnt got the gearbox properly supported and it dropped bout an inch.Would this have damaged the "clutch" in any way?
  6. Hey all, Just bought my first Galaxy.1997 2.0 petrol. Just had my first problem :ph34r:
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