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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

me myself and I

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Everything posted by me myself and I

  1. Or maybe not.Worked last nite.Worked mid morn to-day going up to the supermarket.The approx 2hrs later going back to the supermarket with a faulty item it wouldnt work.The supermarket in question is far enough away to get the car up to full running temp.Now where is the icon for head scratching
  2. AAAHHHHHHHHHH this maybe the answer.
  3. No.I am starting to think dodgy switch
  4. The one you switch on from the dash and is controlled by the dials on the rear passenger side above the door panel
  5. OK I just havent got it figured it out yet. Last night it came on when I pushed the switch.Dont know what the outside temp was but I would guess max 10c. today it wouldnt come on.On my old petrol gal it would come on anytime.Am I missing something here?
  6. Ok.Gonna be renewing the 4 corners between now and winter. In the past I have used Pirelli 600 and loved them ,although on my 1989 5 series BMW,I can buy them online here for
  7. SOLVED IT. Took apart the complete control panels and facia and noticed that the connecting cables had become detached from the control dial itself.Have warm air again. Thanks for your help.Learnt a lot about the heating system from you guys. And the most valuable lesson "Try the bleedin' obvious first!!!!!!!" ;)
  8. I had this problem with my Galaxy and now my Alhambra. Try removing the wheel nuts and you may get a shock. I have been up to my local tyre place aith both cars and they have had serious diffuclty removing the wheel nuts,Even with their biggest air powered gun. They reckon that the wheel nuts get tighter as you drive. I am tending to believe them as I had to get them to loosen all the nuts on the Gal last year and I tightened them up by hand myself.About 2 weeks later I had to go back and they had serious trouble removing the wheel after I had tightened it.
  9. The 2 pipes leading from engine bay into the interior are hot to touch. (theses are situated almost in the dead centre of the windscreenright beside the pollen filter/air filter underneath wiper linkage) So it is almost sure that the control is faulty or where those pipes lead to is blocked but the fact I con get different flows of air with the different settings ie 1,2,3,4 but no matter what the temp dial is set to all I get is cold air?
  10. ok. the 2 pipes underneath the car rear passenger side between the the "unit" and main engine exhaust are hot to touch.The small exhaust coming from the booster heater is dry and cold. Engine temp getting up to 1/4 on the dial then if left will climb to 1/2 way but no further.
  11. where would I find these pipes (Will use the search function)
  12. Just finished replacing my speakers with a set from Lidl. They did not fit the holes in the door cards so I simply glued them into the holes .Dont look to bad at all. Anyhow the spekers that camo outta the door were 2 different makes and models. 1 is marked with a VW stamp so am gonna work on the presumption this is the OE speaker Marked VW 1HO 035411 A (there maybe another number between the last 1 and the A as it is badly marked but I dont think so) HTH
  13. 1997 1.9TDI Alhambra OK.So I have a "jet engine" whoosh when driving and I have the exhaust pipe under neath passenger door BUT I have no heat at any stage of driving but do have a constant flow of cold air from vents. Am going to change the Glow Plug in the unit. My question is this. Is it a standard engine Glow plug that it uses or is it a special Main Dealer job? i noticed in a thread by "Ivor" that he used a BERU Glow Plug.
  14. well if i get as little trouble from it as I got from my 1.8 Duratec Diesel in my 00 Mondeo i will be more than happy.300k miles with only a small hiccup.thanks for your help Seat Kid. 1 thing on my mind though.I hear a sound which I can only describe as a jet engine in the distance from the engine and goes with the engine revs.I am convinced its my turbo maybe on its way out.There are 142,000 miles on it.
  15. My logbook (v5) is AHU engine number. 90bhp so
  16. just bben reading the oil thread and I am more confused (only got to page 4!!!!!!!!!!!) Had a look inside and the code is...95VWA280A44 AD Was gonna use 10w 40 Fully Synth and drop it every 5-6k
  17. Peeps, just picked up a 1997 Alhambra 1.9Tdi. I jave 2 questions. Insurance people need t know whether it is 90 bhp or 110. (Accelaration is leading me to believe it is 110).Any clues on paperwork or on the car itself to identify it or will I have to ring main dealer? What oil is best for the engine?Will be used as a Taxi so it is essential that it gets the right oil? Cheers in advance Brian
  18. Peeps, I have been offered a 1998 1.9tdi for a song.It is lying in a garden unused. A couple of questions. Are they any good.170,000 miles on the clock 1 problem. and I qoute "Starts nearly every time and the odd time it wont start and flattens the battery.Once you bleed the fuel it starts and runs fine" Sounds like a leaky fuel pump or a badly applied fuel filter.Is it comon trouble for the fuel pump to go on these and are they fixable or just need to replaced. Ta in advnce
  19. Peeps, Am going to change the gear selector cables.In otrder to do this I need to remove the main heater "box" behind the radio/control panel to get access to the bolts that that hold the cables in place.Do I have to do a complete stripdown of the front to get this out???????? Cheers
  20. ok have used the search button but no joy. I think its time I changed the belt. Is it hard?Do I need a special tool?Any diagrams? Do I need to change the tensioner? Any other advice appreciated? Mk1 2ltr petrol
  21. the part no/code I was given by Ford is 7200918 for the new type of B M C at a price of
  22. Got a second opinion last nite.Mechanic said that master cylinder seems ok but reckons there is an airlock in the system somewhere.There is no tell tale signs of failing/failed master cylinder and brakes ,even though there is long travel, seemed spot on.Will bleed all 4 corners to-morrow when changing wishbone.
  23. The pedal does not travel all the way to the floor regardless how hard I stand on the pedal (and I am not a small fella) when the engine is running. The pedal seems soft but not too soft.I have no diffuclty breaking and can stop it on a penny.(no ABS) When the engine is off the pedal goes rock solid. I dont really know what he meant by not getting pressure but he changed the rear brake lines just before xmas as they were rusted so fluid would have been changed then. I am gonna get a second opinion to-nite. Ford got back onto me with regards to the discontinued master cylinder. Galaxy's now use left hand drive B M C's with 2 blanking plugs and that is why they were coming up as discontinued on MK1's.
  24. 1997 2ltr DOHC petrol. People looks like myu master cylinder is on its way out.Renewed brake lines and mecchy said he had serious trouble getting pressure.Rang Motor factors and they came back with main dealer item.Rang main dealer and was told that it was A DISCONTINUED ITEM :lol: ;) :o . Surely this cant be true with such a vital safety part.Is there anywhere online where I could get one of these. Also would it be possible that the lid on the resevoir is a bit duff.Thought I read somewhere here that it was subject to a recall.
  25. thanks for that.will put in a new sender and see what happens.Thanks for that.
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