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me myself and I

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Everything posted by me myself and I

  1. Thanks Kev. Is there only 1 fuse box under the dash. I dont see one beside the battery under the bonnet had a semi-pro look at it last night. We took 2 fuses that had no life in them. L & R main beams. He tried to get life into them by by bridging it from a live fuse in.Nada. We came to the conclusion ,since all big fuses that we could find we still in tact, that I will have to take out all the relays and see which one is busted. Unless there is a Main relay somewhere that we cant find. Thoughts!!!!!!!
  2. Thanks Kev. Is there only 1 fuse box under the dash. I dont see one beside the battery under the bonnet
  3. New relay in . Nada changed all related fuses.Zero. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH
  4. on page 137 of 155 is the relay board. Now from what I can tell Relay 8 will be my wipers/washers Relay 13 is lights (MAin Beams????)
  5. is it possible that several relays have gone!!!
  6. IDHO* Thanks Kev * I Dont Have One
  7. Anybody at all point me in the right direction to which relay it could be>presuming that it is a relay of course
  8. add main lights and heater to the list of whats not working
  9. So I changed the whole indactor stalk- wiper stalk to fix non working indicators> Indicators working but as I put the bottom cowling back on the wipers came (ignition still on) turned the ignition off and when I put the lot back together the wiper wouldnt come back on.Either would the washer. Tried the old stalk and nada. Cant see any fuse blown beneath the steering.........I can move the wipers themselves by hand.
  10. Now I like that kinda thinking. Let the car warm up when its nice and cosy pop the bonnet......
  11. Thanks Kev. Yeah am gonna get a new plug but just need to switch it off till then!
  12. ok. there is aloy of smoke coming from it. Does it have a dedicated fuse if so which one? I have used the search function and it gave me 3 and/or 12. 3 doesnt work. All the rest have, according to the plastic cover, an allocated purpose except 4 but that didnt do it. Pointers anyone.............
  13. wipers working at all speeds.Relay/switch number 21 above the fuse board melted leaving me with nothing. Got a new one and that melted almost straight away.ANYBODY.
  14. never checked that. Hasnt really rained here since it went (which is nothing short of miraculous here in Ireland). Will give it a go.Thanks
  15. yeah dismantled and cleaned that though not tested.seemed like a simple enough mechanism. bump. anybody
  16. yeah dismantled and cleaned that though not tested.seemed like a simple enough mechanism.
  17. Ok. So my fuse 17 under the steering wheel blew last week leaving me with no indictors or hazards. Changed fuse but only hazards are working now.Took off cowling and nothing seems astray. Everything else working. Is there any more fuses or what relay I should look at?
  18. There are 2 fuses located above the main fusebox. Looking in at your fusebox look up and slightly to the left. Down on your knees with ya
  19. so I took off the indicator unit at the steering wheel.Gave all the contacts a clean and wiped the diert away. No difference. next stop the relay. Is it the same relay that is used for the hazards as the hazards are working.
  20. And back it is. Coming off the Motorway heard a little 'pffp' No indictaors no hazards. Fuse blown and replaced. Hazards working and all the bulbs working just nothing from the indicator. looks like a wiring gremlin needs to be found.
  21. No I just got the e-mail too. Seems to be excatly the same. Did you notify the mods?
  22. Thanks Cyborg. What i can gather from that is what we thought. The red tube (9a) and the green tube (9b) should both go on the same nut into the turbo. But from what I remember the 2 dont fit onto the nut.
  23. I have 1 pipe (tube) left over. Now I dont remember removeing this pipe and all the pipes are connected to the turbo as should be(I hope). I changed it last Wed and dont seem to have a prob. The pipe is leading back to a solenoid to which a tube from the turbo is running to as well. It's red and has an o- ring which seems to have a feed (oil?) nut to go through it. It has a smearing of oil inside it and looks like it has been screwed into something. But for the life of me I cant find where where it goes despite spending the best part of an hour after re-fitting the new turbo. Also a friend spent 45mins looking to find where it went and couldnt find it. Now talking to a mecchy friend and without looking at it he said it was a bit odd but it maybe be a "breather" pipe and the oil in it maybe from the blown turbo. Any ideas? FWIW the turbo is a Garrett turbo and the replacement was excatly the same as the one that came off.
  24. Just found out its a Garrett turbo.
  25. Turbo gave up over the weekend. Have managed to source a second hand one (not an ideal solution but a stop gap measure and need to get back on the road asap). Problem is the breakers want to know the make of the turbo. Mecchy is up to his knackers and hasnt a chance to to remove it.Is there multiple makes of turbo gone into these. It's an 1.9 AHU 1997.
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