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Hi Mike


When I checked my relay it was in a blank holder further up on the same bank - it had obviously been replaced & just shoved into a blank hole ;)


I cannot think what number was painted on the top of the relay - another member said he had a different number on top of his relay as well so maybe your 'relay 30' is actually there but in the wrong place?


Sorry I cant check the number on top of my relay as the Gal is in the garage having an engine rebuild but I am sure if you do a search for relay 30 the thread I am refering to will appear


Hope you get it sorted soon


Hi all,


Well here we go then, + Update



I finally gave in and called the AA so that they could tow/ trailer the car to the local garage for further investigation, I had tried the following:


Went to change relay 30- although there was no relay 30 on my car


Checked all the other relays, for cracks, dry solder etc


Checked all the fuses, one by one,


Checked the battery connections, alternator etc,


I the meantime, the car was still behaving as such : turn the key, plenty of relay clicks, led stayed on for 3 seconds but no turning over.


Checked all the wiring again, bought a new battery and changed that.



When the AA guy turned up he looked it over and basically found that there wasno juice going through to the starter motor- He fed direct power to the starter and Voila ! it bursts in to life.


He then goes and tells me not to switch it off but get it ove to the neaest garage for further investigation.


This was at about 2.30 this afternoon. After 3 hours of it running in the drive !! we finally managed to work out how we were going to drop the car off to the garage, 5 miles away, with only a scooter and 3 kids. You can imagine it was like the chicken, grain and fox across the river, scenario.


Finally got it there and a lift back, and there the story ends, until I get some feedback from the garage in the morning.


So I think it's the relay for the starter motor !


Any ideas ?


Exhausted and stressed of norfolk.






1998 V6 Ghia x


Hi all,


thought you might like an update,


got a call from the local garage today saying that after 2 hours of trying to find the fault, they couldn't fix it and could I go and pick up the car !! :wub:


How I could do that I don't know, given that it won't start !!


Got there and there she was purring away in the forcourt, they'd got her going by bypassing the starter circuit and dropping a feed from the battery to the starter motor, off she went.


They then told me that there was nothing more they could do and that I would need to get it to a ford dealer, Which I have done and I am now in the lap of the gods. They didn't charge me for the 2hours of fault finding ( or not as the case was)


So it starts if you feed the starter motor straight from the battery.


Any ideas ?




PS, Checked the trip timer when I went to pick up the car and it looks like it had been sitting there in forecourt running for 1hr 40 mins !


MPG on the trip computer 0.2....nice !


V6 2.8 Ghia x


what a simple fault that is and a method for you to try.

when u turn key to start engine u say a relay clicks, if so then the coil circuit for relay is fine, locate that relay by using pull the relay to it dont click, now the on that relay theres a wire comes off the ign live out to that relay this in turn will go down to the soloniod of the starter that is where all the heavy duty work is done, i find the way that it works wierd unless there some ort of immobilstion going on hence the use of the relay as theres no point in having a relay power a relay.


get yourself a test lamp ie old indicator bulb etc one side to ground test the ulb works connect to +ve of battery,.

now onto traceing

that relay that u heard click theres 4 connectors on it

ground = gnd or battery negative -

12v battery +

12v battery to starter +

12v off the ign switch +

check to see if you have a constant 12v there on relay plate where the relay plugs in.

mark it down on paper so u no which is which.

get someone to try to start ngine and tell them to keep key turned and locate the 2nd 12v tell him to leave go of key

now youve got the feed and switch supplys .

last one to do now is find the gnd connector, put one side of the bulb to 12v posite and out of the 2 holes left only 1 will light the bulb thats the gnd,

however if u hear a strange noise then thats the starter relay as your backfeeding the system.


this test will rule out the supplys good or bad


now to test relay.

as above you found the battery, start and gnd. now the one that done nowt is the feed to the starter sol so poke the wire into the hole and carefully push relay in, withe the other wire connected to gnd if you now try to start the car the bulb will light if relays doing its job showing that the fault lies from the wire down to the starter. if bulb dont light its the relay. on fords a lot of relays are the same type so if its a red one yonk a red relay from under dash and try it or green or blue.


hope this helps u out a bit if you were closer i could do it, been in the electronics auto electrical for 30 years never beat yet. ive found that a lot of garages just dont know about electrics always go for an auto electrician for electrics as we dont like to get our hands greasy


Thought I'd give a couple of suggestions,

The immobiliser sounds ok, most defo.

Possibly gear lever inhibitor switch.

Fuse 26 (30amp).

Auto box inhibitor relay (TIS K71) on the relay panel (cjb) its the second row down, in the middle.

Red/black cable from relay k71 to starter.

Battery + to starter cable.

Solenoid (which is part of starter motor I beleive).


I know you'll have checked some of these, but in my opinion it's gotta be one of them. My moneys on the solenoid!!!


edit: Zorgman, you beat me to it.


Dear all,


just got a call from the ford garage, a couple of you were right...It was the inhibitor switch on the auto gearbox ! doh. ;)


Part on order and I should get it back tomorrow. ;)


I'll of course keep you updated. :)



  mikeyp said:

Dear all,


just got a call from the ford garage, a couple of you were right...It was the inhibitor switch on the auto gearbox ! doh. :o


Part on order and I should get it back tomorrow. B)


I'll of course keep you updated. :rolleyes:





well if you'd said it was an autobox :D B) :D :lol:


Put your car details in your signature - click on the red link in my signature for hints if needed :) :D :D

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