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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Buncers

  1. I just reset my brake switch this weekend. Followed instructions on this site and Haynes manual. Haynes manual is rubbish. I had the glow plug problem, which is also caused by the switch - still to see if it has worked. Anyway back to the procedure. You need to take the lower facia panel out (drivers side). 4 screws (not 6 contrary to Haynes manual), on my Deisel 1.9tdi glx, plus loads of push fit fixings (be careful). The screws are accessible when you remove the fuse box cover (drivers side lower facia). So found 2 switches (shock), Haynes didn't mention this either. Which one? Tried both. Blue on is the clutch switch (I think - don't know why a clutch need a switch). Discover the black one was for the brake, behind the blue. Need to twist them 1/4 turn anti-clockwise to remove. Good luck
  2. Wierder and Wierder So - I was looking around under the bonnet for the earth point this morning. Went out in the afternoon and when I stopped and turned off the ignition the blowers and wipers (4th position only of course) kept going. Very wierd - I think the car is possessed. Managed to turn them off individually. Any ideas or should I get in the priest ?
  3. Earth Point Any idea how I can find/get to this earth point ? What does it look like ? Is it in the engine compartment or do I need to take the headlight out ?
  4. Ivor E - Interesting comment, but if I had one fitted at the time when someone broke into my car in Waitrose car park, I may have heard it or the scum may have been scared away. Also since I park both of my cars outside on my drive. If some light fingered junkie tried to break in hopefully the alarm would wake me and with me putting on the lights would scare them off. So, I think there are some uses. For the serious thief, you haven't got a hope, but for the opportunist, kids and junkies (probably the guys most likely to try and break into a Gal), it may deter (one hopes). It's that or wiring it up to the mains.
  5. I had an alarm system fitted to my 1996 TDI after some git broke in to steal my laptop (actually the company's). Only problem is that the alarm isn't exactly deafening, it's the normal decibels, but seems to be dampened down by the sound insulation. Claxon is under the bonnet. Before having it fitted I fitted a couple myself and had the same problem with the lack of decibels. Anyone else had this problem ? How do ford get around this ?
  6. I just bought the Haynes manual. It's a bit dissapointing - they have either gone down hill or there is just too much to cover. The last time I bought a haynes manual was for a Fiesta probable 15 years ago and hardly needed it. Wow - times have changed. Had ones for a Dolomite and a Triumph 1300 befor that - was well used and great. But they were real cars. Anyway - enough reminising - What is a TIS CD ? What does TIS stand for and can it be bought officially ?
  7. Anyone had to fit one of these. The cover from mine broke off. Have bought a new one, but not sure how to fit it. Where is the connector and is it accessible ? Any experience out there ?
  8. fredt - If it was the resistor pack, would the blower at setting 3 still work intermittently - but most of the time not at all. Most of the time only setting 4 is working ?
  9. About 10 wires were stretched and broken. Rear lights, brake lights, wipers practically everything at the rear. I bought it second hand about 3 years ago, but only noticed the problem after about a year. I had an alarm fitted quite early on. Now you have raised my suspicions, I wander if the fitter messed it up.
  10. Thanks for all the advice Any idea why the wipers and blowers are linked, ie don't work until the car warms up ?
  11. Anyone else had this problem. The wiring going through the top of the tailgate to the rear electrics was made too short on my Galaxy causing most of the wires to pull themselves apart. Until I discovered the problem I had some really wierd electrical problems, as you can imagine. I have had to systematically splice longer bits of wire in - most unpleasant. Are the VW or Seats better built or do I have a lemon.
  12. Hello - I'm new to this Have been having problems with my blowers for some time (only setting 4 working), then my wipers stopped working with all the blowers until the car was warmed up. Finally the wipers failed completely. Replaced blown fuse. Seems to have fixed problem for now. Will it return. Blowers still only working on setting 4. Why are these things connected ? Anyone know how to fix the blower problem ? Any help appreciated.
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