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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Buncers

  1. Having intermittent problems getting into reverse with engine running. No problem with engine off. Phoned a few clutch places, they all claim new clutch required and no adjustment possible because all hydraulic. I've seem some posting claiming adjustment is possible - is it? Also one garage suggested hydraulic problem - may need bleeding - how easy is it to get to the bleed nipple on bell housing? Advice appreciated !!
  2. Fitted new sensor at weekend (
  3. Mine did the same for about a year - see http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...wtopic=4300&hl=
  4. Congratulations on the mileage. Mine is 125000. The only starting problems I've had over the last 4 years is battery and fuel filter, but your symptons don't sound familiar.
  5. part no 1331294 - 28.34 + VAT from Fraud,
  6. Mine did that for a few months starting in March 05, then occassionally it wouldn't turn over unless I turned the ignition key some way around. For the last month this has been the norm, until last weekend when it packed up. If you are considering taking off the motor to squirt the bendix with WD40, I reckon you are better off changing it.
  7. I couldn't get at anything to grease or WD40 - everything is sealed
  8. Don't forget you can claim back the difference between what you employer re-imburses and the goverment allowance (40p per mile for first 10,000 miles) in your end of year tax return as tax relief.
  9. One year on and it packed up. Luckily it gave me one last warning. Didn't start until about the 5th try and started for the last time to get me home. Even though it kept engaging and dissengaging. It took a while to change. The top bolt is a bu**er to get off. No room to get the socket in (1/4 of a turn at a time with a spanner). Push on electrical connect was also pretty stiff. Replacement motor was
  10. I tested the gauge as advised, connected wire back to dash to ground, and gauge went off the scale. So I need a new sensor. Rang a few factors. The first had a choice of 2 and needs to see the original. One guy at Unipart recons I've got to get it from Ford. Any suggestion on factors (national ones) or Cambridge area, to try.
  11. Is ELSA WIN better that the Ford TIS cd (which I've never got much out of).
  12. Thanks - I'll try to test it out before going for the replacement. Fraud want
  13. Still trying to fix this problem. A few questions:- 1) How do you remove the wiring connector clip without breaking it? 2) I found a dangling spade connector coming from the bunch of wires marked (red arrow), any idea where it should be connected? 3) If I remove the wiring connector from the temp gauge, could I test the current coming from the sensors. Any idea what current should be coming from the pins? How do I find out?
  14. Photo attached - this is what I see from the front of engine (right side of block)
  15. Thanks guys - I'll have another look when the car comes back from its MOT. Probably take some pictures too.
  16. Took off the top cover and had a good look around. Not too mucky. Still can't find the temperature sensor. Is it actually plugged into the head or the block (below the head)? What shape and size is it? Is it metal coloured, black or something else? Is it on the front side of the engine as you face the car from the front, near the gearbox end (so to the right). What does the connector(s) to it look like - 5 pin with clip?? There seems to be a couple of these in the vicinity but not fixed to the head or block. Any help most appreciated
  17. Thanks for the responses. The heater kicks out hot air, but I can't find the temperature sensor. Could you give me a better idea of how to find it. Picture, if possible Thanks
  18. The temperature guage in my TDI is not moving. Stuck at cold. I had the thermostat changed last year and everything seemed OK for a while. The thermostat doesn't seem stuck since all the hoses etc are getting warm/hot. Any suggestions how to track down the problem?
  19. Yeah - sounds like a door card destruction job. Have a look at this URL before you start - it might help http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.a...226058&f=86&h=0
  20. I had mine done at Hans Motors in Maidenhead in 2001. They replaced the Timing Belt and Alternator belt for
  21. It sure flexes like plastic.
  22. My guess is it is there to protect a number of vunerable parts like the plastic sump.
  23. When was the last time you had an India takeaway in the car - just a thought
  24. Pull the trunking off at one end and push back. You might see some of the wiring pulling apart (because they are overstretched). Mine's been like it for some time. My trunking is even split. I have cut and spliced lots of the wires in that section. I must have missed this one.
  25. auxiliary heater - me thinx
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