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Everything posted by Buncers

  1. My 3 and 4 setting are pretty strong and noisy, but my 1 and 2 setting are pretty weedy. I have an inclination that the No 2 setting used to be a lot stronger, but has got weaker over the years - is this possible or my imagination ?
  2. Body kits - What are these ? What do they do and how much do they cost ? Nimrod - any chance of a better photo of your Gal (I assume it's been Body kitted)
  3. Let us know which garage did this. I'm about to sue one that did damage to my Gal at it's last service. see - http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/Forum/index.php?showtopic=1997).
  4. I got a letter back from Nationwide Autocentre (head office), their operations manager, denying all responsibility for breaking the air filter box, claiming again it was due to heat and vibration. I contacted Ford head office about this claim of Nationwide's, who as expected, totally refute the claim and further say it can only be caused by "Interference from External Factors". I think I am going to sue Nationwide - will keep you posted
  5. Now how did you find that picture from the TIS CD - I still haven't managed to get it to do anything worthwhile, apart from playing Britney Spears (JOKE).
  6. and don't forget break the air filter casing and vacuum pipe (if you go to Nationwide Autocenter) - then say "it was due to vibration and a brittle plastic".
  7. Are there any teltale signs for when it need replacing ?
  8. That's great fuel comsumption. One of the best things about these TDI Galaxies is the fuel consumption. Has anyone had experience of any other MPV with as good as or bettter fuel consumption ?
  9. Does anyone know the function of the vacuum hose attached to the side of the air filter on a 1.9 TDI Galaxy. Does it affect how the engine runs and if so how ? Would it affect my emissions ?
  10. Any idea what effect this hose has? I was told by Ford that it being not connected would cause my car to be running weak. If it affects my mixture, would it also affect my emission and cause an MOT failure (due to poor emissions) ?
  11. Seatkid - thanks - it is that connector Dale - did you get Nationwide to fix or pay for the repair ? BTW - I temporarily fixed the vacuum hose by redrilling a hole in the filter box cover just big enough to take the broken off (plastic) connector and pushed it though (it seems to hold quite tightly) then re-attaching the hose.
  12. I got one a couple of months ago and find it really difficult to use. Haven't managed to find anything of use as yet. I use the Haynes manual and this forum (the greatest aid ever) If anyone out there knows how to make the CD give really useful info, please post a step by step or at least a few tips.
  13. Just got my car back from Nationwide Autocenter in Cambridge after a "service" and MOT. They have managed to break my air filter cover, vacuum hose and have left a small electrical connector dangling. They are refusing to admit fault - claims it was already broken - since they are the only ones to service it in the last 3 years - it must be them. Anyway, while waiting for them to pay up, I need to re-attach the vacuum hose and electrical connector - any one know where they go ?
  14. I just had a wiper and blower problem and traced it down to a relay. Might not be your problem, but if you need to know where the relays are, have a look at http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/Forum/index.php?showtopic=1898 Good luck.
  15. Strangely enough - mine has done the same. I hadn't put it down to the sun, but maybe it was last summers extremely hot and sunny whether. My gal hasn't been out of the UK and I live in Cambridge (which is pretty sunny - at least some of the year). If it is the hot and sunny whether - it is yet another sign of skimping on material I have found with this car. I have had many cars, a lot older and cheaper than this and yet never had this problem.
  16. :D Guys - Brilliant, superb and fantastic - problem fixed I went to ford (in Cambridge)with Seatkid's diagram and told them what I wanted, half an hour later they still coudn't find the relay I needed. Their parts system doesn't even list a "load reduction relay" and their diagram is worse than the Haynes manual. Their chief mechanic recognised the diagram (same as comes up on his system), but still couldn't identify the part I needed. and said he has never needed to change one. The old part has a number 18 on it and was a VW part, so I went next door to VW (Vindis), luckily on the same site. They identified the part and game me a new one. Plugged it in and it works - amazing. So if anyone has a similar problem on a 1.9TDI galaxy, you need a "load Reduction relay" - in the position as per Seatkids diagram. The part number is "7M0951253A" and cost 10.96 (inc VAT). Thanks again :o :( :o :D :D :) :)
  17. Nimrod and Ivor_E thanks. I guess I'll have to try both of these. Couple more questions:- 1) How do I get to the back of the ignition switch to short out the accessories ? Hope it's not remove the steering column cover - I hate messing near the airbag. 2) How do I check to see if the relay is duff ? Also don't have a k149. my relays in mainbox are numbered as follows:- 128 169 53 x x x 72 109 18 x 21 x 99 36 ? 53 103 Note position 10 is ?, because it has no cover but has some sort of connection. Thanks again
  18. Still having problems with my blowers and wipers playing up. Usually don't come on until engine has been running for about 5 mins. Thought it was earthing, so tried to find problem today. The earth points I could find (under the front of the battery look fine). Looked at wiring diagram and haynes manual, both items seem somehow linked to a load reduction relay. So playing around with turning ignitiion on and off, some times blower and wipers come on (hear a click), and when they don't come on, don't hear a click. Haynes manual section on relays seems to point to a relay problem. Could it be the load reduction relay and if so where do I find it. It's not mentioned in my handbook. Any suggestion anyone out there - PLEASE
  19. I had the same problems some time ago and patched them with wire and solder. When I asked the forum a few months ago, it appeared no one had had a similar problem. Since then I have seem a few similar postings on the forum. Seems like another ford galaxy fault - not enough cable in the loom.
  20. I think I have found the earth point for my problem. Behind the front headlight, in engine bay, passenger side. Not easy to get to, probably the battery needs to come out for a proper fix. Looked for where the brown (earth) wire went. Anyway - had so many problems with it lately, I bought some WD40 yesterday and gave it a good seeing to with the little straw thing attached to the can, so directed right at the earth point. It appears to be working, no problems this morning, even though loads of rain overnight and today and inches of standing water on the road. Fingers crossed.
  21. Bet it's an earth problem. I too have a poltergeist electrical problem. This time wipers, blowers and rear windscreen, intermittent not working until engine running for about 2 mins. When I track down the earth, get access to it, clean and renew - hope it will stop. Or will probably go away when dry whether comes (sometime in July)
  22. Welcome to the forum. I had a similar problem about a year ago. I checked with the forum recently and only discovered one other person with similar problems. I put it down to the garage that put in my alarm, having messed with the wiring loom. Have you had anyone mess with your wiring ? Anyway, I spliced in some wire into my broken wires, solder and heat shrink on the joints. Done the trick. I found mine were being stretched when the tailgate was opened. Good Luck
  23. Might be better if I get her to pick the car up at the front instead - or just stop jumping on my horn so it don't get broke again. :D
  24. Decided to fix my horn button this weekend. Disconnected battery - as suggested - waited an hour, to make sure that air bag was discharged. Attempted to remove screws from back of steering wheel, 1 wouldn't budge. Moved to plan B: Pulled out old (broken) horn as far as I could through hole. cut wires as close to old horn as possible. Connected new horn button to old wires (solder and heatshrink). Pushed horn in - works great. Here's a funny - Haynes manual says - disconnect battery, then turn steering wheel to get access to screws at the back of the wheel, first one way then the other - duh - my wheel won't move without power steering. Do the guys at Haynes, ever use their manual (ie test it, eat their own dogfood) :angry:
  25. Attempted the fix this weekend - before the predicted freeze-up. Symptoms before I started (to recap). 1) Blower only working on 4th setting 2) Sometimes not working at all and at the same time wipers would not work, until warmed up. 3) More recently, interior (courtesy) lights stayed on after ignition and security alarm would not set. 4) Blowers (4th setting only), wipers and radio stayed on after ignition turned off. :) Suspected resistor pack (info from Forum - thanks guys). I suspected poltergeist. :angry: Tried to fix former: 1) Bought resistor pack (
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