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Everything posted by Caff

  1. Don't know if this is similar but reading your post sounded familiar. A couple of years ago when I started the engine it revved excessively as if I had my foot flat on the floor. This was not every start up. Very embarrassing! If I braked it was as if I had my foot on the throttle still. I found the best way to remove the problem was to drive off and the revs would drop to normal. The solution was to change the water temperature sensor. Loads of strange behaviour went after that and I had forgotten this little tantrum behaviour. Not sure if this the same problem as yours but I thought I'd mention it. Cath
  2. Zorgman, I had that buzz too earlier in the week in the depths of the cold weather, all the warning lights flashed too, could hear clicking noises. Charged the battery for a few hours and gave it a hot water bottle for a while and she started first time...bless. Had a long look through my Owner's Guide and am none the wiser. The warning chime etc are for those who have all the trip computer and gubbins. Zetecs don't have this. The other warning sound or signs described in the book are either obvious or tell the owner to consult Fraud without actually specifying the problem, After all we shouldn't meddle should we :( As for the door light, the control light according to the Guide. The only mention is about the ignition disarming, the light illuminates for 3 seconds. "If it illuminates continuously or flashes slowly for one minutes a malfunction has occurred" Very informative :(
  3. Ice warning, on the warmest day for a fortnight. Does my Zetec have such technology? What signal should have appeared on the dash? I don't know if I missed something, I've never has this before. My user manual mentions a couple of noises as an audible sound (the book's in the car, I'll look tomorrow) but not an extensive list and none of the morse code that the door light performs. I'm afraid I find this fascinating! I'm going to have an accident one day trying to count the door light flashes rather than looking at the road!
  4. This morning my gal gave a warning "chime" sound as I started it. The driver's door light also flashed a lot! As the engine started I just drove away and the next time I started all was quiet and non flashy. My query is where do I find out about all these warning signals my car makes? I.e. what's the point if I don't know what they mean? Over the years there have been various noises and flashes (a bit disconcerting out of the corner of my eye) and I haven't always been able to understand what the old gal is trying to tell me. So can anyone tell me anything? B) Many thanks Cath
  5. We're going to have a look at our heater too. The photos are missing from this FAQ. Is it possible to restore them?
  6. Mk2 Water temp sensor, How to find and change this unit. Didn't remove the fuel filter, just removed the bracket and pushed it aside. Be ready to bung the new sensor in as fluid rushes out!!
  7. Heater controls post This is a common problem but, another thought, Does your trip work? And do you have an analogue clock, and is it working? I had a fuse blow which affected all of this after I meddled elsewhere.
  8. Hi Taylor2. What you describe does sound like the connector to the heater controls is playing up.This is a common fault. We have had it twice. Search the forum and you will find it. The connectors work loose so you may have dislodged something. The symptoms...every control is stuck at it's last working setting. The fan can be turned on and off but the direction is set, you're lucky if it was on the windscreen and the aircon no longer works nor do the other switched. Also no lights show on the controls. Good luck
  9. If you do a search on this forum you will find loads of info on this subject. We have all had the problem! Caff
  10. I'd advise using a waterproof bearing grease on reassembly or you'll be repeating the experience, even if it's a lot faster, after a while. Also use the opportunity to change the pollen filter. It's a doddle with all the gubbins out of the way!
  11. Try Volkswagen it was a lot cheaper from them than Ford when I bought one
  12. If you search the Forum for "Heater Control Panel" you may find the post that comes up helps. We have had the same problem twice and this worked for us. Basically the controls stick in one place where you last left them when the contacts fail. Have a read, it's a long post. We had a similar problem again but that involved further electrical failures and you haven't mentioned any of them! Good luck
  13. Had this twice. Your wiper mechanism is seizing. The motor can just about cope if the blades have no resistance but put them on the glass and everything stops. Sometimes you get a tiny amount of movement. Search for "Wiper Linkage" on this forum. I know Mumof4 wrote on this in 2006. Spraying the linkage with WD40 or the like is a waste of time. Our linkage was very difficult to get apart as it was well and truly seized. On reassembly the second time around we used good quality waterproof wheel bearing grease and hopefully we won't have to take it all apart again. All I would recommend is sort it asap as the poor old motor must be suffering trying to move those blades! Also this is a good opportunity to change the pollen filter.
  14. We think.... fuse 32. If you have the Owner's Guide - page 180 This is in the fuse box under the instrument panel by the driver's knees. 3rd from right on bottom row (horizontal alignment) it's supposed to be engine management 5A brown. Mine is orange! Perhaps that is the new brown! This was blown and replacement solved our problems. The clock re-set every time the engine was turned off, the doors didn't lock and the blower electrics were dead. Hope this helps. I know what you're going through! :D
  15. I have had this problem myself. In January I posted "Clock, Trip, Heater And Drivers Door Not Working". Not sure how to get a direct link. If you look it may answer your query.
  16. Put in the new module and used nuts as spacers to raise it off the floor level. The cables also now have a "drip loop" so that any fluid on them drips off before entering into the module. Now I have a different problem. When selecting reverse gear the rear sensor gubbins makes a different note to before to tell me that the sensors are active. The front sensors are OK but the rears are mucking about. The two centres are working but the outside "corner" ones aren't and there is that same strange note. The front sensors make the old familiar sound. Tomorrow we shall be swapping sensors around to see if they are faulty but was wondering if anyone has had similar problems. It seems strange that the system was OK before the flooding incident and now two of the 8 sensors are not working. Any ideas? This whole saga keeps making me think that there ought to be rules about putting electrical equipment in a known flood plain.
  17. Mines a mark 2. The parking sensor control is still under the seat. We wondered if it would be worth sealing all the gaps between the front footwell and the rear footwell with silicon sealant so that the water doesn't seep/slosh back from the front. It's such a silly design. The circuit board is so low that it would sit in the smallest amount of water. When we get the new one in I'll report back any modifications we do.
  18. Gregers. Thanks for your help. Done. :angry2: Now we have to put everything back in that we didn't need to take out! It was a fuse. Think it was too late night as we missed the fuse that was bust. According to our Owners Guide this was the engine management fuse!! This fuse affected the immobiliser, the clock, the heating controls and the trip. Strange. The driver door malarkey seems intermittent so I'm not so sure about that one. I'm not sure if it's working or not. I don't care at the moment. Whew. Thanks to the Forum again <_<
  19. Thanks Gregers. Yes the key works in the lock I'll have another look at the fuses. It was very late and dark when we finished last night. I might have missed something
  20. Oh great! How do I edit the title of the post! Divers door is more like it! Or divvie's door!
  21. It\'s been a bit of a weekend. Found the parking sensors unit dead from the swimming pool in the passenger footwell. Sorted the rear wash pipe. Have started drying the carpets etc. :angry2: Sorted the wiring on the boot to make the rear wiper work :) Replaced the temperature sensor at the back of the engine. The latter may be the cause but now we have analogue clock not working, heater direction and control not working (speed control works) (Usual workaround of removing unit and wiggling not working) mileage trip resets when ignition key removed, driver door not unlocking with the rest of the doors when using remote key. <_< Any ideas would be great.
  22. Look at the FAQs. There's s good description. Basically you remove the rubber door seal at the floor on the passenger side. Remove the plastic trim, lift the carpet. The wiring loom runs along the side of the floor pan there and the pipe is there too. We must have had half a gallon of water and screen antifreeze. We cut out the soundproofing and the carpet where the joins will not be seen and it's going to take a while to dry. The parking sensor unit doesn't sit fully in the water but further back under the seat but every time you break when driving some gets back through the gaps in the metal work that holds up the seat. Our unit was obviously fried. I'd also like to know if this unit does anything else. I'm assuming it doesn't. I started a new post with another problem that I assume isn't related
  23. Spot on. Thanks. A couple of wires with the insulation cracked. Have bound them in tape and will see how it goes. Was mesmerising to watch the wiper actually working properly! <_<
  24. I Googled the part numbers on the unit had a hit on a German site for Volkswagen parts with some very useful pictures and part numbers for the Parking sensors and all the bits involved. Google translated it all for me and I am happy that I have the correct number. Gregers, I started by searching ebay and they have nothing at the moment, that's why I asked for help.
  25. OK. I have been surfing and not had a lot of luck with ringing round the breakers. I reckon the part number is 7M3 919 283. Our local VW dealer says that comes up on their database as being a control unit. They quote
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