not a cat in hells chance of me using strap on screens im sorry but having spent all this money on the galaxy i don't want to make a mess of it id much rathe it was all done properly @ the moment i have pioneer mp3 player wit aux input that the ipod goes on so i will have to loose the ipod to gain my aux in for the screens so sound side of things half sorted if i want it coming through the galaxy's original speakers i think i will do headphones i'm not a fan of listening to thomas the tank and friends while i drive ! so what head phones have people found best? so basically i have got to sort what looks like a pair of screens 2 set's of headphone's i'll remove the genuine changer and put the ps2 in that slot with the power invertor for it and a pair of wire free controllers for ps2 sorry didn't realise old pic would cause so much problems no one complained before, changed it now hope that solves any issues