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Everything posted by Taliska

  1. Unfortunately I remembered too late to buy some in - I did say to the garage 'please put the correct oil in' before the service - so I guess, never trust them. Taliska
  2. Possibly something to do with the old rhyme... "A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter" in England, whereas I guess the Americans thought that "A pint of water should weigh a pound - it oughta!" (Just made the second one up!) Possibly more logical if 1 pint = 1 pound in an almost completely illogical system of weights and measures - that I still like! A 12 oz steak anyone? Either that or the Yanks can't drink real pints of beer! :-) Taliska
  3. Yes, luckily the bars aren't too dear and life will be breathed once more into the old Thule kit - got them from Halfords today, by gum, they're heavy. Taliska
  4. Trawled around - Thule do a pck (762) or bars that are 54" long for
  5. G'day all, Just decided to measure my old roofbars and, rats, they're too short! They're Thule ones so I'd've thought that I could get some longer bars and kept the existing locks. Any thoughts on another solution? (Don't want to squeeze the car by 3 inches by the way). Many thanks, Taliska
  6. Will have a go... Thanks, Taliska
  7. Do you have to open the unit up to do this cleaning? Thanks for the info, seatkid. Taliska
  8. Bit of a result really - went back to the dealer this morning and they agreed with me that they had put the wrong oil in and took the car away and (hopefully) put the right oil in. It was just boring to have the whole incident happen in the first place when I repeatedly said "put the right oil in please" when booking it in. Fight your corner! Taliska
  9. Hummm... Annoying raspy rattly noise from Climate Control unit emanating from left air intake on the unit. (It's only a single version as standard in the TDI 115 Ghia.) "I'll show you plenty of units that make that noise" says agent - so I guess that's a 'no' for the warranty claim. Does yours make a funny niggly noise - is it really normal??? :D I'd be more than interested to see if you think it should be replaced / repaired. Hummm... Taliska
  10. First service - enquired about the right oil for the Galaxy while checking in... Afterwards I look at the Parts list and notice some oil with a code of MOB530. "Don't worry, we put the right oil in the car for you!" quoth Ford approved service centre. Perhaps this MOB530 is Mobile 5W-30. Perhaps this doesn't agree with the handbook that states 5W-40. So what now... Does this Mobile 5W-30 stuff meet Ford's specification WSS-M2C917A? Is this anything vaguely similar to VW505.01? (not mentioned in the Ford handbook) Taliska
  11. Will ask him tomorrow - off on holiday with a reasonably laden Galaxy! Taliska
  12. Ivor, you definitely got the right deal there!!! Taliska
  13. Thanks for that link - found a supplier for peculiar button batteries from their website - been looking for a couple of batteries for my bathroom scales for ages. :lol: Taliska
  14. Exhausts - replace them??? :( Old Audi 80 with 186,000 miles and 10 years old was still on her original exhaust (and clutch for that matter)! :lol: Now she was a diesel, as of course is my Gal, I wonder if the exhaust will ever need changing on this beastie? Taliska
  15. Hi Ian, Have you got a link to your DVD player - just interested to see what it looks like! Taliska
  16. Hi all, Have had a rasping noise coming from somewhere down near the centre console for a while now... Just sussed out what it must be... There are two little grilles in the CC unit - the right one does nothing on mine, but the left one has a sensor behind it. By holding my thumb over the grille (briefly) the noise stopped. I guess there's a little fan behind there sucking the air in so it can see how hot it is - it sounds as if this little fan's bearings have gone! Ho hum - something to get looked at by the garage (under the warranty). There's also another big rattling sound coming inside the dashboard somewhere on the left side - haven't worked that one out yet. Taliska
  17. Wow, taken the centre dash out tonight and that took a long time! Lost the radio pullers between now and when I last used them 10 years ago so had a fight with a set of screwdrivers... Couldn't get the cup holders out of the silver surround, which is actually more of a cage for holding everything in place... Got to that stage when I was getting frustrated, so simply unscrewed the two screws above the cup holders and pulled everything out. Have faith - it was easy to unclip the cup holders from the surround when the whole thing was pulled out - putting it back was was simple. However it was getting dark so really couldn't see very well outside, so have pushed it all back together fairly loosely so that I can work on it again tomorrow (or whenever). Taliska
  18. Hi all, Thanks for the input everyone - even from those that are against it! 2K is well out of my budget too! I did wonder if it would make the kids motion sick - was thinking of borrowing a laptop from work with a DVD and seeing if I got a positive reaction from them... It's just that we're considering driving down to Spain in the summer and, whilst the kids are pretty good travellers, they might find the 1000+ mile journey a tad long and anything that might help to ease the pain would be welcome. I'd wondered about a small unit wedged in between the front seats too... Taliska
  19. Anybody managed to fit a DVD player into a Galaxy themselves? How much would one cost - I've not got a clue! Thanks, Taliska
  20. There's no one else in the car, but me... Unless... ...I'm accidentally clonking the rdio buttons on the steering wheel... Now there's a thought! Taliska
  21. Ah well, thanks for the offer, but mine's still covered under its warranty! It did it again tonight - went to WAVE instead !?! If you have one to sell, then have you replaced your own, if so what with? Taliska
  22. Blow me down - it did it again tonight. TA definately switched off - it changed from BBC Radio 4 to BBC Radio Solent while driving up the A36 at 6:03pm (or thereabouts). I wonder if it's getting its AF knickers in a twist? Maybe it thinks that the Radio Solent signal is better than Radio 4 and swapping to it? Anyone else had this? Taliska.
  23. Hi and thanks, Mussey1 - I thought
  24. Hi all, I'm considering buying Nokia phone holder (MBC-15S) and want to put it somewhere up on the dashboard. It's one of these... http://www.nokia.com/pics/phones/phone_models/enhancements/popups/enhancements_mbc_15s_pop.jpg Now I don't want to have unsightly holes left when it's eventually taken out or replaced - so any recommendations as to how to fix? I've wondered whether it would be possible to attach the bracket either in the gap at the top of the vent in the middle of the dash, or just inside the edge of the centre glovebox? I wish car manufacturers would come up a simple way of doing it that's the same on all cars - after all, they managed to get the cigarette lighter the same size and shape! Thoughts please (or alternative suggestions). Taliska
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