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Everything posted by Taliska

  1. Just went outside and tried it.... Well - I failed the first time using just the remote, then reread your post and tried it with the key in the door lock - and it worked. Blow me down. Wasn't brave enough to see if the global down function worked in case I couldn't get the driver's window back up again - would have been embarrassing or what! I've never come across this feature - primarily because I never stick the key in the door... I recall saying that in the first few months of having the car that I was discovering new features all the time, and here we are 9 years later and another one pops up! :-) Cheers - will test the global up and down ... after I've fixed the wiring!! I'll then know what to try when the next wiring fault appears. (Think that one of the wires to the speakers in the back door has also gone - will look at that one too, I guess.) Cheers, Taliska
  2. 'Global closing' - I can guess what this is, but I guess you might be about to teach me something I don't know about my car that I've had for over 9 years... So how do you make all the windows go up at once? Thanks, Taliska
  3. Seems that I have the same problem now. Windows can go down, but won't go up from the driver's door controls.The other three windows will go up using their own switches. Decided to do a bit of advanced fault finding this evening: using the driver's controls I wound passenger window down and up again, then really wiggled the driver's door wires quite hard, now the passenger's doesn't go up except by its own switch. (Have now put tape over the controls on the driver's door so that I can't wind mine down and not get it back up again.) Has to be the wires in the door hinge, doesn't it? Taliska
  4. Ok, so the old gal (2003 115 TDI vintage) is now 150+ and has just had the injector wiring loom replaced as a cylinder occasionally dropped out. I've recently noticed this tendency for her to wobble sideways at the front end when accelerating with heavy loads or up steep hills (i.e. when the engine needs to work a bit harder than usual). Any ideas anyone? Thanks, Taliska
  5. Hi, Just did the same thing myself accidentally not so long ago. You can get VAG-COM lead from eBay for about
  6. Hi, Could anyone point me in the direction of the speed sender on a 1.9 TDI 115 Galaxy MkII, please... Have the bonnet up at the moment. Cheers! Taliska
  7. Thanks guys for the info! Pretty sure the garage (not Ford) have damaged it while trying to get to the Speed Sender. Taliska
  8. While looking under the bonnet I noticed that the aircon hose between the compressor and the condenser was snapped in half near the condenser end. How on earth that happened I cannot imagine - it's a metal pipe at that point! Question is: what else might that have taken out with it as there's absolutely no gas in the system now. Taliska
  9. Well that didn't help, but filling it up with fuel shut it up nicely. Now to follow the instrument removal cluster instructions... Taliska
  10. Just done the easy thing first - disconnected the battery for 30 seconds, and then reattached it... The battery's reading 12.5 volts so I guess that's still okay. Will go on a drive to see if it's working - possibly by the petrol station as it was showing 547 miles on the tank. Taliska
  11. Aarrgghh! Mine's just started to do this this morning! At first it was slightly amusing, but now it's simply boring. Fuel light coming on and off every few seconds, and the speedo sometimes not working. Average consumption reading about the 6 MPG mark. Dull, dull, dull... Looks like time to get a replacement instrument cluster. Taliska
  12. It's a MkII - 53 plate. I've never quite got round to getting a VAG-COM unit...
  13. Flipping heck, nearly engulfed the whole village in clouds of smoke this morning... Figured it had to be the Auxiliary Heater, so pulled the fuse and did another run around whilst the morning was cold, and no more smoke... Any ideas as to which bits of the Auxiliary Heater to change? Also, I don't recall hearing the jet engine noise at all. Thanks in advance, Taliska
  14. Now that is quite a mileage indeed! Do you buy drop-links in bulk? The question is: do you still enjoy driving the car? Taliska
  15. Fixed the dratted rattle by the glovebox - knew the Araldite would come in useful again sometime. Case of overfilled glovebox bening slammed too hard and breaking the plastic round the lower screwhole on the left side. Couldn't figure out what was wrong with the wipers after taking the front part of the car apart... still work after fiddling, so not all bad news. Taliska
  16. Ey up, 100000 miles - I reckon that's more 'summat' than 'nowt'. :-) Anyways, that's only the first 100000! My previous car - an Audi 80 TDI - got to 183k before it was no longer a pleasure to drive - most of it was original, including the exhaust, clutch... but its suspension was as rattley as hell. I'm planning to drive the Galaxy into the ground, or until it becomes too expensive to keep going. Galaxy / Sharan / Alhambra: Agreed - great for those long journeys. Got to Barcelona this year, Venice the year before - the furthest south (a few years ago) was Sorrento (bu**er of a place to drive around!) All with kids too! We pop a roofbox on (for the tent), plus bike carrier (for 4 bikes), and fill up the 'far back' with camping equipment - and it's just spot on. I think we averaged 34mpg over 2700 miles this last holiday - not too bad for a heavily-loaded car. Just hope it keeps on going... can't bear to spend money on new cars... Taliska
  17. Thanks nightmangolf for the offer - I'd ordered one from Ford and it came yesterday. Gregers - go for it! Taliska
  18. Forgot about that one! Should add it to the list. :-) Taliska
  19. Well today's the day that she hits the 100000 mile mark in just less than 6 years. Not in too bad a nick - has a few Italian battle scars, but still going well. Just to make sure we don't forget her presence, she needs a new wheel and tyre, front pads and disks, rear pads and a service. Plus I guess the windscreen wipers and the glove compartment rattle need sorting out. Things gone wrong so far: battery, window mechanism, drop links, air conditioning, parking sensors, driveshaft, rear washer, top-of-bonnet trim rattle, air con controller, radio, Ford badges, bootlid locking mechanism, remote keyfob... all the usual things. Will I keep her? Yes - she's just too useful. And has this site helped me out? Definitely! Taliska
  20. Wrong ones on eBay :-( - however there is a reconditioned set of 4 of the right type. Local scrappie doesn't have one... Local Hendy parts want
  21. Completely trashed a tyre and alloy wheel for my MkII Ghia - could go to Ford to get a new one, but has anyone any suggestions as to anywhere else to look for one? Cheers, Taliska
  22. Two dodgy on mine - ouch. Taliska
  23. As always, thanks again. Cold weather a few weeks ago had caused it to pop out under the trim in the passenger footwell. I used self amagamating tape to wrap the joint - that's the stuff that you wind round your f-plug / lnb connectors on your satellite dish. Fairly easy and not messy to use, we'll see if it works. That's two repairs done today so far: had clocked a tree trunk and knocked the fog light out - bit of superglue and all's well. Cheers, Taliska
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