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Everything posted by Jimbo73
I have a noise which is like a vibration type noise when the wheel is near or on full lock. It doesnt happen all the time. But at really slow speeds moving off with wheel on lcok results in the noise. Could this possibly be the stabiliser link rods, or is it a problem with the power steering... Any ideas thought... all are most welcome.... I bought this Galaxy on the cheap and now I know why. I have had to unseize the wiper linakge, the rods underlinks things need replacing (clunk when driving on uneven camber), and this noise. Dam i wish i knew more about cars......
Thanks you very much.. Ordering 2 new rods as we speak off ebay..... One more thing. I just noticed that when I have full lock on and move at slow speeds there is like a vibration noise cmoing from the steering or something...Could this be these rod things? I hate cars...... I only bought this car a few weeks ago. I thinks he sold it to me for cheap because of these few minor faults. Any ideas about the vibration type noise happening at slow speeds when full lock is on...??? Love this forum!! This is most probably the most helpful, useful and money saving forum I have ever known.....Just what the net should be about!!! Many thanks....
Thanks for that... Were abouts are they located in the car. are they found under the bonnet? and if so were abouts. What do they look like. Is there one on each side?
I am after the speaker thingy for the rear parking sensor for my Galaxy. It has 3 points in the bumper, the controller is located on the left as you open the boot, there is then a lead that comes up and is located just behind the light housing, but there is nothing on the end of it, Anyone know where to get one.??? Tried Ebay - cant see one?
I too have a clunking sound, its not when i pull away its more like when i go over unven ground i.e. when there has been roadworks done and one side is really bumpy. i wasnt worried about it till i read this bit of the forum, I just turn the rasio up louder although i am scared now...... It doesnt happen when I pull off or brake or change gear, just the old bumpy ground. no grinding - no baging - just the clink clunk.... I have a 2000 V reg Galaxy Ghia. Petrol 2.3 And I am absolutely useless with cars. My dad says it could be the bushes. He used to be a mechanic till about 15 years ago, and I keep telling him cars have changed since his day. What would be my best course of action. Should I take it to a garage and ask them to look at something specifically, becasue I dont want to take it in and say there is a clunking noise, they will think open cheque book... If you have any ideas what the likely candidate maybe please let me know... Many thanks....
Wehey!!!! They are working properly........ Thanks!!!!!!! Oh my word... That is a weight of my mind....... Just got to get the black undercover thingy back on...... That was hard to get off so i can imagine its harder to get on..... Any ideas on how long it will last for before it need doing again?? i reckon about 2 maybe 3 years... Any thought? But seriously a big thanks to everyone... especially mumof4....... You were my inspiration.... Well if the truth be known , each time i said I cant do it.. my wife said what are you, i thought you were a man.... There is a mum of 4 who still has to time to fix her own car..... and oh how she kept on.... But there we go.......... :blink: :) :D :) :) :) :)
DOH!!! Ah well.... To correct the problem then. if I loosen the motor and turn it on the motor will of finished its cycle - Then I need to set the Linkage to park - then tighten the motor up??? How long after i get this finished does the BSc with Honours take to arrive??
Right nealry done!! The linkage is well cleaned, regreased and back in the car. Problem I conected the motor up didnt put the wiper arms back turned the wipers on and the linkage was moving - Horray - Turned the wipers off so it would finish in the park position. Attatched wiper arms. turned on and all hell broke loose. The arms didnt know wether they were coming or going. I am sure the arms can only go on one way. Anyway I took them off and had a look if they could of been put on the wrong way - Looks like they will only go back left on left right on right. ( I forgot to label them). When I nudge the wiper selector lever up one it doesnt seem to do intermittent so i thought it may only work when engine is on but - The battery has gone flat now becasue i had the lights on so cant start the car. Leaving it till tomorrow now...... I feel like crying........ Any hints please let me know!! All are welcome.......
Woops.... I never looked to see which was the park position..... :ph34r: Is there a way to tell.....If so please let me know.. Got my copper grease from Halfords.... Was torn between CL grease and coppergrease becasue I have seen both mentioned on this forum... Cleaning spindles inside and out... I will get beack to you..... PS> Thanks for all your help, I could not do this without you! Thanks,,,,, :D
I did get the half round clips off, but I could only see one on each spindle and that was at the top...There were 2 washers at the bottome of each spindle - got them.... In the proccess of cleaning everything with wd40 and lots of cloth.... Got the spindles out.... Oh my god how they were seized!!!! HAHA 1 - 0 to me!!! Got them out... On each spindle the bottom inch or so the chrome has come away... Does this matter.... or will the regrease do it... What is a good material to clean the inside of the thing were the spindle goes into.. any ideas?? Once back in do these babies move easily?? Just poppin to Halfords to get the Copper ease!! Look forward to your replies.......
50% success..... Got the linkage out and the right thingymejig is seized (dam). Havent got the foggiest idea of how to get them out to put the copperease on..... It looks from the back there is a square bit which is flush with the arm and the bit the the wiper arm attatches to does not seem to have anything to undo? Help needed......
Black box thingy = air filter housing. Lost one of my fittings for the wiper linkage down the same whole, recovered it in the same way. Right I am off this afternoon and I am going to remove my Linkage....... Hmmm thanks Mumof4 for your thread on this subject.. Do I need to remove the filter housing to get it out? Mine is the linkage with the 3 bolts, any hints or tips you have got about anything to dowith this please post them. I will be regularly checking in... Many thanks!
Thank you very much!! Liked the story mumof4.... I will be taking linkage out over the next day or 2, and will regrease the dam thing.... Still not sure about spindles and stuff, but I hope all will beocme clear once it is out. I will make sure they move easy. although the wipers do move now with a little effort should they move really easy once the motor is removed... Thanks God I found this forum... :o
I have had to get a new motor because it has definatley gone. But I am being advised that it will be the linkage that may of caused this. My car is a 2000 V reg ford galaxy the motor number is 0 390 241 441 With the motor removed it is possible to move the wipers by hand with a little effort, does this mean that the linkage is okay? I have read all the bits about the galaxy and spindles but I am not mechanically minded, so can you please advise what would be the best thing to do. Would it be best to take the linkage out and regrease it. If so what grease should i use, also exaclty were are the spindles, are these the bit at which the wiper arm connects to the linkage? I look forward to your replies and comments. This all started with my wipers stopping for about 20 seconds then they would go fine for a couple of minutes then stop again, then they stopped working totally. I tested the windings on the motor (I am an Electrician) and they had gone.