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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Denis

  1. Looking at some new type Galaxy's this weekend, I felt that the intenal trim/ controls etc looked a lot more plasticy than my T reg. Not impressed at all.
  2. Yes my Missus has had a couple of similar mishaps and replacing the broken (heated) glass using the Ford original only took a couple of minutes.
  3. Hughie, I can't answer your question about Ford's knowledge of this problem. Though I am interested to know if the foam rubber sleeving on your wiring loom, like mine, had dissolved into a gooey mess? My personal theory is that perhaps the residue from the foam attacks the PVC insulation on the cables.
  4. Yes you are right Ian most of the colours are pretty cool these days. Perhaps I was thinking about my mate who has a new Mondeo estate in..Radiant Red! It looks wrong- acres of red with nothing to break it up. It needs something like those silver strips you used to get on Sierras etc, that ran front to rear.
  5. Thanks to all, Coalville seems to have the best range so I'll probably end up getting one from them even though it's a long way from Bristol. All the good colours too- black, state blue etc!
  6. I'm thinking about changing my 2.3 auto for a 2.8, maybe a year or so old. The difference in fuel consumption isn't that much, the V6 is about 10% worse. And it's probably worth it for the enjoyment. But where are thay all? They seem to be as rare as hen's teeth!
  7. Phil, do you mean your A/C doesn't work? If so, I wouldn't be surprised that you are having problems. My Galaxy mists all winter unless I make constant use of the A/C and quickclear windscreen.
  8. Anna, I used order code LS0016766. To fit them I first had to remove all traces of the old plastic grille, then I siliconed the 'inner' to the door, when dry just pushed on the 'outer'. Hope this helps.
  9. If you can wait until Monday when I go back into work, I'll get the order code for you Anna.
  10. I have replaced my grilles with matt black metal ones from cpc.co.uk. They are very slightly oversize (diameter) and stand a little more proud than the originals. I secured tham with silicone sealant. Look fine and I don't think the kid's will ever manage to break them!
  11. I soldered mine and used some heat shrink tubing. As mentioned in a previous thread, I was surprised how rigid some of the wiring in the loom was. And I have been wondering if the foam lagging which has gone all runny in mine, has been affecting the pvc insulation on the wires, making it harden?
  12. I had this problem with my 2.3 and it turned out to be the fanbelt tensioner, the garage said it was a common problem.
  13. I've just experienced the same problem with the wiring loom in the top right hatch area. I didn't blow any fuses but the high level brake light stopped working. Sure enough, the twin wires were badly frayed, one of them broken. I must say the positive feed wire, black/red (I think) they have used seems to be very rigid considering it's repeatedly flexed. And the foam surrounding the wires had dissolved into a horrible gluey mess.
  14. I wonder if I'm the only person who's had to adjust the inhibitor switch on their 2.3 auto gear lever? The problem was that sometimes the starter motor wouldn't turn. However if you put sideways pressure on the gear selector lever it was OK. I removed the cowling from the gearshift lever and found an adjustment screw, sealed with an orange glue. One turn clockwise and the car wouldn't start at all. One turn anticlockwise and problem solved.
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