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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by muffking

  1. Hi guys. The remote central locking on my drivers door has just decided that it only wants to work when it feels like it, but when I turn the key in the lock I can no longer use it to open or close all of the electric windows. Normally I would suspect a dodgy locking motor, but the open/close windows feature not working has made me think twice. Is there a switch independant to the central locking motor that operates the windows or is it run directly off the motor? Any ideas greatly apreaciated (does anyone have a spare?) It's a '52 2.3 Ghia BTW
  2. You should try swapping with funkmiester ;)
  3. For the benefit of the old thread BTW, I posted a link to this one after doing a search to see if this had been done before and to let those who were subscribed to the thread know about this one. And if you wern't confused before I bet you are now ;)
  4. Guys, see my thread http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=8582
  5. Judging by previous threads I know that some of you have tried to get hold of sunglasses holders to replace the drivers grab handle, but have not been able to find any at reasonable costs. I bought one for when I had my Frontera as it had the same fittings as my Vectra. When I sold the Frontera I hadn't got around to fitting the sunglasses holder so I measured up the holes in the galaxy roof as the colours match. I must admit, being a Vauxhall part, the holes are 2 mm further apart in the roof and you have to cut off the furry tree type clips that are attached to the sunglasses holder, but as long as you line up the screws that go into the roof holes before you actually screw them all the way in then it fits perfectly (see below). http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-1/1136064/P1000311.jpg http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-1/1136064/P1000312.jpg I bought it from a Leicester based based company called LMF Vauxhall who also sell online and even on Ebay, but for the poultry sum of around a fiver I think that this is a great add on and saves crushing my sunny's in the sun visor. See:- http://www.lmfvauxhall.com/prodCatalog/def...aspx?prodId=842
  6. I have a spare one in grey if it's any help.
  7. I agree with the cost, it won't be cheap. I had my 1.8 Zetec Escort turbocharged by an engine builder in Lincoln called Ian Howell who often rebuilds Ford engines to take turbocharging. Mine ran well over 250bhp which was mental for a FWD Escort, but still cost in the region of
  8. Which basically means that there's no point trying the guy on Ebay as it's obviously a Ford thing ;) Still, it saved me a quid finding out though ehh ;)
  9. lol, no worries mate. I'm tempted to tap up bagpuss for a couple of V5 ones if they are compatible with V4.
  10. I should be alright, we are a worldwide company employing over 600 people in the UK. I only get 40 p per mile if I use my non company car, the fuel in my car allowance car (the
  11. Christ you must have been desperate. I used a screwdriver but gave up before it bending it. My other plan was to remove the middle row of seats and feed a wire trough the carpet and then through the rear inner wing trim on either side.
  12. Oh well, it probably doesn't have it then :D
  13. No worries Dave, replied. I think it may be worth us doing a voice swap. At risk of hijacking the thread, I have these for TomTom 4:- Arnold Swarzenegger Austin Powers Clint Eastwood Darth Vader Homer Simpson Joanna Lumley John Cleese Ozzy Osbourne (Bleeped) Ozzy Osbourne (Swearing) Sean Connery Yoda But I'd be interested in any other that anyone else has on offer.
  14. Well, I just spet around 20 minutes trying al sorts of combinations and it don't wanna know. I guess it's possible that this only works on the newer models?
  15. 14p does seem low, unless they're expecting you to claim tax relief on the value of the car, as I can claim up to 40p per mile and still get
  16. Hey, I'd like to know how to remove the silver trim plate so that I can run a power cable to the osr for my DVD player :D
  17. Me too. I've been a member for almost as long as bigdaddy
  18. If you send me an email then I'll send ~############## Edited by the Administrator Distribution or Piracy is not condoned on this site. Even offering to give somebody software through email is not accepted as the administrator is liable. I am aware that copyright is a civil matter and not a criminal one but be rest assured I will not accept it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Ha ha, I think Nik has already sussed that I'm tight enough to post on here 1st rather than pay the quid it would cost to find out :)
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ford-Mondeo-MK3-Anti...1QQcmdZViewItem Above this guy claims to know how to enable the autolock feature of the Mk3 Mondeo , the feature where the doors automatically lock awhen you reach 5mph as a safety feature. I wondered if this would work on my '52 plate Galaxy Ghia??? Anyone know how to try it?
  21. I agree, sounds like there's a mute signal coming from a car kit. Try disconnecting the car kit or mute wire if there isn't one.
  22. Ahh, Nik the fountain of knowledge back to my rescue. Cheers Nik, it's a perfect fit for the hole in the false hex bolts. One other thing came out of this though, which is that I now know that my Galaxy is missing the brace out of its tool kit.
  23. I'm still learning, but there are still some things that I need to know. Just had a crack at trying to work out how to remove the centre caps on my '52 2.3 Ghia prior to taking it down to my local tyre place to sort the balancing out due to a wobble at 55-60, but even with a screwdriver lodged between the alloy and the centre cap I can't prize it off and I don't fancy applying to much force as it's bending. Am I doing this wrong?
  24. I agree, thanks for the help guys. I used a stanley knife blade to open out the climate bezel enough to prize it off with my fingers, and there's the 4 screws hidden behind it. It took about half an hour to clean the goo out from all of the buttons as I had to almost completely strip it down, but it's as good as new now and the buttons don't stick at all. Stereo next :D
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