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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by muffking

  1. I've not been on for a short while and the one time I log on it's down :) I had a question to post too, but I've forgot it now :lol:
  2. Make that 2 roof tiles and the supermarket where I parked my car had part of it's roof lift off. ;)
  3. I've never seen it so bad in Lincoln either. So far, I've lost one roof tile, lost one fence panel, I've had to put wooden posts at 45 degree angles to secure 2 fence posts blowing in the wind, part of my 6ft gate has sheared off when the wind blew it shut, my tarpaulin car port has been destroyed and put a large scratch above the passengar window when it came down, I've had to tie my bins down with bunge straps, and someone's 12' trampoline blew down my street and landed right across the road from my front gates. The trampoline was the last straw with me thinking that it's not even safe to park in or by my own drive, so me & the missus parked our other car in the middle of a supermarket carpark to keep it out the way of trees, bins, trampolines etc. (you watch a bl00dy trolly hit it when I go and pick it up).
  4. Darn! Can anyone check that and fit out where if possible ?
  5. It's in the recess in the floor under the carpet rather than in the seat itself.
  6. Mk2 Nick. I'm heading to Berkshire on Wednesday, but will be in York & Birmingham after then, then it's xmas, although there's always the New Year if all else fails.
  7. Hi guys. I've been living with a central locking fault for a while now where the drivers door doesn't always lock via the alarm fob. I originally put this down to a dodgy drivers soleniod, but finally changed this today, only to find the the fault had not gone. The only other thing that I can think could cause this problem is the central locking control module which lives in the recess under the passengar seat. I tried a VAG-COM check, but it found nothing wrong. Can anyone please let me fit their module in my car as it's a 10 minute swap and would save me from buying a
  8. Cheers guys. I thought I'd check as a chrome grille for the Mk2 from FPUK is
  9. As title. http://i5.ebayimg.com/02/i/08/ae/a6/7b_1.JPG It's advertised as being for the Galaxy, but I'm not so sure???
  10. Just to add to that. I managed to remove my door handle today by removing one of the torx bolts on the edge of the door above the latch, this then allowed me to slide the handle towards the front of the car before pulling it away from the car. All I had to do then was to undo the bolts for the solenoid which allowed the handle to come away from the car completely. Swapping the handles over cured my problem with the locks, although I still need to buy a drivers solenoid (
  11. That's quality. I should be able to pinpoint which part I need and buy it from VW now :ph34r: Can't see how to remove my old external door handle though.
  12. Hi guys Me and the missus have just bought a Labrador and want to be able to cart him to places in the Galaxy, but the dog guards and mat s on Ebay are over priced and pretty poor. Ideas anyone?
  13. Mine has broke on the drivers door too. I broke it when removing my soleniod as it stopped working. How does the handle remove as I may as well swap them over if it's an easy DIY.
  14. By black box he means the ignition switch, but you definately need to get a multimeter to the stereo supply wires and check the permanent and ignition supplies. If one of them is dead then let us know and we can tell you what to check. I had a similar problem on my '52 plate Galaxy where it would only stay on for 1 hour even when driving. Turned out to be a blown ignition supply fuse caused by a dodgy FM headphone transitter that I fitted in the boot after tapping into the supply wire (silly me left the charger wire hanging and it shorted out).
  15. Hi guys. I've tried the search engine to see if this has been asked before but with no results. The topic of a for sale fourm may have been discussed before but I couldn't find one so I'll make one :) I have a some parts for sale that I would like to make fellow Galaxy owners aware of, but don't know if I can do it here. I created some Ebay auctions at http://search.ebay.co.uk/_W0QQsassZcrazy_fantaQQhtZ-1 (Mods: delete link if innappropriate) for some screens, a rear bumper bar, roof racks & generall ICE, but wondered where best to advertise them. Answers on a post card as they say!
  16. I've got a dark grey roof screen (around a 6") for sale too,
  17. You can see how I installed the screen on the thread at http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...t=ST&f=4&t=7965. It's a 7" Panasonic screen that uses an AV switching box mounted behind one of the rear side trims and is fed from a Navigation system under the passengar seat and a Panasonic DVD player in the o/s rear compartment where the CD changer used to live. The screen, Sat Nav & DVD player were all bought second hand on Ebay as I know these inside out and already have the same Sat Nav in my other car. Plus I knew that they could all be operated via their remote controls through the screen as the Panasonic screen can loop the IR reomte signals through the cables to each of the DVD units. I don't have any other screens in the Galxay yet, but plan to fit some eventually in the front headrests for the passengars. At the risk of this sounding like a sales pitch, it just so happens that I have a couple of screens that I'm about to sell too. One is a Panasonic 4.8" screen used for SatNav that I removed from my other car yesterday to fit a motorised one, i'd sell it for
  18. Is that screen on a hinge? does it fold flat?? Yes mate. The compartment lid is double skinned so I riveted a couple of hinges to it after riveting them to the back of the screen (with the rear case removed obviously).
  19. Cheers, makes you wonder why they didn't do that in the first place :)
  20. Could you post a picture by any chance as I've got a motorised LCD headunit to go in there and I wouldn't mind installing my DVD player in there too.
  21. 7" enough sir <_< http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-1/1136064/p1010599.JPG
  22. I'll need to have a proper look at the wiring that I ran to the boot as they need an ignition live to turn them off when I take the key out, but I've been taking the permanent live from the cigarette lighter socket in the boot, I just can't remember if any of the ICE takes it's main supply from the ignition live or just uses it to switch them on & off.
  23. not a problem, thanks for the help. the missus nearly blew a fuse when the whole lot went down. I suppose it's my fault for tapping into a 3 amp supply though.
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