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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. ive had the whoe shebang the last 24 hours,.i literally crawled into the chemist earlier...didnt even object when it cost me 30 quid to get stuff that should have cost less than a tenner.Sinex decongestant capsules are doing there job at the mo ( damn good stuff ).Was only when i got home that i realised why it all cost 30 quid..kids had dumped stuff on the counter and i didnt even realise.Damn them chemists that sell toys. my ears were exploding, my head felt like it was being hit by a claw hammer, my nose was a tap permanantly turned on, eyes were streaming, throat burning, and my kids hid from me.All till the sinex kicked in..now im a nice mummy again :16:
  2. wish it was 95p a bloody litre round here.Its good in theory but i dont think it will ever hit the 69p a litre mark.Had this email several times, and i fill up at tesco anyway as is way cheaper than anywhere else.specially with money off vouchers :16:
  3. New section is sorted for now...
  4. sorry, hadnt got round to posting links to where i moved stuff as still sorting out the new section.
  5. Twas moi that took 3 days........i admit it was a long time, but i didnt have the time to work on it constantly as i have 4 wee uns to take care of aswell.Plus i took it slow as i didnt want to break it :16: Besides, one of my spindles was well and truely seized and that was what took me so long.
  6. whose sig???..mine??....havent touched yours........I don't do things like that :lol: :(
  7. Cold getting you down hun?feeling like death are we???..have a nice cup of hot sweet tea. :lol:
  8. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...cute!
  9. you can either make a couple more posts as you are still a trainee, OR you can click on options on the top right of the topic and download the topic. Some topics the pics are missing if the person who has posted the pics has deleted them in their control panal or from where ever they are hosted.
  10. It was requested by a few of the MKIII owners if this could be done.I consulted with the other mods and it was agreed it should go ahead . If we find what you say happens then it can be integrated back into the rest of the forum. I have faith that owners of all or a couple of the varients will cover the whole of the forum like i do.I just click on view new posts then all new posts from all sections will appear. Any changes i make can be undone.I am not trying to seperate the MKIII owners from the other varients, just give them a section where they can see what is going on with a still relatively new vehicle, where all the problems they are having are in one place without having to search the thousands of other threads to do with the othe MKs. I thought i was helping them . im off to bed as i really dont feel well at all.will deal with all this in the morning when my head is hopefully back to normal. nite all. bloody hard to type when sneezing snot all over the keyboard!
  11. ok...will do...tomorrow as im shattered right now
  12. Just in case you cant find it...here you go... http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showforum=174
  13. Thanks hun.....nearly lost it all for a moment :lol: wot you mean regardless of what everyone else said?? :(
  14. I have created a new MKIII forum, i have as yet to move all the topics out of the original section which i dumped in the new forum, so please bear with me for a while till its done. It will in time expand to include other catagories, .
  15. gerrit yerself, you know where the kitchen is :lol: ...besides, im currently useing up the worlds tissue mountain :(
  16. well..try having the cold i have, head pounding, nose has turned into a tap that wont turn off, constantly sneezing which buggers up playing tetris, throat that feels like it has a feather stuck in it and it hurts like hell to smoke..but..i perservere! :lol:
  17. LMFAO..that is brilliant..god, better not let my kids read it though!! :blink:
  18. awwwwww diddums.....does kevywevy need a little soupywoopy and a widdle cloffy to mop his poor fevered brow? :blink:
  19. Good pics there katman,,,must say its been bloomin cold and windy here today and the sun has been shineing all day.
  20. :( :blink: lord..sooo funny that its only just been picked up that you two have been saying 31 days in sept...Now remember boys.. 30 days have september, april june and november, ............
  21. A very long time ago but yep :blink:
  22. umm..what weather warning? :blink: edit: just read the news..heck...
  23. WElcome to the madhouse, your mrs has good taste :P
  24. Sh1t..knew there was something needing changing on the veccy soon...last changed at 52k miles, she is now on umm...104k miles.Blimey....done 6k miles in 5 months.oops.
  25. Ah but so could any car you buy...
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