ours was a timing belt..to be changed at 40k....only 2 yrs of galaxys were to be changed at 40k..the rest at 60k....the 2 yrs of galaxys were found to have their belts snapping around 40k thats why it was changed(so ive been told)think it was the 2000 and 2001.
vr6....cc flashing...ours has done this for a while now.....but it soon stops and then works fine.........i take it this means a fault ???(sounding silly now) :rolleyes:
lap of the gods i think...the alternator cable a higher resistance (or summit)..once it has overheated once. the first time it happened it melted a loom which needed replaceing..this time its off road...not sure if the alternator went first or the fuse this time...either way..the diode pack is burnt out...i got a new alt for
Oh what a familiar sight!!!! :D *sigh*..........looks just like my baby....*sigh* you lucky...my alternator gone now...my main fuse feed box has looked like that twice in less than 2 months.just forked out for another alternator(read all me posts...youll find this is a subject close to my heart) :D
did you big d????never thought of that..mind you..mine all fight over who gets to sit where....love it when they sit in the back as you cant hear em!! :lol:
i know that if you click on your name than you can select the option to see all the posts that you have done....but as to replies...you may just have to go thru each section/topic. :wub:
reminds me...have not as yet recieved my TIS cd...must get in touch with the seller.. :D Got to get the car on the road before anything else i guess...cant do much with a dead car! :wub: :D