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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. What affect will this have on the maf please if any???? the above is what i asked....i know what i need to do to sort the maf out. I have the correct tool..i had it when i fitted the maf when i first did it..and i never had a problem with the screws coming loose till that bloody service. Neil can vouch for that as he helped me fit it.
  2. tell you what..ill take a bloody picture...imagining????am i hell.im not stupid nor thick..i know what my maf looks like and i can see the bloody screws hanging out..i have tightened them but they work loose.so tell me....what next.How dare you say i am imagining things. Had it..had enough...all i wanted to know was the effect it would have on the maf...im tired..witnessed a crash..given statements till im blue in the face....imagining??????...i f****** wish......
  3. Well...A good evening ended disastrously.. Maf..loose at both ends...screws wont stay in......i havent replaced the screws at all and yes fitted right way...pushed maf back on to pipe end......discovered that my O ring is missing from other end...it was there...i know it was.now its not.vanished.gone.poof.i am assumeing that it was not put back when serviced.....
  4. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...wtopic=8337&hl= Sorry gooner....thought it had been done before!!:D...no worries though.;) Be interesting though as we do have a lot more members than what we did when it was first done.
  5. you have to put a full stop after any 3 letter words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..in the search engine. ;) :D
  6. sorry should have made myself clear..was the washer bottle i filled up..oops! as for the maf....the two screw thingies that hold it on keep working loose..been to see Keith and he cant do anything till Thurs morn..he had a quick look and he thinks that they are cross threaded that is why they are working loose. I know that unfiltered air will be going through which i am not happy about. Sorry was in a rush this morn..didnt make myself very clear did i.. ;) Knew there was a prob this morn on the school run as it had no guts. Hes also going to give the car a once over to make sure all is ok for the trip on sat.
  7. Ok..another trip to the garage now im afraid...my MAF keeps working loose checked it this morn and it is practically off..the gap between the pipe and the maf is about 1cm.....(clip end bit)... What affect will this have on the maf please if any???? thanks. marian. Oh...just filled the water bottle as i had the light on..took well over 3 litres!!..didnt realise it was that big!!!!
  8. Well guys and gals...only a few days to go......time to prep the gal...check that you are taking all you need.... my list consists of tent..booze..and paperwork!!.Oh and a sleeping bag of course. plus all the cloths and polishing stuff etcc....then there is the plates.....hmmm..getting longer here.. Anyway...look forward to seeing those that are going on stand..and for any of you that may decide to pop up for a gander.All are welcome. Any last questions then please pm me....Any newbies that have joined in the last few days and want to go..i do have a couple of spare stand passes.Just pm me. Regards, Marian.
  9. ermm...can i ask who are cheech and chong????...before my time perhaps...???? *ducks, runs and hides!*
  10. Welcome to the fantasy realm of the Ford Galaxy....we are a friendly bunch.......(mostly) :D Gregers has a zaffy..... :25: :D :P ...welll.....we dont discriminate on here..each to their own! :D Enjoy your stay here..the forum does not accept liability once you become addicted and ignore the world around you! :D :D :D
  11. Wow..i overfilled mine and had to errr...suck some out!!.Was lucky that i did no damage and it had only been a couple of days i think
  12. Ok...after taking advice, i am closeing this thread.If you would like to add to it then please pm me. I am sorry to do this but it is getting out of hand and now peeps are editing their posts, Marian.
  13. You insulted me. Enough now. People can interpret what you write in so many different ways,I would suggest that you read the forum guidelines .
  14. Humour....i dont think so, It is not good to insult the people you are asking to help you.As they will be disinclined to help you anymore. Marian.
  15. That is enough Tanner.....we are trying to help you...most of us are not qualified mechanics but we do the best we can with the help we get from this forum..seatkid knows more than most and has helped many on here includeing me. As for me screaming safety on the roads..i dont want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. As for treating women that way..you get used to it on here..they dont pussy foot around us women on here just because we are female.Yes they are more patient...but they treat us like one of the lads. With any dealings with anyone in regards to who you speak to or work on the car....GET IT IN WRITING!!!!!..STANDARD..you have nothing if you havent. Yes i know what garages are like dealing with women..but you have to perservere and not get abusive. (pot calling kettle here!!) And as for legal advice unless fault is diagnosed..thats piffle. The insults stop here.Any more and i will start issueing warnings to whoever throws them. I understand you are upset Tanner.... But we are trying to help you. Marian.Moderator.
  16. Then i dont know..i sometimes get an error message if it is too big or the wrong type.
  17. Hmm...i had to read this several times before i could actually grasp what you are saying.....not because i couldnt understand it..but because green is not exactly an easy colour to read for me. As i understand warranties....they cover x amount of time or x amount of miles..Taxis are a different kettle of fish altogether. To be honest i cant believe that you are driving the car when you know it is faulty.Wont this invalidate your insurance??As you know that you are driving a car which has a fault which may be dangerous to other road users if you have an accident? Why have you not engaged the services of a solicitor???All well and good to involve trading standards...But i do hope that you have a written record of everything that concerns the car..phone calls..work etc.... But....i am with seatkid on this one. I must admit that i have had experiance of driving a car with a fault when i have been told there wasnt one.End result was that i hit a tree when the car decided to not respond.Now i have a war going on with 3 garages including a Ford one , all wrangling over why the other garages didnt pick up on the fault.That is all in the hands of my solicitors.My steering pump was requested and replaced and the faulty one sent away to be examined at Fords request. That is why i cant believe that you are driving the car knowing that there is a fault.Dont do it.I was lucky..you may not be.
  18. Hmm..i like Lee Evans...Chubby Brown and Billy Conolly...all are my faves!! :lol:
  19. anyone?
  20. what on earth!!
  21. Do you get an error message come up at all?
  22. Well i emailed the guy and the wheels came off a mkII face lift one. 51 plate. hi mate the tyres are 215/55 16 the wheels and tyres came off a 2001 model (51 reg)
  23. please excuse my stupidity..but these are alloys????..the word rim confuses me as i thought rims were ones you clipped on?????? Hmmm....Ask him a question if you are not sure..but i would imagine that would only fit a facelift model....dont quote me on it though!!
  24. Have you got a link please???? They are for the facelift as i have them on mine.. pretty please for a link
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